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作者 標題 [新聞] Ferrari 全新V6混合動力跑車296 GTB 發
時間 Thu Jun 24 21:45:10 2021
After years of rumors and speculation, Ferrari has finally unveiled the V-6-powered replacement to its mid-engine8 Tributoupercar. Dubbed the 296 GTB, the car uses an all-new 120-degree twin-turbo V-6 paired with hybrid assistance, making a total of 818 horsepower and 545 lb-ft of torque. There's also a totally new design scheme and an eight-speed dual-clutch transmission sending power to the rear wheels. This is the future of Ferrari.
The name 296 GTB was conceived using a combination of the car's total displacement (2992 cc) and its cylinder count. The GTB (Gran Turismo Berlinetta) acronym is meant to "underscore this new engine’s epoch-changing importance to Maranello," according to Ferrari.
The 654-horsepower engine, according to the company, sports the highest specific output of any production motor. Virtually every part has been developed from a clean sheet to push the power levels even farther than the twin-turbo V-8 units found on cars such as theF90 Stradalend the8 Tributo. There's a new aluminum block and aluminum heads, as well as a 5000-psi injector system to optimize the fuel-to-air mixture inside the cylinder. The IHI turbochargers, nestled between the wide "vee" of the V-6, have
also been redesigned, and can now spin at a maximum of 180,000 rpm.As for the sound, Ferrari says we shouldn't be worried. The engine quickly earned the nickname “piccolo V-12” (little V-12) during its development thanks to its unique symmetrical firing order, relatively straight and short exhaust, and its 8500-rpm redline. We've done a deep dive on the engine in a separate article;ead on over hereo learn more about it.
Nestled between the engine and the gearbox is an electric motor capable of producing 164 horsepower all by itself. Derived from Ferrari's F1 program, the MGU-K (Motor Generator Unit, Kinetic) is powered by a floor-mounted 7.45 kWh battery, and can drive the car up to 15.5 miles without help from the internal combustion engine. To help make that happen, there's a clutch called the Transition Manager Actuator (TMA) sitting between the two that can connect and disconnect the electric motor from the V-6
depending on the situation.The eight-speed gearbox is the same ultra-quick-shifting unit found in theF90 Stradale,oma, andortofino M. It's responsible for putting all 818 horsepower to the rear wheels, utilizing an electronically controlled limited-slip differential. Combined, the drivetrain can get the car from 0-62 in a claimed 2.9 seconds, and up to a top speed over 205 mph. The 296 can lap Fiorano in just 1:21—1.5 seconds quicker than its predecessor.
Design-wise, the 296 GTB represents a big step away from the mean, aggressive-looking cars we expect from Maranello. The body has been smoothed-over, with minimal creases and crevasses throughout the exterior. The shorter wheelbase allowed for a more timeless, elegant design without designers having to reach for extremes. Look closely, and you'll see a new headlight design that incorporates brake ducting right into the assembly, and for the first time in this segment for Ferrari, an active wing in the
rear. The automaker claims it can produce up to 793 pounds of downforce at 155 mph.Ferrari says the two-inch-shorter wheelbase, 3240-pound dry curb weight, and hybrid powertrain meant it had to spend a lot of time on tuning to ensure the car would deliver on performance. There's a new six-way chassis dynamic sensor that works with the TMA, the traction control, stability control, electric power steering, brake-by-wire system, and the ABS to deliver on the company's "fun-t0-drive" guarantee.
The 296 GTB inherits its drive modes from the SF90 Stradale. Drivers will be able to choose between eDrive, Hybrid, Performance, and Qualify modes. eDrive delivers a purely electric drive with a top speed of 83 mph, while Hybrid mode can run the engine, but focuses on efficiency. In Performance mode, the engine is always on to maintain the battery's charge, making sure full power is always available. Qualify, as you've probably already guessed, drops any efficiency for maximum performance (at the cost
of lower battery recharging).Drive modes aren't the only SF90 Stradale-supplied features to be found on the 296. The interior takes much of its styling from the 986-horsepower supercar as well. There's a fully digital instrument cluster and capacitive-touch buttons throughout.
Track rats will be pleased to know Ferrari will be offering a performance-oriented Assetto Fiorano package on the 296 GTB, just like it does on the SF90 Stradale. Tick this option box, and you get Multimatic shock absorbers, a Lexan rear windscreen, new lightweight door panels, and a host of carbon fiber trim pieces on both the exterior and interior for a total weight savings of 26 pounds. Assetto Fiorano buyers can also option an even lighter Lexan rear window to bump weight savings to 33 pounds, and
Michelin Cup 2 R tires for ultimate track day performance.Ferrari hasn't said when deliveries of the 296 GTB will start, though we expect early examples to begin reaching customers' hands by early 2022. As for pricing, we predict it'll be slightly higher than the F8 Tributo's current starting MSRP of $277,000.
全新120° V6雙渦輪引擎,光引擎部分就有654匹馬力,加上164匹馬力的馬達可以合併輸出818匹馬力。
0-100 km/h加速只要2.9秒 極速超過205mph
外媒預測售價會比F8 Tributo 的售價高一點
太神啦 原本以為這次是v6入門馬,沒想到這台竟然有818匹,8500轉紅線的渦輪引擎
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→ : 3000 cc V6 增壓打多一點就有了
→ : 比F8還貴~~~ 真的無言
→ : 3000 cc V6 增壓打多一點就有了
→ : 比F8還貴~~~ 真的無言
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