※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-01-29 10:57:25
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作者 標題 [新聞] 特斯拉發表小改款Model S
時間 Thu Jan 28 08:59:53 2021
Tesla unveils redesigned Model S with new interior and 520-mile range option - The Verge
The new Tesla Model S starts at $79,990 for a dual-motor version or $119,000 and up for the new, more powerful powertrain. All new versions have a Roa ...
Tesla has just announced the first major redesign of the Model S since it laun
ched the electric sedan in 2012. This new version, which starts shipping in Ma
rch, has a refreshed exterior, a simplified interior, and the option for a mor
e powerful powertrain that lets the car travel at least 520 miles and go from
0 to 60 miles per hour in under two seconds. Tesla says this makes it the “fa
stest accelerating production car ever made.”
Tesla’s Model X is also getting the interior update, and there will be a vers
ion with that new powertrain, though the SUV’s refresh is not as extensive.
The new Model S has some light updates to the exterior of the car, including a
standard large glass roof, but the biggest visual change is inside. Tesla has
axed the portrait touchscreen in favor of one more like what’s found in the
Model 3 and Model Y, though with far smaller bezels (like we’ve seen on the C
ybertruck prototype). There’s also a stalkless U-shaped butterfly steering wh
eel, much like what we’ve seen in the forthcoming second-generation Roadster,
and a screen behind the center console for rear-seat passengers. Unlike the M
odel 3 and Model Y, the new Model S still features a screen behind the steerin
g wheel.
The new Model S starts at $79,990 for a “Long Range” dual-motor version that
gets 412 miles of range. Or people can spend $119,000 for one with the new, m
ore powerful “Plaid” powertrain that goes 390 miles with that sub-2 second 0
–60 time. The “Plaid+” version with 520 miles starts at $139,000.
The Plaid and Plaid Plus versions have top speeds of 200 miles per hour, while
the Long Range tops out at 155 mph. Tesla says that the Plaid versions should
be able to do five times as many quarter-mile runs as previous Model S sedans
, thanks to the new powertrain and the new heat pump that was developed for th
e Model Y.
The new Model X retains the same exterior design but features the new landscap
e dashboard screen, butterfly steering wheel, and rear passenger screen. The n
ew Model X starts at $89,990 for a Long Range dual-motor spec that has 360 mil
es of range, a top speed of 155 mph, and a 0–60 time of 3.8 seconds. Tesla is
selling a version with the Plaid powertrain for $119,000 that gets 340 miles
of range, has a top speed of 163 mph, and can get to 60 mph in just 2.5 second
A Model S redesign has been rumored for years, with Electrek posting allegedly
leaked renders of the new interior all the way back in 2018. Tesla CEO Elon M
usk threw cold water on the idea in 2019, though, when he tweeted “[t]here is
no ‘refreshed’ Model X or Model S coming.” Tesla instead was constantly ma
king minor improvements to both vehicles, he said.
But that tune started to change once Tesla started testing out a new powertrai
n in 2019 dubbed “Plaid” — which, much like the “Ludicrous” acceleration
mode in Tesla’s cars, is a Spaceballs reference.
Musk said at Tesla’s Battery Day event in September 2020 that the Plaid Model
S would be coming in late 2021. But aside from the basic specs, and the addit
ion of the car to its website, Tesla didn’t mention anything about a design r
特斯拉又給了Model S一次小改款
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推 : S/X內裝都改了 但是這應該不是「小」改款了吧1F 01/28 09:05
→ : 內文標題也說"redesigned" 其實就是大改款的意思了
→ : 內文標題也說"redesigned" 其實就是大改款的意思了
推 : 意思是車上可以玩巫師3?3F 01/28 09:13
推 : 真。急速快感上線囉XD4F 01/28 09:20
推 : 外觀都沒改 說小改款其實也沒錯5F 01/28 09:20
推 : 一直很好奇這種方向盤如果迴轉需要打超過1圈以上要6F 01/28 09:22
→ : 怎麼打
→ : 怎麼打
推 : 方向盤只有一圈.....8F 01/28 09:23
推 : 好吧,抱歉我沒開過特S9F 01/28 09:24
推 : 在車上玩巫師310F 01/28 09:25
推 : 方向盤這樣設計的大多是不能打超過一圈的11F 01/28 09:29
The New Tesla Can Run The Witcher 3 And Has 10 Teraflops Of Processing Power For Gaming
The New Tesla Can Run The Witcher 3 And Has 10 Teraflops Of Processing Power For Gaming ...
推 : 這不是小改版吧,超有感耶14F 01/28 09:33
推 : 希望支援ps遠端連線15F 01/28 09:39
推 : 10TFLOPs是「for gaming」16F 01/28 09:42
→ : 不過搞不懂一個車廠把這個當賣點是哪招....
→ : 不過搞不懂一個車廠把這個當賣點是哪招....
→ : 後座的娛樂需求其實很多人在意啊~ 而且年輕人買車18F 01/28 09:43
推 : 這還真帥19F 01/28 09:44
推 : 保時捷完蛋了20F 01/28 09:44
→ : 可能也很喜歡這噱頭21F 01/28 09:44
推 : 我覺得可以把真實場景用遊戲引擎畫出來臨場感超強22F 01/28 09:49
推 : 保時捷真的輸了...跑得比較慢巡航還比較短QQ23F 01/28 09:49
→ : 保時捷只有贏組裝品質吧24F 01/28 09:53
推 : logo也贏啦25F 01/28 09:57
→ : 外觀也贏吧 帥蠻多的26F 01/28 09:57
推 : 直接在車上玩巫師3 很潮 之後會支援steam嗎?27F 01/28 09:58
推 : 保時捷比較帥啦 不同取向的28F 01/28 10:02
推 : 買特斯拉住車上囉 有冷氣 還可以打電動29F 01/28 10:05
推 : 不要在意方向盤好不好用,特斯拉最終不就是要讓你不30F 01/28 10:07
→ : 用使用方血盤的嗎?
→ : 用使用方血盤的嗎?
推 : 電動玩具車拿來跟賽車比32F 01/28 10:10
→ : 等紐不停能跑完看有沒有人找Taycan對決33F 01/28 10:10
推 : 保時捷比較醜吧34F 01/28 10:37
→ : 拿保時捷來比?特粉是有多自命清高啊?35F 01/28 10:37
噓 : 方向盤一看就超難用36F 01/28 10:43
→ : 方向盤把玩一下感覺自己是飛行員了嗎?結果醒來發現37F 01/28 10:56
→ : 自己還是在地上,笑死
→ : 自己還是在地上,笑死
推 : 像電玩手把39F 01/28 11:11
→ : er...自命清高是這樣用的嗎(抓頭40F 01/28 11:43
→ : 氣到語無倫次看起來真的超逗
→ : 氣到語無倫次看起來真的超逗
推 : 推一樓 redesign的確是大改款42F 01/28 11:46
推 : 能打巫師三“順便”充電了,很重要的功能43F 01/28 11:55
推 : 雖然內裝還是簡單的不行==44F 01/28 12:37
→ : 喔喔,剛剛看後座多個平板,這個有點猛
→ : 喔喔,剛剛看後座多個平板,這個有點猛
推 : 巫師3連switch都跑不太動47F 01/28 12:48
推 : 希望開ps遠端拉 我要打ps548F 01/28 12:49
推 : 玩巫師應該是走串流,geforce now那種的49F 01/28 13:00
推 : 保時捷的四門車單圈應該跑不贏這台50F 01/28 13:03
→ : 兩門車應該還是沒問題
→ : 兩門車應該還是沒問題
推 : 保時捷logo 贏? 阿伯開的車贏在哪53F 01/28 14:09
推 : 保時捷logo贏竟然有人會懷疑54F 01/28 15:26
→ : 能玩巫師3沒什麼,希望能玩207755F 01/28 16:55
@elonmuskIt can play Cyberpunk
→ : 超級阿斯拉57F 01/28 18:06
※ 看板: Car 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 101
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