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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-18 23:55:22
看板 Beauty
作者 plokijuhy999 (Fai)
標題 [神人] 韓國熱舞女生
時間 Sun Aug 18 18:20:50 2013

직캠] 130418 세령Seryung Dance Performance 1of5 [헬로APM] by drighk- - YouTube
We post photos and videos of hot single women daily. Find the most beautiful single Asian and Korean girls on the web. We may not be a dating site but we wil... ...

직캠] 120726 댄스커버 (6of6) Good-bye Baby (of 미쓰에이) [헬로APM] by drighk - YouTube
We post photos and videos of hot single women daily. Find the most beautiful single Asian and Korean girls on the web. We may not be a dating site but we wil... ...

직캠] 120805 댄스커버 (3of4) 씨스타 [헬로APM] by drighk - YouTube
We post photos and videos of hot single women daily. Find the most beautiful single Asian and Korean girls on the web. We may not be a dating site but we wil... ...


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◆ From:
EricCH:每賣 但是不是表特版的菜1F 08/18 18:25
lovegogi:這場地這好像上次有人po過有個肉肉妹跳Rainbow的A,結果2F 08/18 18:26
YSK5566:極品啊 希望不要又有魯蛇處男臭宅 出來嫌人家胖了4F 08/18 18:27
blackwoods:這身材...啊啊啊啊啊要齁不住了>///<5F 08/18 18:30
lampardoRio:那結實有勁的雙腿  阿思~~6F 08/18 18:34
blackwoods:2樓 是同一個?http://0rz.tw/emLCz7F 08/18 18:41
직캠] 130418 세령Seryung Dance Performance 5of5 [헬로APM] by drighk- - YouTube We post photos and videos of hot single women daily. Find the most beautiful single Asian and Korean girls on the web. We may not be a dating site but we wil...

Boom940040:雖然是不錯 但太結實我不行8F 08/18 18:46
plokijuhy999:是同一段沒錯,像這樣有點肉才好看我覺得9F 08/18 18:46
phb23:東大門apm~!10F 08/18 19:03
yourock:我覺得很漂亮,又會跳舞...很阿斯.11F 08/18 19:17
stache:會跳舞的女生+99分12F 08/18 20:17
Mondesi2006:對骨頭妹沒fu,還是這種肉肉好13F 08/18 20:21
FSGuitar:這之前有PO過了吧 缺點是長得像王建民14F 08/18 20:32
TIPPK:我被伸卡球三振了..15F 08/18 20:44
tequilawu:練習生喔?16F 08/18 20:51
stache:我覺得跳舞的女生都很讚http://ppt.cc/MIOw17F 08/18 21:13
Asian Girl Sexy Pop Dancing - YouTube
Teego of VYbE Dance dancing to "Toc Toc Toc" Visit her personal youtube page:  *NOTE: This was a routine taught in a Beginner Lev...

l1ViE:長的好像王建民唷*___*18F 08/18 21:17
stache:對了原PO可以去搜尋black queen~裡面應該每一個都你的菜19F 08/18 21:22
plokijuhy999:比起black queen比較喜歡waveya20F 08/18 21:29
LAY-T,Woori,soft soft,120519 - YouTube
Woo-Ri,mal-lang-mal-lang, fancam by Darksniper

stache:http://ppt.cc/u28E  這女生以前也很可愛..22F 08/18 21:39
Evol ♥  Get up + We're a bit different dance cover [kaotsun] - YouTube I look so dead. Had work from 7am and recorded this close to 9pm after 2-3hrs of dance prac T_T please watch this instead? haha its a bit better xD

bj민아 美女扭啊扭25 - YouTube
韓國的bj主持人~她的包廂~  照片

polola6212:比較喜歡這個24F 08/18 22:29
noodleman:汪25F 08/18 22:35
Justinma:比較喜歡這個 ^^27F 08/18 22:50
lovegogi:樓上那個是有戴面具嗎28F 08/18 23:05
Justinma:沒有耶 看這個吧29F 08/18 23:26
NC 다이노스 치어리더 공연 5월 12일 나쁜여자 - YouTube
5월 12일 잠실 두산戰 김연정 치어리더 공연 의 나쁜 여자 입니다. * 블로그 에 오시면 사진도 있어요~


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1樓 時間: 2013-08-19 02:03:55 (台灣)
+2 08-19 02:03 TW
[FANCAM] 130720 4MINUTE MUZIK - hyuna @ 2013 DJ DOC & 4MINUTE Poolside Party - YouTube DCinside Hyuna Gallery & Hyunaya.com & 920606.com FANCAM By. 타이어버그 Sony PJ710
2樓 時間: 2013-08-19 12:35:42 (台灣)
  08-19 12:35 TW
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