※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-10-29 11:26:27
看板 PC_Shopping
作者 標題 [情報] 290X出了
時間 Thu Oct 24 13:26:53 2013
原價屋估價網頁 威力彩 20700
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
AMD Radeon R9 290X 4 GB Review | techPowerUp
AMD's new Radeon R9 290X launches today. Based on a new Hawaii GPU, the card promises record-breaking performance. Not only performance is impressive: With a price of $549, it's also the most affordable high-performance option, which will certainly put massive pressure on NVIDIA. ...
AMD's new Radeon R9 290X launches today. Based on a new Hawaii GPU, the card promises record-breaking performance. Not only performance is impressive: With a price of $549, it's also the most affordable high-performance option, which will certainly put massive pressure on NVIDIA. ...
推 :沒錢 路過推2F 10/24 14:26
推 :領先30%效能是一般使用者都能感覺出來的差異3F 10/24 15:48
→ :至於要不要花這筆錢就見仁見智了
→ :至於要不要花這筆錢就見仁見智了
推 :有錢就衝啊5F 10/24 15:59
推 :藝人店的微星290X還送BF4~售價209006F 10/24 16:24
→ :另外290X官方售價是549鎂 台灣新品稅還真高...
→ :另外290X官方售價是549鎂 台灣新品稅還真高...
→ :這嘗鮮價也太.........8F 10/24 16:43
推 :突破天際的貴9F 10/24 16:48
→ :跟Titan差不多效能 但是便宜一萬多 只是新品稅...10F 10/24 17:09
推 :NV感覺被打的好慘...11F 10/24 17:23
推 :280跟290的價格也差太多...12F 10/24 17:26
→ :NV通常都不太打價格戰的..13F 10/24 18:20
推 :功耗跟溫度突破天際14F 10/24 18:44
推 :290溫度爆表15F 10/24 19:00
→ :路過........16F 10/24 20:26
→ :跟titan相比cp超高17F 10/24 20:35
→ :公版的卡 溫度不會太好看...18F 10/24 20:41
※ 看板: CPLife 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 182