※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-02 18:08:07
看板 WindowsPhone
作者 標題 [App ] 限免 Langenscheidt 德英字典 50.99EURO
時間 Sun Jun 2 10:10:04 2013
App 名稱:DE-EN Dictionary - Langenscheidt Professional
系統需求:Windows Phone 7.5 / 7.8 / 8
解析度:HD720P (720x1280) WVGA (480x800) WXGA (768x1280)
解鎖(Y/N 如需Interop-unlock請註明):No
DE-EN Dictionary - Langenscheidt Professional | Windows Phone 應用程式+遊戲市集 (台灣)
瀏覽或下載 DE-EN Dictionary - Langenscheidt Professional,此款應用程式由 Windows Phone 認證。 ...
售價:Free(限免) 原價50.99歐
With Langenscheidt Professional Dictionaries, you’ll always have a reliable and extensive reference work to hand. Ideal for professional translations at work or college, as well as for travel and everyday use.
‧ Around 148,000 entries (800,000 headwords, expressions and translations)
‧ Translates from and into German (German-English and English-German)
‧ Up-to-date vocabulary from all general language style levels
‧ Extensive specialist terminology from all major fields
‧ Additional information: examples of use, indicators showing distinctions between various meanings, grammar explanations
‧ A comprehensive reference work for professional translations at the workplace, for teachers and students
‧ No Internet connection necessary: dictionary can be used in flight mode, no roaming charges abroad
‧ Recordings by native speakers
‧ Full search history available
‧ Links for translating items within entries
‧ Add frequent used entries to favorites and group them in lists for quick access
‧ Copy / Paste
‧ Keep up to date: subscribe to our newsletter, become a fan on Facebook and a follower on Twitter
推薦心得:德語世界有名的出版商 Langenscheidt 推出的德英英德字典。
原價50.99EURO,現在佛心特價不用錢(!!!) 對正在學習德文的朋友一定很有幫助。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: ak1290 來自: (06/02 10:12)
※ 編輯: ak1290 來自: (06/02 10:12)
推 :50.99歐......1F 06/02 10:57
→ :不管有沒有學德文~看到55歐就………2F 06/02 10:59
→ :打錯了,是50歐~
→ :打錯了,是50歐~
推 :太爽了!!之前還花20台幣買了個破破的><感謝大大4F 06/02 11:12
推 :大感謝!!5F 06/02 11:18
推 :不管有沒有學德文 先下再說 ><6F 06/02 11:22
推 :好貴!先裝再說7F 06/02 11:34
推 :超貴~ 我也先裝了.....8F 06/02 11:38
推 :先裝再說!謝!9F 06/02 11:38
推 :看到50Euro 先裝再說XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD10F 06/02 11:38
推 :50.9歐 x 38.84 = 新台幣198011F 06/02 12:01
推 :挖....12F 06/02 12:12
推 :這樣用鎂算好像就少了~59.99usd不過1799.2新台幣13F 06/02 12:28
推 :推14F 06/02 12:44
推 :推!!15F 06/02 12:48
推 :推~16F 06/02 12:50
推 :push~~17F 06/02 13:00
推 :突然覺得明天去吃欣葉也沒關係 因為我今天省了1800 wwwww18F 06/02 13:27
推 :阿阿阿阿現在沒wifi阿…………19F 06/02 13:37
推 :有下有推 ^_^b20F 06/02 13:47
推 :推! 德國語言學習的老字號出版商!21F 06/02 14:13
推 :好險之前沒有買下去,爽!!!22F 06/02 14:14
推 :推推推,雖然我的德文學習之路中斷了QQQ23F 06/02 14:38
推 :超棒的啊以前我都帶著厚厚一本走來走去的說24F 06/02 16:55
→ :這個太方便了!!
→ :這個太方便了!!
※ 看板: CPLife 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 343