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看板 Food
作者 LCamel (LCamel)
標題 [討論] Reddit討論: 有錢了也還會吃的便宜食物
時間 Sat Jan 25 08:49:21 2014

 有人在 Reddit 的 AskReddit (美國類似Ptt的問卦) 問了:

  "What's a cheap meal you still prefer even when you can afford better?"

 裡面推文有一萬多條... 像

 > Buttered noodles with parmesan.  http://goo.gl/Jbg8fg
 >> Noodles, Butter, Garlic Salt, Parmesan and Black Pepper. Poor man's bliss.
    麵條, 奶油, 蒜味鹽, 帕馬森和黑胡椒. 窮人的至樂.

 > Grilled cheese. Made with regular buttered white bread. So good.
   烤起司配上抹了奶油的白麵包. 讚.
 >> Inside-Out Grilled Cheese! It may change your life  http://goo.gl/YLP1jc
Food Wishes Recipes - Inside-Out Grilled Cheese Sandwich - Ultimate Cheese Sandwich - YouTube Learn how to make the Ultimate Cheese Sandwich Recipe! Visit  to get more info, and watch over 350 free video recipes. Thanks and enjoy!

    外面也加起司! 這可能改變你的一生! (好肥的影片)
 >>> he really should have cut it in diagonals though.
 >>>> Fact - it is scientifically proven to taste better when cut diagonally.
      It's science bitches!
      經過科學證實, 土司斜對角切比較好. (是在認真什麼啦)

 > Mashed potatoes and sweet corn.
   馬鈴薯玉米泥.  (找到這個 http://goo.gl/7aEGMa)
 >> My husband knew I was the one for him when, on our first date,
    I mushed my corn and mashed potatoes together and ate them that way.
    我老公在第一次約會就知道我是他的真命天女 --
 >>> There needs to be a dating site based on obscure eating preferences

 > Taco from a food truck.
   餐車賣的墨西哥卷餅  http://goo.gl/k2WVWd   http://goo.gl/mfg80l
 >> in my experience, the best taco's I've had have been from food trucks
    我個人覺得, 最好吃的taco都是在餐車吃到的
 >> You know why that is, right? Because they don't scrub off the grill
    so it's got the ghosts of a million tacos on it. Good for the flavour,
    like seasoning a cast iron skillet.
    你也知道為什麼對吧? 因為他們不洗烤架, 所以上面吸附了無數的taco鬼魂,
    就像在養鍋一樣, 這樣味道比較好.

 > Clearly the costco hotdog.
   不用說, 就是 costco 的熱狗.
 >> The Costco Pizza
    Costco Pizza 啦.
 >>> at this point we may as well change it to "The Costco Foodcourt"
     或者叫他 "Costco 食堂" ...
 >>>> Don't forget the free samples
 >>>>> You mean the Costco buffet?
       你說的是 Costco buffet 吧?
 >>>>>> The best buffet because it only costs $40 a year.
        是最棒的 buffet -- 一年只要 $40 ~
 >> Holy shit, the Costco hotdog deal is insane. $1.50 CAD for a delicious,
    decently-sized hotdog and a 21oz drink. My boyfriend and I get one each,
    and split a $2.25 order of crispy, crunchy fries. Total costs us $6.
    We have yet to find an equally satisfying meal for less money anywhere.
    Costco 賣這熱狗簡直是瘋了, 四十塊台幣就有個又大又好的熱狗和600cc飲料.
    我和我男友一人點一份, 然後再買份六十塊的香脆薯條來吃. 差不多一百塊打死.
 >>> Wait you guys have fries at your Costco food court?!
     等等, 你說你們的 Costco 有賣薯條?!
 >>>> Not only are there fries, but we also get Costco Poutine.
      Best 4.99 you'll spend.
      我們這的 Costco 不但有薯條, 還有 Poutine!
      台幣135哪裡找~~  (流淚... http://goo.gl/rFcKDX)

 裡面還有很多討論, 有興趣可以點連結...


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nyyfederer:外面也加起司看起來好好吃ㄛ1F 01/25 19:53

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