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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2025-01-31 10:21:57
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 金河成合約內容(成為光芒最高薪球員)
時間 Thu Jan 30 10:29:28 2025

Rays and free agent infielder Ha-Seong Kim agree to 2-year deal worth $29 million, AP source says | AP News
A person familiar with negotiations says the Tampa Bay Rays and free agent Ha-Seong Kim have agreed to a two-year contract valued at $29 million. ...


The Tampa Bay Rays and free agent Ha-Seong Kim have agreed to a two-year contrac
t valued at $29 million, a person familiar with the negotiations told The Associ
ated Press on Wednesday.

The person spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because the deal hadn’t be
en announced. ESPN first reported the agreement.

Kim, who played his first four seasons in the majors with the San Diego Padres a
nd won a Gold Glove in 2023, will be paid $13 million this year. He also could e
arn $2 million in performance bonuses — $10,000 per plate appearance starting a
t 326 through 525.

Kim has a $16 million player option for 2026.


‘25 13M
‘26 16M(球員選擇權)





Sources - Ha-Seong Kim, Rays agree to 2-year, $29M deal - ESPN
Infielder Ha-Seong Kim and the Tampa Bay Rays are in agreement on a two-year, $29 million contract that includes an opt-out after the first season, so ...


The deal, which will pay Kim $13 million this season, is the most Tampa Bay has
guaranteed in free agency for a position player since signing outfielder Greg Va
ughn for four years and $34 million in 1999.

這張合約是光芒自1999年後給的最大野手FA保障約(Greg Vaughn的4Y/34M)

Before the partial tear of his right labrum required surgery, Kim was expected t
o land a free agent deal in the nine-figure range. With his opt-out, he can join
 a free agent class next year that's thin on infielders, with shortstop Bo Biche
tte and second baseman Luis Arraez the only players of Kim's caliber.



只有Bo Bichette、Luis Arraez


The contract is worth $29 million and includes an opt-out clause after this seas
on, sources told MLB.com. The club has not confirmed the agreement. If finalized
, the deal will pay Kim $13 million this season, making him the highest-paid pla
yer on the team, and $16 million in 2026 if he doesn't opt out.






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2025-01-30 10:29:28
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dckGLbL (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1738204181.A.955.html
cplusplus426: 要躺一陣子還能簽這樣很佛囉1F 01/30 10:34
huangjyuan: 打一次30萬台幣2F 01/30 10:34
ashilol: 今年打完別太差肯定跳3F 01/30 10:40
karta328: 光芒沒找到好球場前這幾年能省則省才對吧4F 01/30 10:43
sonesnsdsosi: 這激勵獎金很讚耶5F 01/30 10:43
amos30627: 還可以啦 明年道奇收6F 01/30 10:49
cplusplus426: 不需要他吧 收啥7F 01/30 10:49
jkokpcu: 光芒投手行不行?8F 01/30 10:50
chris1102: 球場開天窗9F 01/30 10:53
rainy0312: 打得好搞不好季中就拿出來交易了10F 01/30 11:11
lavine0639: 直接當老大了 阿金好扯11F 01/30 11:12
colalight: 肩膀開刀還有29M 光芒真有錢12F 01/30 11:20
railman: 佛心光芒13F 01/30 11:26
Hans14: 金河綻放光芒 剛好14F 01/30 11:43
Kreen: 簽的比預期低,算是各取所需吧!15F 01/30 11:56
jk2233: KBO好強16F 01/30 11:59
b99202071: 打325後就被冰(X17F 01/30 12:21
RBC54321: 這種激勵獎金很不錯啊 打一次1萬美 簡單明瞭 很爽快18F 01/30 12:59
stu872124553: 夠嗆才能有那麼多打席19F 01/30 13:35
stu872124553: 夠強
Yjizz: 很大了21F 01/30 13:40
pett: 阿金有這麼強喔22F 01/30 13:42
echo3283: 光芒簽他是什麼操作,賭他成績會爆發季中當交易籌碼嗎23F 01/30 13:57
takamiku: 光芒在美東就是陪榜的季中當賣家也不無可能24F 01/30 14:23
st94067: 加油25F 01/30 14:55
yeeNeko: 沒屋頂好像也不錯26F 01/30 14:59
MattiaPasini: 佛光初現27F 01/30 15:51
n61208: 325後站著三振就有$$28F 01/30 16:49
madeinheaven: 簽他是因為拿過金手套吧29F 01/30 22:10

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 11 
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