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看板 China
作者 fengkuang (新使用者)
標題 中国反腐打大老虎 美国人的评论!!!(转载)
時間 2014年07月03日 Thu. AM 08:57:06

中国反腐打大老虎 美国人的评论!!!


  The day we start cracking down on our politicians, we will be left with no US Congress.


  We would not have any politicians left if an investigation of this magnitude would happen to our government.


  Just imagine if all of the corrupt Obama administration officials were expelled; there wouldn't be anyone left!






  Corruptions have been around in every corner of the world since human's existence. So what's the big deal for you to post your idiotic comments.


  Absolute power corrupts. The longer anyone retains absolute power, the more corrupt they will become. We see this in everyday political life here in the USA and in other countries.

  The difference between China and the USA? The Chinese general might be killed. A US general would be retired.



In the San Francisco Bay area corrupt FBI and DEA agents are running a theft ring. They fabricate evidence and steal from their suspects.

  If you complain or become a whistle blower, watch out because they will hit you with every thing their government office has to offer.



  If I didn't know any better I'd think this was Barack Obama's regime.

  Certainly, their system is vastly different from ours, but you must they get things done with a minimum of wasted effort. Obviously, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but you have to respect it. And respect for their culture is the best approach to understanding.


  they need to do this for the government and all the CEO etc in America too.
  米尔军事论坛 bbs.miercn.com


  People don't care about the candidates, they all care about the parties. If Hitler and Mussolini is running for Democrats, they will vote for them and the same thing goes with the Republicans.


I usually bash China, but this, is a few times I applaud them. If the Philippine military is investigated, not even junior officers will remain.

  When the Philippines lost control of the Scarborough Shoal, not one Naval Officer were brought to court martial. Nobody resigned or hanged for cowardice. Shame.



  It is embarrassing when Chinese leaders crack down on corruption, and the idiot leader we have escalates it.


Corruption in government? Say it isn't so !!

  www.miercn.com 爱国交流理性平台

  Off with his head. If we did this in the U.S., we'd have 536 headless people in Washington.


  Oh so in China they penalize there politicians and in American we just ignore our corruption and let them take millions in bribes to sell Americans short. Be Well


Send that prosecutor (from China) to the U.S. and give him A.G.Eric Holder's job, maybe they could clean up our corrupt Obama administration. Obama makes those Chinese generals look like shop lifters.

  Obama and Hillary are on the verge of bringing down our entire government with their lies and policies.

  让那些中国的检察官来美国干A.G.Eric Holder的活吧,或许真的可以扫荡腐败的奥巴马政府,在奥巴马面前那些中国官员简直就是乳臭未干的小毛贼


  This is the guy who actually ran the entire Chinese military


I wonder if their president could come over here and clean house in our government on his spare time, on second thought that would take a full time job.


  At least the Chinese Government is actually doing something about corrupted. I wonder how much of the US government is corrupted?


  The difference between us and them is that they will execute publicly those involved in any corruption that is not beneficial to the state, while we simply let those caught retire with a full pension and portray them as heroes or something.


Why don't we do something like this here? If we sold tickets to the hanging of Pelosi, Reid and a few others, I bet we could pay off the national debt.


  If we did this, the US Government would drop by 2 Million Employees


  Here we have corrupt congressmen, there they have corrupt Generals


I never understand why older people dye their hair black. It is so obvious and looks strange.


  When Americans enter you country, you will inherit their corruption and greed.


  Our entire government needs to be arrested for the fleecing of our country!


I wonder if their president could come over here and clean house in our government on his spare time, on second thought that would take a full time job.

  Send that prosecutor (from China) to the U.S. and give him A.G.Eric Holder's job, maybe they could clean up our corrupt Obama administration. Obama makes those Chinese generals look like shop lifters.

  Obama and Hillary are on the verge of bringing down our entire government with their lies and policies.

  让那些中国的检察官来美国干A.G.Eric Holder的活吧,或许真的可以扫荡腐败的奥巴马政府,在奥巴马面前那些中国官员简直就是乳臭未干的小毛贼


※ 作者: fengkuang 時間: 2014-07-03 08:57:06
※ 看板: China 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 243 
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1樓 時間: 2014-07-04 08:39:23 (中國)
  07-04 08:39 CN
中国不是地狱, 美国也不是天堂
2樓 時間: 2014-07-04 08:44:17 (中國)
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到哪里都是看个人的努力和机遇啊~~有准备的人,勇敢的人,敢冒险的人,在哪里都会高人一等· !各位学子们,有时间就好好学习吧~别跟着太阳花到处冒傻气了~~~还记得那句话“一将成名,万骨枯”.....会有成功人士的,也会有更多的人成为枯骨的~~
3樓 時間: 2014-07-04 08:46:39 (中國)
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F兄, 你这话有点教条。
4樓 時間: 2014-07-04 08:52:12 (中國)
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5樓 時間: 2014-07-04 08:53:49 (中國)
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10樓 時間: 2014-07-04 17:07:31 (中國)
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tg419 话说的婉转点啊~~~这么直接会招人恨的· ~~~~
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