※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-15 17:34:01
看板 MobileComm
作者 標題 [討論] S5/5S/M8/G2/N3/Nexus5 螢幕比較
時間 Mon Apr 14 23:40:27 2014
Screen comparison: Galaxy S5 vs iPhone 5s vs One (M8) vs Note 3 vs Nexus 5 vs G2
Ever since the Galaxy S5 started hitting store shelves earlier this month, various publications attempted to examine the handset's Super AMOLED display and provide an authoritative opinion about its quality... ...
Ever since the Galaxy S5 started hitting store shelves earlier this month, various publications attempted to examine the handset's Super AMOLED display and provide an authoritative opinion about its quality... ...
亮度全開 亮度最低
5S : 587 nits 5 nits
M8 : 490 nits 16 nits
N5 : 485 nits 10 nits
S5 : 442 nits 2 nits
G2 : 438 nits 8 nits
N3 : 360 nits 4.6 nits
AMOLED本於先天 自然是無限大
M8/G2表現優秀 5S/N5表現一般
5S : 1:1007
M8 : 1:1362
N5 : 1:996
G2 : 1:1338
令我意外的是G2 色溫蠻高的
用過G PRO也知道應該色溫不低
N3/S5色溫也居高不下 可能需要調整螢幕發色模式
5S : 7144K
M8 : 7182K
N5 : 6786K
S5 : 8183K (專業相片模式7200K)
G2 : 8109K
N3 : 7972K
N3 >= S5 > 5S > M8 = N5 > G2
IPS面板占優勢 AMOLED依然有色偏
5S = N5 > M8 > G2 > S5 = N3
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1397490030.A.77F.html
→ :這色溫測試一定有問題吧XD1F 04/14 23:41
→ :和Displaymate測的差了2000K是安抓
→ :和Displaymate測的差了2000K是安抓
→ :色溫超詭異的 測出來色溫普遍都蠻高 除了N53F 04/14 23:43
推 :這數值要打幾折 ((咦?4F 04/14 23:44
→ :Nokia用三星的AMOLED但是亮度都高到爆表5F 04/14 23:44
→ :原來是色彩模式的問題? 一個7千8一個6千78F 04/14 23:47
推 :三星藍藍路XDDD11F 04/14 23:51
推 :5S的亮度直接跳一個層次....12F 04/14 23:53
→ :S5最佳化顯示還是偏藍了一些 不過專業相片模式的色調13F 04/14 23:53
→ :就感覺有比較準了
→ :就感覺有比較準了
Galaxy S5 scores amazing on our battery life test: the longest-lasting flagship has the endurance of a tablet
Are you sitting down? You'd better be, as we have a new king of our battery life test, and it is none other than Samsung's Galaxy S5. It managed the whopping 8 hours and 14 minutes of screen-on time in our grueling battery endurance run, which is the best result we've seen so far from any flagship.. ...
Are you sitting down? You'd better be, as we have a new king of our battery life test, and it is none other than Samsung's Galaxy S5. It managed the whopping 8 hours and 14 minutes of screen-on time in our grueling battery endurance run, which is the best result we've seen so far from any flagship.. ...
推 :直逼ipad... 神機啊XD17F 04/14 23:56
Camera comparison: Samsung Galaxy S5 vs HTC One (M8), Galaxy S4, iPhone 5s, LG G2, Nexus 5, Sony Xperia Z1 - Conclusion
ConclusionSo, we wanted to know how the 16MP camera on the Samsung Galaxy S5 performs, and the results from our comparison are now in. The answer is n ...
ConclusionSo, we wanted to know how the 16MP camera on the Samsung Galaxy S5 performs, and the results from our comparison are now in. The answer is n ...
推 :引戰無誤啊樓上 ((咦?20F 04/15 00:01
推 :原來S5相機這麼屌 力壓群雄 (筆記21F 04/15 00:02
→ :所以S5今年真是引戰力滿點22F 04/15 00:03
→ :螢幕比較不好戰了 相機是要戰到天荒地老吧23F 04/15 00:03
→ :對我來說S5在相機上的廣告打得算很成功 買是另一回事24F 04/15 00:04
→ :至少三爽讓很多人知道他的對焦變快很多XD
→ :至少三爽讓很多人知道他的對焦變快很多XD
→ :M8的相機只有5.8分基本上台灣鄉民就不信了26F 04/15 00:08
→ :這裡是主場啊!!! XDD27F 04/15 00:09
推 :S5的相片個人覺得不如S4...28F 04/15 00:27
→ :然後5S有那麼差嗎? 哈
→ :然後5S有那麼差嗎? 哈
→ :恩....相機s4幹掉5s,恩........30F 04/15 00:28
推 :外國人的角度跟我們不同XDD31F 04/15 00:28
→ :對了...這S4是高通版...那就差距不大了32F 04/15 00:28
→ :S5噪 S4抹... 我都忘了這S4應是高通版了
→ :S5噪 S4抹... 我都忘了這S4應是高通版了
推 :晚一點時間說不定還有DxOMark可以來吵34F 04/15 00:30
→ :S4相機贏5S沒好奇怪的啊..看拍什麼35F 04/15 00:30
→ :5S贏在食物 S4贏室外及夜拍(記得開夜景)
→ :但4G版的S4及S5充其量跟z2 gpro2 5s差距應該不會很大
→ :至於M8 的確弱點在相機 這沒什麼好爭論的
→ :5S贏在食物 S4贏室外及夜拍(記得開夜景)
→ :但4G版的S4及S5充其量跟z2 gpro2 5s差距應該不會很大
→ :至於M8 的確弱點在相機 這沒什麼好爭論的
推 :看吵架文是貼標籤以利日後迴避特定人仕的好東西(?)39F 04/15 00:45
推 :怎麼沒萬眾景仰的紅米啊?40F 04/15 00:45
推 :只有酸民 沒有紅米41F 04/15 01:04
→ :有可以測亮度的APP嗎?42F 04/15 01:51
推 :那相機測試 有沒有偷收廣告費阿43F 04/15 01:57
推 :紅米喔,那M320和ZF5也來好惹44F 04/15 02:10
推 :N5不錯^^~45F 04/15 02:48
推 :DxOMark 之前版上不是有貼過了嗎46F 04/15 08:24
→ :直接去現玩實機比較實在 這一般民眾看不懂也沒用47F 04/15 12:41
※ 看板: CPLife 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 524
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