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作者 標題 [正妹] 亞裔兇妹~~重口味不喜勿入
時間 Thu May 29 21:09:44 2014
別想跟我老婆來一發 (雙語字幕) HD - YouTube
[DISCLAIMER] Videos are solely uploaded for English learning purpose. All right reserved to the original source. No infringement intended. 更多內容解釋和最新訊息請至: htt...
[DISCLAIMER] Videos are solely uploaded for English learning purpose. All right reserved to the original source. No infringement intended. 更多內容解釋和最新訊息請至: htt...

有人知道這兩個兇妹 InstaGram 嗎?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Beauty/M.1401368988.A.C08.html
Bobalife (MUSIC VIDEO) - Fung Brothers ft. Kevin Lien, Priska, Aileen Xu - YouTube BUY THE BOBALIFE SHIRT: Use this coupon code for 10% off: FUNGBROTHERS Download the mp3s now! Bobalife:

推 :樓上那個bobalife中間的超兇2F 05/29 21:19
推 :超正.... 媽的 我受不了了3F 05/29 21:20
推 :邰智源?4F 05/29 21:22
推 :有笑點 推5F 05/29 21:24
推 :一樓的比較讚,原波搜理6F 05/29 21:27
→ :我說的就是這種美式正妹,在台灣好像也偏歪國人的菜齁~~7F 05/29 21:29
→ :這影片我看過,老實說右邊那個粉紅色兇妹是誰?
→ :這影片我看過,老實說右邊那個粉紅色兇妹是誰?
推 :粉紅色衣服那個完全是我夢想中的理想老婆,氣質/甜美/可愛10F 05/29 22:13
→ :重點是bobo
→ :重點是bobo
Bobalife (2013) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb
Bobalife (2013) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. ...
推 :XDDD13F 05/29 22:19
推 :完全可以15F 05/29 22:23
推 :原po影片那女的是Gina Darling16F 05/29 22:36
推 :超正!17F 05/29 22:42
推 :咱台味超重的妹子也不差,跟他們相處我會覺得自己超做作18F 05/29 22:54
→ :反觀她們大方自然多了我覺得...
→ :反觀她們大方自然多了我覺得...
Boyfriend Does My Makeup Tag Feat. Gina Darling - YouTube
This is a boyfriend does my makeup challenge that i did with my buddy Gina... It's surprisingly a weird request that I've gotten but I never really wanted to...
This is a boyfriend does my makeup challenge that i did with my buddy Gina... It's surprisingly a weird request that I've gotten but I never really wanted to...

ModelMayhem.com - Gina Darling - Model - Los Angeles, California, US
Model Mayhem is the #1 portfolio website for professional models and photographers. Create a profile, upload your photos and connect with other professionals ...
推 :Bobalife超酷的!!!22F 05/29 23:26
推 :之前無名時期有個女生幾年前上過我猜 兇兇肉肉的23F 05/29 23:37
→ :瘦下來之後像林志玲 有人記得嗎?
→ :瘦下來之後像林志玲 有人記得嗎?
推 :讚25F 05/29 23:47
推 :我也喜歡~27F 05/29 23:52
推 :水唷!!! 都很水!!!28F 05/29 23:54
→ :BKD那張 是想害死誰...29F 05/30 01:11
推 :bobolife30F 05/30 01:14
推 :總覺得國外女生身材好的比例比台灣多很多@@31F 05/30 01:52
Instagram百大亞洲性感正妹精選一次看個夠 | 愛健康舒壓按摩頻道
Instagram已經是現在線上最大的圖片社群之一,我們知道美女永遠都不夠,但是大家的時間有限,所以在此為大家挑選出來,Instagram上面的百大亞洲美女精選, 有中國大陸、日本、美國、混血美女,讓我們看看全球共賞的亞洲正妹風格有那些,現在就準備好跟我一起大開眼界吧。 ...
→ :我還以為沒人喜歡這款的咧33F 05/30 02:07
推 :boba life的MV也太白痴哈哈34F 05/30 02:35
推 :booooooooooooooobs35F 05/30 02:58
Our dreams, they are made out of real things like a shoebox of photographs with sepia-toned loving ? ✌❤? ...
推 :感謝樓上大大⊙ω⊙37F 05/30 03:36
推 :1她已經要結婚了38F 05/30 03:40
To buy the BOBALIFE, ASIANS EAT & TOYS shirt: Use: FUNGBROTHERS for 10% off! Like us: Follow ...
To buy the BOBALIFE, ASIANS EAT & TOYS shirt: Use: FUNGBROTHERS for 10% off! Like us: Follow ...

→ :outube_gdata_player40F 05/30 03:56
推 :最愛這種!!!41F 05/30 04:54
推 :那最後水管通了沒?42F 05/30 08:54
推 :1樓 gj43F 05/30 08:57
推 :假奶....看他以前的照片就知道了44F 05/30 10:23
推 :片中的老公真是性情中人啊= =45F 05/30 15:41
噓 :我不行.....46F 05/30 21:17