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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-03-13 12:11:43
看板 Beauty
作者 Note5edge (諾特五欸舉)
標題 [正妹] 編舞老師
時間 Sun Mar 12 10:07:20 2017


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OnArRmd (Beauty)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Beauty/M.1489284443.A.C27.html
harrishu: 可愛1F 03/12 10:28
ronale1104: 不行2F 03/12 10:31
ksfable: 身材好3F 03/12 10:37
Answer0703: 求門4F 03/12 10:43
lovegogi: 還好5F 03/12 10:45
LoadUp: May J Lee6F 03/12 10:56
edouard09: 有運動可以7F 03/12 11:05
lavender9607: 可以8F 03/12 11:14
mayii1020: 。9F 03/12 11:23
vivalavida07: May J Lee真的又可愛又性感10F 03/12 11:23
vivalavida07: 我是說舞
StanQoo: 沒奶我不行12F 03/12 11:23
starryice: 推13F 03/12 11:26
katana22: 門14F 03/12 11:27
foofinger: 啊嘶15F 03/12 11:27
yuxds: 感覺有點年紀了?16F 03/12 11:43
jordon323635: 我可以17F 03/12 11:46
Renina: 身材可以臉很大眾18F 03/12 11:47
bear1210: 推推MJL19F 03/12 12:00
ahahahahah: 好正20F 03/12 12:09
n61208: MJLee21F 03/12 12:09
barsax8: 是不錯啦可是就是很多普通大學生的樣子22F 03/12 12:10
m831014: 查她跳的worth it 看完提神23F 03/12 12:29
kuroboy009: 跳舞超強24F 03/12 13:09
jamesg520: 推25F 03/12 13:19
c901105: May J Lee26F 03/12 13:30
justwater: 玩很大27F 03/12 13:37
icq7584: 還OK28F 03/12 13:45
uu0309: 超正!29F 03/12 13:53
a19245051: May J Lee !!!!!!!30F 03/12 13:56
DareJ: 這位應該要po影片吧31F 03/12 13:58
is6230c: 必推May J32F 03/12 14:03
iga120429: 推  跳舞超神33F 03/12 14:06
FinAllen: 這個腰扭起來一定不得了34F 03/12 14:13
I Got You - Bebe Rexha / May J Lee Choreography - YouTube
May J teaches choreography to I Got You by Bebe Rexha. Learn from instructors of 1MILLION Dance Studio on YouTube! 1MILLION Dance Studio YouTube Channel: htt...

s010436: 我可以36F 03/12 14:38
c15439: 很美37F 03/12 14:47
aquacomfort: 你貼這位圖動不動魅力差10倍呀38F 03/12 14:51
TheDivision: 動起來動起來39F 03/12 14:56
DareJ: 身材好小孩40F 03/12 15:16
King0615: May J Lee!41F 03/12 15:17
DareJ: 但全身肌肉精實直逼男生42F 03/12 15:19
rhsince97: May J Lee!!! 跳舞超有魅力的啊!!!!!43F 03/12 15:21
rhsince97: https://youtu.be/zUDXj8REpAI   Worth it支援
Worth it - Fifth Harmony ft.Kid Ink / May J Lee Choreography - YouTube May J Lee teaches choreography to Worth it by Fifth Harmony (feat.Kid Ink). Learn from instructors of 1MILLION Dance Studio in YouTube! 1MILLION Dance TUTORI...

aresa: 大家標準真高,我完全可以這個45F 03/12 15:26
DareJ: 樓上連結已封鎖46F 03/12 15:26
Lofthouse: 1MILLION 3大女神47F 03/12 15:29
Daddy - Psy ft.CL / May J Lee Choreography - YouTube
May J Lee teaches choreography to Daddy by Psy feat.CL. Learn from instructors of 1MILLION Dance Studio in YouTube! 1MILLION Dance TUTORIALS YouTube Channel:...

xzx22668844: MJL超讚的49F 03/12 15:33
rhsince97: https://youtu.be/0KcX0sHAPUk   可惡 那只好來推Super50F 03/12 15:41
Superstar / May J Lee Choreography / 2016 China Tour: Wuhan - YouTube 2016 China Tour: May J Lee workshop in Wuhan Learn from instructors of 1MILLION Dance Studio on YouTube! 1MILLION Dance Studio YouTube Channel:

rhsince97:  Star51F 03/12 15:41
ishigakis: push52F 03/12 15:54
jacabee: 笑起來也太融化了吧53F 03/12 15:57
dmezspk: 路人……54F 03/12 16:00
nimaw: 很可以 超級可以55F 03/12 16:04
doraAppLe1: 已追蹤<356F 03/12 16:16
scott260202: 這是表特???57F 03/12 16:23
LastDinosaur: 推58F 03/12 16:27
aegisWIsL: 表特??59F 03/12 16:38
pukai: 讚60F 03/12 16:41
yulymoon: 長髮再來61F 03/12 16:50
b8806: 小可愛62F 03/12 17:00
gtaped: 韓國的外型耶63F 03/12 17:05
netpal486: 韓風很重...64F 03/12 17:32
L2197: 豪可愛65F 03/12 17:36
a1997861204m: 好可愛66F 03/12 17:50
bluestar0213: May J Lee不就韓國的編舞老師,當然韓味重囉!67F 03/12 18:00
horseorange: 認跳舞背景不認得人68F 03/12 18:04
wushanglin: 可以69F 03/12 18:34
michael0419: 好可愛><完全不像韓國人啊70F 03/12 18:43
bb1490tw: 短髮 可愛 有料 馬甲71F 03/12 18:58
Hiara: 真的一動完全不一樣@@72F 03/12 19:24
cccwit: 動起來魅力破表73F 03/12 20:00
goodzoro: 好可愛啊<374F 03/12 20:01
goingMAX: May J Lee 笑起來超可愛  還有腹肌!跟Lia Kim一樣是正75F 03/12 20:02
goingMAX: 妹編舞老師
KlausaLiao: 好可愛阿Y77F 03/12 20:03
ZIOU: A78F 03/12 20:03
APC: 推79F 03/12 20:08
kusoprince: 可愛 我可以80F 03/12 20:11
mintmina: 她超可愛♥ 81F 03/12 20:24
bce: 比一堆只會炫耀自己吃美食去哪裡旅遊的好多了82F 03/12 20:41
eraser8358: 有點江祖平的味道83F 03/12 20:42
akiraje: 難怪有在韓國跳舞的影片看過他 原來是韓國人84F 03/12 20:44
summer94232: 跳舞神正85F 03/12 20:58
kimi0517: 推推May J <386F 03/12 21:32
cityhunter04: 髮型換一下,應該蠻不錯的87F 03/12 21:40
andreas022: 推88F 03/12 22:01
GABA: Shut up! Dance with May J Lee.89F 03/12 22:24
hb2141994: 超正90F 03/12 22:56
vaulter: 整體非常棒91F 03/12 23:00
wheatear7: 跳舞超有魅力92F 03/12 23:27
rhox: 超正93F 03/12 23:28
shake1949: 推94F 03/13 00:10
wuii0306: Lee必須推,跳舞超猛95F 03/13 00:18
hhaoh2539: 推舞蹈96F 03/13 00:34
aa1105aa: 可愛97F 03/13 00:51
aqua25113: 推~~98F 03/13 01:38
LegLebron: #1OmNAHCK (Beauty)99F 03/13 02:01
Paul0041: May j Lee推推100F 03/13 02:22
kevinwei223: 好可愛><101F 03/13 02:57
set21: 這個柔軟度跟凱格爾肯定棒102F 03/13 03:10
passersK: 推103F 03/13 04:08
bboy13579: 會跳舞真的有加分104F 03/13 07:46
nfish: 不行...105F 03/13 08:10
eric801017: 推 跳舞強106F 03/13 09:25
Thor1230: 還好107F 03/13 09:50
LoMing1021: 腰力一定很好108F 03/13 09:51
l2202222: 推109F 03/13 10:44

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1樓 時間: 2017-03-14 22:42:37 (台灣)
  03-14 22:42 TW
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