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作者 標題 [新聞] "驚奇四超人"重開機選角公佈
時間 Thu Feb 20 14:11:06 2014
Gannett qtr. up | Variety
Gannett Co. earnings grew 18.7% to $ 78.7 million in the first quarter of this year. ...
Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman - Jessica Alba - Kate Mara
Reid Richards/Mr. Fantastic - Ioan Gruffudd - Miles Teller
Ben Grimm/The Thing - Michael Chiklis - Jemie Bell
Johnny Storm/The Human Torch - Chris Evans - Michael B. Jordan
After a final rewrite to the script and a long casting process, Fox looks to
have assembled the team for its “Fantastic Four” reboot.
Miles Teller, Kate Mara and Jamie Bell will join Michael B. Jordan in the
latest installment in the comicbook franchise.
Mara recently closed a deal to play play Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman. While
no offer is out yet, Bell is expected to be tapped to play Ben Grimm/The
Thing. Teller has an offer to play Reid Richards/Mr. Fantastic, but deal
points are a little further away from being completed.
Teller and Mara have been on Fox’s radar since they were expected to test in
November — events that were pushed when Simon Kinberg came on for the last
polish on the script.
Bell came into the mix after Fox resumed screen tests.
Jordan has been attached for some time to play Johnny Storm/The Human Torch.
Based on the comic “The Ultimate Fantastic Four,” the contemporary update
will focus on the characters as young men and women. Josh Trank will helm the
pic with Kinberg, Matthew Vaughn and Gregory Goodman serving as producers.
With its four leads on board, Fox will now try to find its villain and hopes
to test a handful of actors in the coming weeks.
“The Fantastic Four” is slated to bow June 19, 2015.
Teller is repped by CAA, Mara and Bell are repped by UTA and Jordan is repped
by WME.
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◆ From:
→ :Michael Jordan as 霹靂火 (誤1F 02/20 14:13
推 :新版藏了一位英國奧斯卡影帝2F 02/20 14:16
推 :重開機的蜘蛛人也沒人看好啊,但就是好看!3F 02/20 14:18
推 :重開機的蜘蛛人有Emma 完全不一樣4F 02/20 14:21
推 :Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan是這兩年日舞影展大紅人5F 02/20 14:33
推 :太扯了 兩姊弟怎麼會是黑白人...6F 02/20 14:35
推 :1.同父異母 2.領養的7F 02/20 14:38
推 :燒黑的8F 02/20 14:40
推 :是Jamie Bell耶~ 不過Miles Teller適合演這種片嗎?9F 02/20 14:49
推 :演員可以捧紅 主要還是電影好不好看10F 02/20 14:59
→ :導演也是新人,才導過"超能失控"11F 02/20 15:01
推 :驚奇四超人重開機之前就不怎麼樣了... 1&2 imdb都不到612F 02/20 15:02
→ :這樣居然還可以繼續拍...
→ :不過換個方向想 這樣reboot應該很容易就比之前的好看 XD
→ :這樣居然還可以繼續拍...
→ :不過換個方向想 這樣reboot應該很容易就比之前的好看 XD
推 :真期待Kate Mara穿制服15F 02/20 15:25
推 :有可能在復仇者聯盟3出現嗎16F 02/20 15:45
推 :想看Kate Mara穿制服的可以去看Zoom(笑17F 02/20 15:49
→ :姊弟種族真的不一了我的天wwww18F 02/20 15:51
推 :Kate Mara在House of cards裡超正的!!>////<19F 02/20 16:01
推 :舊版蜘蛛人男女主角都很醜..20F 02/20 16:16
推 :傑米貝爾演石頭人...!?21F 02/20 16:19
推 :整天重開機,好萊烏是中病毒了嗎?22F 02/20 16:52
推 :沒梗了~只好什麼都重開機23F 02/20 17:07
→ :沒辦法,現在已經是WIN8.1的時代了,不重開機無法更新24F 02/20 17:17
→ :Jemie Bell演石頭人?已經不是健身增肥的問題了吧?25F 02/20 17:35
→ :好萊塢餵什麼,觀眾就吃什麼....只要不是新的26F 02/20 17:55
推 :重開機的蜘蛛人一點都不魯...不想看27F 02/20 18:47
推 :不得不說 原版的選角真的非常好28F 02/20 18:56
噓 :縮址不會唷29F 02/20 19:44
推 :之前那版選角不錯 但跟新版一比 舊版變神作!30F 02/20 20:04
推 :Michael Chiklis的Ben超棒!31F 02/20 20:36
→ :...Jemie Bell那個我無法接受,有種特地賣帥哥賣肉的感覺
推 :不過連X-MEN的 Beast都可以被搞成竹竿了,這我也不意外了..
→ :...Jemie Bell那個我無法接受,有種特地賣帥哥賣肉的感覺
推 :不過連X-MEN的 Beast都可以被搞成竹竿了,這我也不意外了..
推 :姊弟一黑一白www是準備要吃書了嗎?34F 02/20 21:51
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