※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-02-15 13:56:47
看板 car
作者 標題 [新聞] 德國Model S車主捨車救人
時間 Wed Feb 15 00:37:33 2017
駕駛一輛VW Passat的47歲男子在高速公路上失去了意識
一位駕駛Model S的Tesla車主發現了這件事情,決定把他的Model S開到這台VW前面
而車輛的財損大概只有一萬歐元,似乎只有Passat的前保險桿跟Model S的後保險桿受損
Tesla driver sacrifices his Model S to help save a man having a stroke on the highway | Electrek
Aluminum bodies are great for electric vehicles since they are lighter and enable longer range, but any Tesla Model S owner who had to get body work d ...
Tesla driver sacrifices his Model S to help save a man having a stroke on
the highway
Aluminum bodies are great for electric vehicles since they are lighter
and enable longer range, but any Tesla Model S owner who had to get body
work done on their car will tell you that it is not cheap.
It’s why Tesla drivers are especially careful not to even get a door
ding on their car and why it’s particularly surprising to learn of a
Tesla driver who intentionally collided with another car on the highway.
Though it was definitely for a good reason.
German media are reporting this morning on an accident that happened on
the Autobahn near Munich last night.
A 47-year-old man driving a VW Passat apparently lost consciousness while
driving. It obviously resulted in a lost control and the vehicle hit the
guardrail a few times, but it was still going fast.
That’s when the vehicle was spotted by a Tesla driver who realized that
the VW driver was unconscious and decided to position his Model S in
front of the VW and slow down until the vehicle collided.
He managed to bring it to a stop. The police and fire brigade arrived and
transported the man to the hospital. His condition is unknown at the
moment, but they believed he suffered a stroke. Pictures via the Munich
fire brigade:
That was quite the rescue mission. It not only brought the vehicle to a
stop quicker in order for the incapacitated driver to get help sooner,
but it also limited the damages and risk of accidents with the vehicle
continuing on its path without any control.
The damages to the vehicles appear to be limited to the front bumper for
the VW and the rear bumper for the Tesla. The police estimated the
damages at a total of around 10,000 euros ($10,600USD).
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Oep9GiE (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1487090256.A.B0E.html
推 : 好神1F 02/15 00:38
推 : 真強@@2F 02/15 00:38
→ : 涼介:3F 02/15 00:42
推 : 一生平安4F 02/15 00:44
推 : 技術好心地又好5F 02/15 00:44
推 : 原來頭文字D都是真的6F 02/15 00:45
推 : 真的跟頭文字劇情雷同,推好人7F 02/15 00:46
推 : 快速的話感覺很難成功...而且能想到還真強8F 02/15 00:51
推 : 好強....9F 02/15 00:52
推 : 在台灣就會撞到板上的超車道定速龜車然後往生了10F 02/15 00:57
推 : 涼介是你!?11F 02/15 00:59
推 : 在鬼島早被內車道飆仔撞翻了12F 02/15 01:02
→ : 德國涼介13F 02/15 01:03
推 : 這技術很好耶....14F 02/15 01:09
推 : 沒救到還可能被家屬告15F 02/15 01:13
→ : 失去意識是油門踩到底 還是沒踩油門?16F 02/15 01:13
推 : 內線都是龜車飆仔怎麼會走內車道? 沒上過高速公路嗎?17F 02/15 01:30
→ : 簡直拍電影...18F 02/15 01:50
推 : 印象中柯南有一集,毛利也有這樣作過,車主已經死了...19F 02/15 01:52
推 : 在台灣會因為隔熱紙貼太黑 大家都不知道裡面發生啥事20F 02/15 02:28
推 : 樓上,新聞裡就有講發現他擦撞護欄了.......是看不21F 02/15 02:37
→ : 懂中文還是英文?
→ : 完全兩回事啊
→ : 懂中文還是英文?
→ : 完全兩回事啊
推 : 涼介輸了,沒對準又有小幫手幫忙頂另一邊24F 02/15 02:52
推 : 內側明明都是飆仔,很愛超速貼前車狂閃燈,某樓真的上過高速25F 02/15 03:56
→ : 公路嗎?
→ : 公路嗎?
→ : 內線都是飆仔 所以被貼得也是飆仔嗎27F 02/15 03:59
→ : 我以為這只有在電視劇裡面會出現28F 02/15 04:20
推 : 內線龜車崩潰的胡言亂語了29F 02/15 04:26
推 : 講真的我還沒被貼車狂閃燈過,不知道到底開多慢才可以
推 : 講真的我還沒被貼車狂閃燈過,不知道到底開多慢才可以
推 : 台灣會被前面的三寶龜車攔下31F 02/15 04:29
→ : 每次都有這種體驗,拜託不要上高速公路害人32F 02/15 04:30
推 : 屎在滾的時候開200都嫌慢33F 02/15 04:47
推 : 科南的劇情34F 02/15 06:51
推 : 應該是低速擦撞護欄,還是要有勇氣才作得到,高速早就自35F 02/15 06:56
→ : 撞,零件散落
→ : 撞,零件散落
推 : 特斯拉買新聞?37F 02/15 07:07
→ : 這麼多照片樓上看不懂?38F 02/15 07:18
推 : 在台灣早被三寶收了...39F 02/15 07:26
推 : 真的強40F 02/15 08:04
推 : 還真是只有大質量低重心的全電車能夠這樣安全助人…41F 02/15 08:07
推 : 佩服,尊敬42F 02/15 08:09
→ : 在台灣要先懷疑酒駕和吸毒43F 02/15 08:14
推 : 頭文字D是真的!44F 02/15 08:20
推 : 值得尊敬!45F 02/15 08:22
推 : 原來頭文字D都是真的46F 02/15 08:26
推 : 感人47F 02/15 08:35
推 : 剎車狀況被後面硬推不會有內損嘛?48F 02/15 08:42
→ : 要是撐不住,就大腳下去 一擊脫離49F 02/15 08:44
推 : 特斯拉車燈好黃50F 02/15 09:04
推 : 要是翻車死了 台灣:過失致死起訴51F 02/15 09:11
推 : 神A助人會如何?52F 02/15 09:20
推 : 樓上 換神A駕駛死掉53F 02/15 09:25
推 : 這在台灣的話,邊開邊拍照,然後上傳爆料公社54F 02/15 09:35
→ : 然後留言就會一堆 酒駕啦 睡覺啦 三寶啦 等等
→ : 然後留言就會一堆 酒駕啦 睡覺啦 三寶啦 等等
→ : 推熱心助人 不過要是換成駕駛開其他車種 特粉S大應該56F 02/15 09:36
→ : 連PO都不會PO吧
→ : 連PO都不會PO吧
推 : 其它車種油箱在後面難保不會一起爆 純電才能這麼做吧58F 02/15 09:38
推 : 太神啦59F 02/15 10:10
推 : 這真的神救援60F 02/15 10:12
推 : model S車重比較重 比較有本錢這麼幹 輕一點的車就61F 02/15 10:13
→ : 準備失控了
→ : 準備失控了
推 : 推推63F 02/15 10:18
推 : 這有猛到!64F 02/15 10:41
→ : VW的看起來是 Passat variant65F 02/15 10:46
推 : 在台灣 等後方車主醒了 有87%可能告前方車主逼車攔停66F 02/15 10:46
推 : 真的好人67F 02/15 11:17
推 : 推好心人!68F 02/15 11:23
推 : 好勇敢又熱心,技術高超!69F 02/15 11:26
推 : 推70F 02/15 12:02
→ : 台灣大概被告過失致死。不然你怎麼會被撞71F 02/15 12:15
推 : 狂推72F 02/15 12:19
推 : 阿斯拉+隼人73F 02/15 12:30
推 : 真英雄74F 02/15 13:16
推 : 溫馨75F 02/15 13:47
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