※ 本文為 topchris.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-20 11:59:08
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作者 標題 [討論] Ant-Man 演員官方確認
時間 Fri Dec 20 10:44:48 2013
Paul Rudd Set to Star in Marvel's Ant-Man | News | Marvel.com The actor set to debut as Marvel's newest big screen hero July 31, 2015! ...
Marvel 剛剛發布消息
It's official! Paul Rudd is set to star in Marvel's "Ant-Man," coming July
31, 2015!
Paul Rudd (大明星世界末日)
Paul Rudd - IMDb
Paul Rudd, Actor: Role Models. Paul Stephen Rudd was born in Passaic, New Jersey. His parents, Michael and Gloria, both from Jewish families, were born in the U.K. He has one sister, Julie, who is three years younger than he is. Paul traveled with his family during his early years, because of his fa ...
Paul Rudd, Actor: Role Models. Paul Stephen Rudd was born in Passaic, New Jersey. His parents, Michael and Gloria, both from Jewish families, were born in the U.K. He has one sister, Julie, who is three years younger than he is. Paul traveled with his family during his early years, because of his fa ...
導演拍喜劇 演員演喜劇XD
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