※ 本文為 topchris.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-04 09:52:24
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作者 標題 [討論] 蜘蛛人:英雄再起 五張新劇照
時間 Wed Dec 4 06:11:43 2013
Five Spectacular New Stills From THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Released
Sony Pictures have released five new stills from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, featuring new shots of Spidey in battle with a fully powered up Electro - he will indeed be able to turn himself into electricity - and the human Aleksei Sytsevich! Hit the jump to check them out. ...
Sony Pictures have released five new stills from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, featuring new shots of Spidey in battle with a fully powered up Electro - he will indeed be able to turn himself into electricity - and the human Aleksei Sytsevich! Hit the jump to check them out. ...
有蜘蛛人 vs. 電光人、電光人、電光人巢穴等圖
有蜘蛛人 vs. 電光人、電光人、電光人巢穴等圖
Timeline Photos - The Amazing Spider-Man | Facebook
His Greatest Battle Begins...check out the in-theater banner for #TheAmazingSpiderMan 2 and watch Spidey swing into action this Thursday in the worldwide trailer premiere!
His Greatest Battle Begins...check out the in-theater banner for #TheAmazingSpiderMan 2 and watch Spidey swing into action this Thursday in the worldwide trailer premiere!
綠惡魔看起來有點像是哈利奧斯朋,然後這犀牛比 Ultimate 世界的機器盔甲還誇張XD
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :第一張電光人那表情也太好笑XD1F 12/04 06:50
推 :洛克人2F 12/04 08:48
推 :Motherfucker Electro!3F 12/04 08:53
推 :我也覺得是Dane DeHaan 要Chris Cooper飛來飛去好像有點累XD4F 12/04 09:20
※ 看板: CookyCat 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 130
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