※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-06-14 04:09:05
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作者 標題 [新聞] Tesla Model X是第一款獲得全五星級的SUV
時間 Wed Jun 14 00:10:02 2017
NHTSA(美國國家公路交通安全管理局)剛剛公布了Model X的撞測成績
在所有車輛測試中,Model X的總體受傷機率僅次於Model S
NTHSA 給了 Model X 只有 9.30% 的翻車機率
而且在動態測試中,他們並沒有辦法把Model X翻過來
2017 Tesla Model X Frontal Crash Test - YouTube
Frontal crash test for 2017 Tesla Model X 75D NHTSA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Frontal Impact: The frontal crash test evaluates injury to the head, ne...
Frontal crash test for 2017 Tesla Model X 75D NHTSA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Frontal Impact: The frontal crash test evaluates injury to the head, ne...

2017 Tesla Model X Side Crash Test - YouTube
Side crash test for 2017 Tesla Model X 75D NHTSA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Side Impact: Crash test dummies representing an average-sized adult male a...
Side crash test for 2017 Tesla Model X 75D NHTSA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Side Impact: Crash test dummies representing an average-sized adult male a...

2017 Tesla Model X Pole Crash Test - YouTube
Side pole crash test for 2017 Tesla Model X 75D NHTSA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Side Pole Impact: A small-sized adult female crash test dummy is plac...
Side pole crash test for 2017 Tesla Model X 75D NHTSA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Side Pole Impact: A small-sized adult female crash test dummy is plac...

Tesla Model X the First SUV Ever to Achieve 5-Star Crash Rating in Every Category | Tesla
We engineered Model X to be the safest SUV ever, and today, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced that after conducting ...
Tesla Model X the First SUV Ever to Achieve 5-Star Crash Rating in Every
We engineered Model X to be the safest SUV ever, and today, the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced that after
conducting independent testing, it has awarded Model X a 5-star safety
rating in every category and sub-category, making it the first SUV ever
to earn the 5-star rating across the board. More than just resulting in a
5-star rating, the data from NHTSA’s testing shows that Model X has the
lowest probability of injury of any SUV it has ever tested. In fact, of
all the cars NHTSA has ever tested, Model X’s overall probability of
injury was second only to Model S.
Model X performs so much better in a crash than gas-powered SUVs because
of its all-electric architecture and powertrain design. The rigid,
fortified battery pack that powers Model X is mounted beneath the floor
of the vehicle creating a center of gravity so low that Model X has the
lowest rollover probability of any SUV on the road. No other SUV has ever
come close to meeting and exceeding this rollover requirement.
NHTSA’s tests assess both the structure of the vehicle, which must
minimize intrusion into the cabin and absorb as much energy as possible,
and also the seatbelt and airbag restraint system, which must maximize
injury mitigation in the event of a crash. Among the nine subcategories
rated by NHTSA, including frontal impact, side impact, and pole impact
tests conducted on both the driver and passenger side as well as the
rollover test, Model X achieved 5-stars in every category and
sub-category. That means that in the event of a serious crash, Model X
occupants have an overall 93% probability of walking away without a
serious injury – a testament to our commitment to building the safest
cars on today’s roads.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PG0vTiM (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1497370205.A.B16.html
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/14/2017 00:16:46
在正面碰撞那影片約1:30 時從底下拍底盤狀況,有驚豔到
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/14/2017 01:11:14
Lexus IS 碎的更誇張
可能跟設計或角度有關,畢竟Model X是無窗框的
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/14/2017 02:00:21
哈哈 往好處想至少早了半年拿到車XD
而且Model X貴了不少
17年S大概也就是頭燈問題吧!? 而且有新的一套鏡頭+感應器,也可稍補缺憾啦
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/14/2017 02:10:02
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/14/2017 02:15:32
推 : 狂3F 06/14 00:14
→ : 但妥善率?4F 06/14 00:15
推 : Volvo 真的輸了5F 06/14 00:21
推 : 這真的有點猛6F 06/14 00:31
推 : 靠…打爆一堆資深車廠是怎麼回事7F 06/14 00:31
推 : 電池底盤特別穩?吧8F 06/14 00:38
在正面碰撞那影片約1:30 時從底下拍底盤狀況,有驚豔到
2017 Tesla Model X Frontal Crash Test - YouTube
Frontal crash test for 2017 Tesla Model X 75D NHTSA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Frontal Impact: The frontal crash test evaluates injury to the head, ne...
Frontal crash test for 2017 Tesla Model X 75D NHTSA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Frontal Impact: The frontal crash test evaluates injury to the head, ne...

推 : 猛+19F 06/14 00:38
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/14/2017 00:43:01→ : 那葉子板太狂了…10F 06/14 00:42
推 : 創辦人是天才,幾年時間就打爆一堆自以為的百年車廠11F 06/14 00:42
→ : 只能說汽車產業這麼多年靠著銷售策略過太爽12F 06/14 00:50
推 : 立刻預購model 3!!13F 06/14 00:51
推 : 一切還是卡在社區給不給裝充電站..14F 06/14 00:57
推 : model s在IIHS的小面積連G都沒有,反觀corolla是G,另15F 06/14 01:04
→ : 外model s的車頂強度也普普,才4.33,輸一大票車
→ : 外model s的車頂強度也普普,才4.33,輸一大票車
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/14/2017 01:11:14
推 : 太狂惹17F 06/14 01:11
推 : 幸好特斯拉沒有汽缸可以封18F 06/14 01:22
→ : 連缸都沒得封的爛車...才不買呢...哼哼19F 06/14 01:38
推 : 側撞玻璃碎得好撤底,這是正常的嗎?20F 06/14 01:39
→ : 原本的引擎室變成超大的潰縮空間,連大樑都沒歪
→ : 原本的引擎室變成超大的潰縮空間,連大樑都沒歪
Lexus IS 碎的更誇張
2017 Lexus IS Side Crash Test - YouTube
Side crash test for 2017 Lexus IS (IS200T, IS300, IS350) NHTSA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Side Impact: Crash test dummies representing an average-size...
Side crash test for 2017 Lexus IS (IS200T, IS300, IS350) NHTSA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Side Impact: Crash test dummies representing an average-size...

可能跟設計或角度有關,畢竟Model X是無窗框的
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/14/2017 02:00:21
噓 : 買S沒買X真是懊惱斃了 2017 S不如2016 S..22F 06/14 02:05
哈哈 往好處想至少早了半年拿到車XD
而且Model X貴了不少
17年S大概也就是頭燈問題吧!? 而且有新的一套鏡頭+感應器,也可稍補缺憾啦
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/14/2017 02:10:02
噓 : 頭燈安全帶 重點是autopilot 一直沒有 早賣幹嘛?23F 06/14 02:13
→ : X 沒有貴上不少喔 差的距離可以捏一下
→ : 這套新的鏡頭 半年來沒什麼辦法發揮啊
→ : 台灣的特斯拉根本是全世界功能最少的qq
→ : X 沒有貴上不少喔 差的距離可以捏一下
→ : 這套新的鏡頭 半年來沒什麼辦法發揮啊
→ : 台灣的特斯拉根本是全世界功能最少的qq
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/14/2017 02:15:32
→ : 同樣的錢半年後買X根本好的多 唉唉27F 06/14 02:20
→ : 有自動開關門+鷹翼門 妥善差 我也願意修到吐哈
→ : 這個月X交車 才有風聲要開autopilot..買S真哭哭
→ : 有自動開關門+鷹翼門 妥善差 我也願意修到吐哈
→ : 這個月X交車 才有風聲要開autopilot..買S真哭哭
推 : autopilot台灣要開放了30F 06/14 02:29
推 : 那..樓上幫我開放 嗚嗚31F 06/14 02:37
→ : 一直說要開 拖延多久?
→ : 一直說要開 拖延多久?
推 : 車頭超硬33F 06/14 03:28
推 : modelX真棒34F 06/14 03:48
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