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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-09-25 11:12:30
看板 Beauty
作者 jeffou1112 (打倒美帝主義)
標題 [正妹] 贖罪小女孩 Saoirse Ronan 長大囉
時間 Tue Sep 25 03:13:59 2012

剛重看了一次Atonement 就想說看看她最近的狀況


Lopez Tonight - Saoirse Ronan Interview - " The Lovely Bones " - Academy Award Nominee - YouTube Saoirse Ronan George Lopez Lopez Tonight Lovely Bones Academy Awards The George Lopez Show


Saoirse Ronan: Accent Master - YouTube
'Hanna' star Saoirse Ronan visits the Young Hollywood Studio already armed with a proven track record of powerful performances (and an Oscar nod) under her b...


Saoirse Ronan Gallery | Pictures | Photos | Pics | Hot | Sexy | Galleries | Fashion | Style | Hair | Hairstyles | 2011 | New | Latest | American Superstar Magazine Check out red carpet pictures of Saoirse Ronan at The Lovely Bones Los Angeles premiere in Hollywood, plus a hot photo gallery with the latest pics of the sexy star. ...

Saoirse Ronan Gallery | Pictures | Photos | Pics | Hot | Sexy | Galleries | Fashion | Style | Hair | Hairstyles | 2011 | New | Latest | American Superstar Magazine Check out red carpet pictures of Saoirse Ronan at The Lovely Bones premiere in New York, plus a hot photo gallery with the latest pics of the sexy star. ...

Saoirse Ronan Gallery | Pictures | Photos | Pics | Hot | Sexy | Galleries | Fashion | Style | Hair | Hairstyles | 2011 | New | Latest | American Superstar Magazine View Saoirse Ronan pictures at WonderCon 2011 - Hanna Movie Panel, plus a hot photo gallery with the latest pics of the sexy star ...



難以置信  今年竟然才18歲


Moronic - Saoirse Ronan - YouTube
Izzie (Saoirse Ronan) and the song "Ironic" in " I could never be your woman".


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◆ From:
blackteasart:藍眼睛真的好美         (變色片也很強...)1F 09/25 07:55
GUDU:和小時候很像啊  我覺得頗像沙拉潔西卡派克...2F 09/25 08:06

※ 看板: Beauty 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4546 
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1樓 時間: 2012-09-25 12:44:41 (台灣)
  09-25 12:44 TW
噢買尬 他的臉好多雀斑
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