※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-03 11:33:29
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作者 標題 [新聞] 特斯拉決定召回2018以前的S/X多媒體晶片
時間 Tue Feb 2 21:30:16 2021
"Tesla finally 'voluntarily' recalls Model S/X with touchscreen problem after
getting arm twisted by NHTSA - Electrek"
Tesla finally 'voluntarily' recalls Model S/X with touchscreen problem after getting arm twisted by NHTSA - Electrek
Tesla announced that it will finally “voluntarily'” recall all Model S and Model X vehicles with touchscreen problems due to the eMMC issue in the med ...
Tesla announced that it will finally “voluntarily'” recall all Model S and M
odel X vehicles with touchscreen problems due to the eMMC issue in the media u
nit after getting pressured by NHTSA to do so.
特斯拉宣布主動召回 NHTSA 所施壓的 Model S 和 Model X 觸控螢幕多媒體晶片問題。
Tesla eMMC defect
Tesla eMMC defect
Owners of older Tesla Model S and Model X vehicles have been reporting some is
sues with their MCUs.
舊有 Model S 與 Model X 車主最近幾年開始發現車上的媒體控制器(車機)會出現問題
The touchscreen becomes less responsive, the power-up time becomes longer, the
screen freezes and has to be rebooted, or there is even total failure of the
MCU unit.
Some owners believe that it is a problem with the embedded multimedia-card mem
ory (eMMC) in the MCU and that it is being overwritten to the point of failure
It has been known as the “eMMC failure” problem.
Tesla introduced a new MCU in 2018 that doesn’t have the same problem, but ow
ners of older (2012 to March 2018) vehicles are still experiencing the problem
and having to replace the unit out of warranty, despite seeing Tesla’s mista
ke as the source of the problem instead of a normal issue that occurs over tim
Last year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration?(NHTSA) said tha
t it has launched an official investigation into the matter, and earlier this
month, the regulators officially asked Tesla to recall the affected vehicles.
去年美國國家高速公路安全局 NHTSA 宣布會啟動正式調查,結論是上個月開始要求特斯
The agency confirmed that it met with Tesla over the issue and evaluated all t
he information, but it determined that losing capacity of the MCU is a safety
issue since a lot of important functions go through the system such as windshi
eld defogging, audible chimes, and even turn signals can be impacted.
The automaker confirmed to the agency that there’s a defect rate of up to 30%
on some built months ago, and that eventually all media units will break over
the eMMC overwriting problem.
Tesla has been resisting the recall by trying to offer an extended warranty, a
nd as we recently reported, we believed it was likely that NHTSA ended up forc
ing it on the automaker.
特斯拉之前想靠加長保固來避免召回,但最後還是被 NHTSA 要求召回。
Tesla finally recalls the Model S and Model X over the issue
Today, Tesla started contacting owners of Model S and Model X vehicles with th
e problematic eMMC to confirm that there’s going to be a recall:
今日特斯拉開始通知相關的 Model S 與 Model X 車主有關此召回的訊息:
Tesla has decided to voluntarily recall certain Model S and Model X vehicles b
uilt before March 2018 that are equipped with an 8GB embedded MultiMediaCard (
eMMC) in the media control unit because the eMMC may malfunction due to accumu
lated wear. Our records show that you own a Model S or Model X affected by thi
s recall.
特斯拉決定主動召回 2018 年三月以前製造,配有 8GB 多媒體晶片車機的 Model S 與 M
odel X,因為多媒體晶片可能因為累積耗損而故障。我們的資料顯示您為此次召回的車主
odel X,因為多媒體晶片可能因為累積耗損而故障。我們的資料顯示您為此次召回的車主
In the email obtained by Electrek, Tesla confirmed that it recently pushed a s
oftware update that helped retain most of the functionalities that were the ma
in concerns for NHTSA.
電車網媒 Electrek 得到的郵件顯示,特斯拉已經發出了一個軟體更新,能緊急恢復 NHT
SA 所擔心會因為這個晶片失效可能影響的功能。
Tesla wrote:
If your vehicle is operating software release 2020.48.12 or newer and the eMMC
malfunctions, then the rearview backup camera will remain available, the ext
erior turn signal lighting will remain functional, and the windshield defoggin
g and defrosting controls will automatically default to a preset cabin tempera
ture to ensure windshield visibility. If your vehicle is operating software ol
der than 2020.48.12 and the eMMC malfunctions, then you may lose these functio
nalities. Please ensure that your vehicle is operating software release 2020.4
8.12 or a newer release. To find your current software release, complete an up
date or review a list of possible malfunctions, please visit our Support page.
If the touchscreen is unavailable, then please perform a shoulder check and u
se your mirrors to back up safely.
However, the automaker is still going to perform a recall on the defective par
Tesla writes in the email to affected owners:
Additionally, Tesla will upgrade, free of charge, the eMMC on your vehicle wit
h an enhanced 64GB eMMC. There is no need at this time to contact us as we wil
l notify you when the parts become available. We kindly ask that you do not sc
hedule a service appointment unless you receive a vehicle alert signaling memo
ry storage device degradation or are actively experiencing a persistent blank
center display that does not recover after restarting the touchscreen. If youa
lready paid for repairs that addressed the condition covered by this recall, y
ou may be eligible for reimbursement. Tesla will share details about reimburse
ment and eligibility by the end of March 2021.
另外,特斯拉會免費幫您升級多媒體晶片到新款 64GB 版本。目前您不需要主動聯絡我們
There could be over 100,000 Model S and Model X vehicles to be recalled.
此次召回的 Model S 與 Model X 可能超過十萬台。
However, the automaker has also been offering complete MCU upgrades, which fix
es the problem and gives owners more features, and that could result in lower
如車上遊戲、YouTube/Netflix/Twitch、哨兵模式、行車記錄器、支援 5GHz WiFi 等。
如車上遊戲、YouTube/Netflix/Twitch、哨兵模式、行車記錄器、支援 5GHz WiFi 等。
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推 : 幾小時前我就已先發在股票板了1F 02/02 21:32
剛剛在跟同事聊天所以發的晚了,而且你又沒有翻譯全文當然比較快。※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/02/2021 21:43:31
推 : 用三星的晶片?2F 02/02 21:35
推 : 新版本是怎麼解決這問題的啊?3F 02/02 21:35
用更大的容量啊,我自己的車好像是 32GB。如果8GB大概3-4年出問題,那32GB就可延長到12-16年,64GB可能延長到24-32年。
推 : 車美式屌打4F 02/02 21:41
能看 Netflix 嗎?推 : 還以為OTA就能解了5F 02/02 21:41
OTA只解了一半,讓晶片失效不影響安全駕駛。最終還是要換。推 : 副教即將抵達戰場6F 02/02 21:43
※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/02/2021 21:46:07※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/02/2021 21:46:36
推 : 這篇就是副教主開的啊.....哈哈哈哈~~~7F 02/02 21:47
推 : emmc拿來當行車記錄器一定早死的8F 02/02 21:47
推 : 原來如此啊~9F 02/02 21:47
※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/02/2021 21:49:31噓 : 開始教主化了阿10F 02/02 21:50
※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/02/2021 21:51:58推 : 134,951台11F 02/02 21:52
不知道有多少台因為升級新媒體功能而不需要召回※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/02/2021 21:53:44
推 : 借問一下,教主是不是消失很久了12F 02/02 21:53
推 : 教主搞不好老早all in TSLA 財富自由了13F 02/02 21:57
推 : 召回給推14F 02/02 21:57
推 : 這不是被盯很久了?怎麼算主動召回?15F 02/02 22:05
我只是翻譯原文的 voluntarily→ : 阿不素說自然損耗慢的,不需要召回???16F 02/02 22:08
我的32GB就沒召回→ : 神諭是這樣子嗎???17F 02/02 22:08
推 : 特斯拉沒這問題18F 02/02 22:14
推 : 不過肯召回還是不錯的啦19F 02/02 22:15
→ : 看了原文"voluntarily" 還被mark起來 這個有點小酸
真金不怕火煉 該酸的時候就給它酸下去→ : 看了原文"voluntarily" 還被mark起來 這個有點小酸
推 : 反觀21F 02/02 22:19
→ : 好委屈....真的好委屈.....副教主再刷兩台吧...22F 02/02 22:19
→ : 這麼環保的好東西,怎不買個三台呢....????
→ : 這麼環保的好東西,怎不買個三台呢....????
推 : tesla居然用eMMC, 裝那麼多顆鏡頭還不用UFS3.024F 02/02 22:23
Model 3/Y還有最新版的S/X就沒用eMMC了※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/02/2021 22:26:07
→ : 認錯了就好25F 02/02 22:32
推 : 感覺這種問題不會只在特斯拉發生 未來level3以上26F 02/02 22:34
→ : 以上 各家都要面對nand flash耐用性問題
※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/02/2021 22:45:19→ : 以上 各家都要面對nand flash耐用性問題
推 : 這個叫主動召回喔???? 根本就是被主管機關逼得而已28F 02/03 00:04
是有引號的「主動」召回推 : 這明顯就是零件供應商品館的問題29F 02/03 00:17
→ : 根特斯拉有什麼關係?!
→ : 特斯拉是不會錯的好嗎?
→ : 根特斯拉有什麼關係?!
→ : 特斯拉是不會錯的好嗎?
→ : 跟供應商無關.....因為設計是特斯拉,P/E多少都可以32F 02/03 01:11
→ : 預見的.......
→ : 要用 32GB or 64GB ,結果貪便宜,選用8GB ,炸不炸?
→ : 你買一台新電腦,只有配4GB ,然後開個chrome慢到翻
→ : 你要幹醮生產廠商,還是幹醮自己當初貪便宜,只買4G的
沒看過買電腦可以事後免費記憶體升級8倍的→ : 預見的.......
→ : 要用 32GB or 64GB ,結果貪便宜,選用8GB ,炸不炸?
→ : 你買一台新電腦,只有配4GB ,然後開個chrome慢到翻
→ : 你要幹醮生產廠商,還是幹醮自己當初貪便宜,只買4G的
※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/03/2021 01:20:16
推 : 電腦記憶體會影響到安全問題的時候就會有人召回37F 02/03 01:38
→ : 痾 eMMC 要直接換板子吧38F 02/03 08:20
→ : 電腦當機會害你出車禍嗎?換本來就是應該的39F 02/03 09:22
已經更新到不會出車禍了 但換是應該的沒錯→ : 沒看過歐??? 我也沒看過啊,所以...就..車主去死嗎??40F 02/03 09:30
已經更新到不會出事了 你沒看內文齁→ : 你 Tesla 可以繼續給車主舊版本 8GB 的啊41F 02/03 09:31
→ : 當記憶卡技術已經升級到 TB 了,你去哪找 MB 的賣??
→ : 林北現在送修終身保固的 DDR 512MB 去修
原本保固只有四年或8萬公里→ : 當記憶卡技術已經升級到 TB 了,你去哪找 MB 的賣??
→ : 林北現在送修終身保固的 DDR 512MB 去修
→ : 廠商也只會告訴我"對不起,停產了,換條DDR4 8GB可嗎"44F 02/03 09:32
※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/03/2021 09:35:28→ : 設計不良的零件,還敢繼續裝在車主的百萬豪車上面歐?45F 02/03 09:33
2008三月後就沒有了→ : 真的是刷新三觀,那在那邊吹噓一天到晚 OTA OTA46F 02/03 09:34
→ : 你怎不說哪家電腦公司一天到晚幫客戶電腦升級軟體?
※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/03/2021 09:36:10→ : 你怎不說哪家電腦公司一天到晚幫客戶電腦升級軟體?
→ : 副教主你沒聽懂嗎? 是那些被召回的,繼續裝8GB版本48F 02/03 09:39
被召回的免費升級到64GB不是嗎?那你現在是在幻想什麼?→ : 誰在跟你討論2018以後出的車? (2008? RoadSter ??)49F 02/03 09:40
→ : 怪不得我總覺一天到晚在跟電壓不穩的的人對話
※ 編輯: hanchueh ( 臺灣), 02/03/2021 09:44:03→ : 怪不得我總覺一天到晚在跟電壓不穩的的人對話
→ : 對啊,所以副教主你很愛跳真回應啊~當我看不懂嗎??51F 02/03 10:35
→ : 你看你自己寫的,大家沒瞎都看得出來啊~~~~
→ : 沒有什麼免費"升級"啊,阿就不敢再用 8GB 版本啊
→ : 說得好像要 謝主隆恩 哩...
→ : ㄚ就不敢再用 8GB 的啊,要是今天 8GB 可以繼續凹
→ : 可以繼續裝進去車裡面,繼續在車裡面穩穩用20年
→ : 你當特斯拉吃素做善事,能省錢不省,還給你64GB膩~~
→ : 反正現在 Flash 這些年降價便宜到爆
→ : 假設以前8GB BOM 要 10美刀,現在64GB 只要3美刀
→ : 反而 8GB 庫存還要4美刀,你當採購是笨蛋膩....
→ : 3C 世界就是這樣子啊.....
→ : 以前8GB 是 MLC ,現在採購的64GB是 TLC 甚至 QLC
→ : 也都可能啊,阿反正容量放大這麼多,就不用採買P/E高
→ : 又貴的 MLC ,對吧,板上一堆在科技業打滾的鄉民
→ : 哪個人會覺得我的分析不合理??
→ : 就只有你在那邊舔舔舔,感謝師父讚嘆師父
→ : 去當你的十萬伏特........十萬公里自駕小白鼠啦
→ : 我命比較賤齁,自己開就好~~~~~ok ??
→ : 你看你自己寫的,大家沒瞎都看得出來啊~~~~
→ : 沒有什麼免費"升級"啊,阿就不敢再用 8GB 版本啊
→ : 說得好像要 謝主隆恩 哩...
→ : ㄚ就不敢再用 8GB 的啊,要是今天 8GB 可以繼續凹
→ : 可以繼續裝進去車裡面,繼續在車裡面穩穩用20年
→ : 你當特斯拉吃素做善事,能省錢不省,還給你64GB膩~~
→ : 反正現在 Flash 這些年降價便宜到爆
→ : 假設以前8GB BOM 要 10美刀,現在64GB 只要3美刀
→ : 反而 8GB 庫存還要4美刀,你當採購是笨蛋膩....
→ : 3C 世界就是這樣子啊.....
→ : 以前8GB 是 MLC ,現在採購的64GB是 TLC 甚至 QLC
→ : 也都可能啊,阿反正容量放大這麼多,就不用採買P/E高
→ : 又貴的 MLC ,對吧,板上一堆在科技業打滾的鄉民
→ : 哪個人會覺得我的分析不合理??
→ : 就只有你在那邊舔舔舔,感謝師父讚嘆師父
→ : 去當你的十萬伏特........十萬公里自駕小白鼠啦
→ : 我命比較賤齁,自己開就好~~~~~ok ??
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