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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-14 20:52:37
看板 WindowsPhone
作者 felaray (傲嬌魚)
標題 [開發] 微軟新放出幾本免費電子書
時間 Mon Apr 14 11:07:27 2014


以下是新放出的書籍,還有許多可以看看,像是server 2012/SQL/azure/system center

Microsoft System Center: Integrated Cloud Platform

David Ziembicki and Mitch Tulloch, Series Editor
April 2014
80 pages

This book is organized by cloud type and begins with a short overview of the
Cloud OS strategy from Microsoft and a high-level hybrid cloud architecture.
It also covers the design and deployment of private cloud solutions using
Windows and System Center to deliver the software-defined datacenter where
storage, network, compute, and management are all virtualized and delivered
by the Microsoft platform.

Download the PDF (2.52 MB)
Download the EPUB file (5.32 MB)
Download the Mobi for Kindle file (8.1 MB)


Programming Windows Store Apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Kraig Brockschmidt
April 2014
1,311 pages

Microsoft Press is pleased to offer the second edition of Kraig Brockschmidt’
s in-depth ebook on writing Windows Store apps using HTML, CSS3, and
JavaScript on the Windows 8.1 platform. The ebook includes 20 chapters and 4
appendices. We’re delighted to welcome you into a world of Windows

Download the PDF (30.1 MB)
Download the EPUB file (71.2 MB)
Download the Mobi for Kindle file (113 MB)
Download Companion Files (132 MB)


Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2014

Ross Mistry and Stacia Misner
April 2014
125 pages

In this book, the authors explain how SQL Server 2014 incorporates in-memory
technology to boost performance in online transactional processing (OLTP) and
data-warehouse solutions. They also describe how it eases the transition from
on-premises solutions to the cloud with added support for hybrid environments.

Download the PDF (8.08 MB)
Download the EPUB file (8.22 MB)
Download the Mobi for Kindle file (12.3 MB)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WindowsPhone/M.1397444851.A.163.html
felaray:轉錄至看板 Cloud                                        04/14 11:07
TsaoCCFGOGO:先推再說1F 04/14 11:26
yeahwazzup:先給我8.1再說。2F 04/14 11:38
jianchenlyu:8.1~~~~3F 04/14 12:35
8.1還沒出 哪來的書啦!!

zooxalju:看完就會寫WP的app了嗎O___O?4F 04/14 12:35

w0420cc:欺負人啊 都是英文的5F 04/14 12:36
看不懂英文為什麼不看德文的呢? >.^
※ 編輯: felaray (, 04/14/2014 12:41:16
y65014:提升閱讀能力讓我笑了6F 04/14 14:25

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