※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-23 15:53:15
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作者 標題 [新聞] 美國Lexus NX避震器可能分離,但暫無解
時間 Sat Apr 23 12:24:33 2022
Lexus recalls 4,200 NX crossovers due to missing welds
Lexus is recalling 4,215 units of the 2022 NX due to missing spot-welds near the front shock absorbers, though it estimates only 1% are affected. ...
Lexus May Have Missed Spot Welds On The Shock Mounting Points Of Some 2022 NX SUVs | Carscoops
Welding machines in the factory may have erroneously "believed" that their job had already been done ...
1、Lexus recalls 4,200 NX crossovers due to missing welds
Documents published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) explain that some spot-welds might have been missed during the
production process. They're located around the mounting areas for the front
shock absorbers. Leaving out these welds can cause some of the other welds
and the surrounding panels to weaken or crack over time, which could in turn
make it possible for the front shock absorbers to separate from their
mounting area. This would increase the risk of a crash by causing the driver
to lose control of the vehicle.
美國國家公路交通安全管理局揭示Lexus NX製程中在前避震器安裝處遺漏的點焊,長期將使周邊焊點弱化或崩裂,最後可能導致避震器從安裝處分離,增加行車失控的車禍風險。
It will begin notifying owners of potentially affected vehicles by mail on June 6, 2022. They'll be asked to
take their NX to an authorized dealer so that a mechanic can check for
missing welds. Lexus is still developing a solution to the problem.
2、Lexus May Have Missed Spot Welds On The Shock Mounting Points Of Some 2022 NX
These vehicles are constructed using body panels that are spot welded to the
left and right of the front shock absorber mounting areas. During the
assembly of these panels, some of the spot welds may have been missed,
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) documents indicate.
If the welds were missed, cracks and breakages may occur on other spot welds
and in the body panels around the front shock mounting points. Under
long-term use, this could eventually lead the shock absorber to separate from
the mounting area, which would severely impact a driver’s control over the
vehicle and increase the risk of a crash.
As part of this recall, the vehicle owners will be asked to return their NXs
to a nearby dealership where they will be inspected for the missing welds.
The automaker does not, however, currently have a remedy for the issue and is
currently working to find one.
Lexus NX 身為豪華車指標,在美國竟發生這種製程疏失,且目前還沒有想出解決之道。讓人對日系車的妥善神話打上問號。不知道車板車友怎麼看?
但肯召回研究對策就是負責,Lexus應該會繼續熱賣 NO.1。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YOt-5uH (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1650687877.A.E11.html
※ 編輯: caeasonfb ( 臺灣), 04/23/2022 12:25:30
推 : 個案1F 04/23 12:25
推 : 樓下LexusNo12F 04/23 12:27
推 : 車版反指標,現實買的人根本不care3F 04/23 12:29
推 : Lexusno14F 04/23 12:31
推 : 上課7F 04/23 12:45
→ : 那就不能裝拉桿了8F 04/23 12:46
推 : 慘...9F 04/23 12:50
推 : 歪L粉裝死 繼續酸他牌妥善差 上課10F 04/23 12:57
推 : 專注完美…..笑死人11F 04/23 13:02
推 : 個案/他國事務/了不起負責/不是買不起雙B好嗎12F 04/23 13:02
推 : BMW假扮的吧13F 04/23 13:05
推 : 冰淇淋才是本體,繼續大賣14F 04/23 13:07
推 : 反指標酸民跟業務高潮,可惜下個月還是賣翻xddd15F 04/23 13:11
推 : Lexus的slogan不用專注完美已經很久了16F 04/23 13:15
推 : 邊開車邊修 才是愛車族啊17F 04/23 13:20
推 : 學VW Skoda把它拆了不會膩。笑死18F 04/23 13:25
推 : 反正美國LEXUS也沒有賣得多好啊,完全賣不過特斯拉19F 04/23 13:26
→ : 跟德國車。
→ : 跟德國車。
推 : VAG:我東西包了 Lexus:我也包了 VAG:我拆掉不修21F 04/23 13:31
→ : Lexus:我也拆...?
→ : Lexus:我也拆...?
推 : 還好吧!避震器噴飛車子還是能動!不然你要買福特23F 04/23 13:33
→ : 嗎
→ : 嗎
推 : 台灣特規NX200沒有問題 大家可以收工回家了25F 04/23 13:36
推 : 沒差 反正以豐田駕駛的標準來說 只要車子能動就好26F 04/23 13:38
推 : 自動升級跳跳車超hiphop27F 04/23 13:38
推 : 台灣特低規NX200車沒事28F 04/23 13:47
推 : 那隻賊不意外29F 04/23 13:51
推 : pwctw 要酸也做點功課XD LEXUS在美國是賣贏賓士30F 04/23 13:59
→ : 特斯拉是第二 但是特斯拉明年應該會變第一
→ : 特斯拉是第二 但是特斯拉明年應該會變第一
推 : 這時候就不見LexusNo1出來吠了32F 04/23 14:07
→ : 引擎飾蓋嚴重多了 這什麼小事 個案啦33F 04/23 14:13
→ : 還好吧 反正NX都慢慢開很安全 不用大驚小怪34F 04/23 14:20
噓 : 大驚小怪,避震器壞掉而已,難道你要上課喔?!35F 04/23 14:34
推 : 五樓資深36F 04/23 14:46
→ : 台灣有專門規格,跟RAV一樣的料沒問題吧37F 04/23 15:19
推 : 噁心的業務38F 04/23 15:32
→ : 我不是說樓主,我是說這邊的業務
→ : 我不是說樓主,我是說這邊的業務
※ 看板: Car 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 78
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