※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-04 10:55:58
看板 MobileComm
作者 標題 [情報] ASUS Fonepad 7 Dual SIM (ME175CG)
時間 Mon Mar 3 23:43:09 2014
亮點:Dual SIM
Tablets & Mobile - ASUS Fonepad 7 Dual SIM (ME175CG)
ASUS Fonepad 7 Dual SIM(ME175CG), the world's most innovative combination of mobile phone and tablet. Experience all the features you'd expect from a mobile phone in a 7-inch tablet design. The Intel Atom processor provides smooth experience while the HD IPS display provide you the vivid visual expe ...
ASUS Fonepad 7 Dual SIM(ME175CG), the world's most innovative combination of mobile phone and tablet. Experience all the features you'd expect from a mobile phone in a 7-inch tablet design. The Intel Atom processor provides smooth experience while the HD IPS display provide you the vivid visual expe ...
可以順道去衛訊(連鎖店)用$1598 HKD 購買。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :還是等ZENFONE好了XD1F 03/03 23:50
推 :zenfone等好久~_~2F 03/04 00:05
→ :這支台灣有賣嗎?3F 03/04 00:09
推 :還真的出雙卡了4F 03/04 00:37
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※ 看板: CPLife 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 338
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