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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-12-08 11:15:56
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 今年崔東原獎得主獲16支大聯盟球隊興趣
時間 Sat Dec  7 18:44:49 2024


Kyle Hart drawing interest from 16 teams

An under-the-radar free-agent pitcher to monitor is left-hander Kyle Hart, who h
as drawn interest from 16 teams this offseason, according to a source.

Hart, 32, posted a 2.69 ERA in 157 innings with the NC Dinos in the KBO in 2024.
 In the KBO, he ranked first in strikeouts (182) and WHIP (1.03) while ranking s
econd in ERA. FanGraphs projected Hart, their No. 48 free agent this offseason,
to receive a three-year, $48 million contract.

今年在韓職拿下崔東原獎+三振王的NC恐龍左投Kyle Hart



GS  W   L  IP     ERA   WHIP  SO   BB/9  K/9

26  13  3  157.0  2.69  1.03  182  2.2   10.4




Erick Fedde  三冠王+2023崔東原獎(2Y/15M返美)
Kyle Hart    三振王+2024崔東原獎


How ex-Red Sox lefty went from 15.55 ERA to ‘shocking’ $24M free agent prediction - masslive.com
Kyle Hart logged a 15.55 ERA in 11 innings with the Red Sox in 2020. He hasn't pitched in the majors since. So how in the world is FanGraphs projectin ...


“There have been times where I’m embarrassed to even tell people I was in the
big leagues because they’re going to Google me and be like, ‘This dip-(expleti
ve) had a (expletive) 16 ERA,’” Hart said recently. “There’s a piece of me t
hat is pissed off and embarrassed and would love to get a sample size of a coupl
e hundred innings and see what we’re looking at.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-12-07 18:44:49
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dL2SZE2 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1733568291.A.382.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/07/2024 18:45:49
furudelika: 恐龍怎麼這麼會找1F 12/07 18:47
penaa: 這帥哥不當投手去當男星無違和。2F 12/07 18:49
y598763: 好帥欸天哪3F 12/07 18:50
illumi: 平均ERA4.94下的鬼神成績4F 12/07 18:50
osvaldo4040: 洋將在日韓有爆氣成績常常都有機會能直接簽回去XD5F 12/07 18:51
sppray: 長得也很俊美,有亨利超人的感覺6F 12/07 18:52
sustainer123: 太帥了吧7F 12/07 18:52
yoysky: 真是帥8F 12/07 18:52
Weinuts: 也太帥9F 12/07 18:55
usereminem: 有像炸哥10F 12/07 18:57
Mingoeet: 第一張也太帥11F 12/07 18:58
WasJohnWall: 帥12F 12/07 18:58
terminator3: 我剛以為圖貼錯 貼成Max Fried13F 12/07 19:01
a48956312: 休息室那張 很典型的白人帥哥 差了一點山羊鬍14F 12/07 19:09
bokhaktrncex: 超帥欸15F 12/07 19:16
alex813: 有種湯姆.希德斯頓的感覺16F 12/07 19:20
ericinttu: https://i.imgur.com/gOAuVSI.jpeg 一個字 超帥17F 12/07 19:25
peterlee97: 這帥度 韓女不知道會不會湯湯水水18F 12/07 19:43
penchiman: 15 有機會降下來了啦19F 12/07 19:43
vincealan: 彈球聯盟這成績很殺啊20F 12/07 19:45
fp737: 今年的球,這成績很有搞頭吧21F 12/07 19:47
iean900408: 去年肥迪今年哈特22F 12/07 19:57
xo1100: 帥==23F 12/07 20:25
ecl502361: 帥24F 12/07 20:38
kgkg0057: 這白洋 帥..25F 12/07 20:45
jerry32140: 又帥又強26F 12/07 21:05
wesborland: 帥27F 12/07 21:35
takamiku: 直接跳過日職投回大聯盟28F 12/07 21:38
IDF5566: 蠻帥的29F 12/07 21:41
takamiku: 原來待過我襪完全沒印象30F 12/07 21:42
HansonBobo: 帥喔31F 12/07 21:47
Adam6613: KBO這成績滿殺的32F 12/07 22:10
CImbX: 成熟版甜茶33F 12/07 23:16
alex2426chen: 他那年疫情上去的  成績很糟34F 12/07 23:48
alex2426chen: 不過NC算是很會找洋將的球隊  眼光都不差
Thewilly: NC找洋將是不是會看顏值36F 12/08 01:09
Currice6677: 龍王:37F 12/08 01:16
Arodz: 這三振數真可怕38F 12/08 02:04
ae2622: 帥欸39F 12/08 02:36
something320: 太帥ㄌ 顏值野球40F 12/08 05:22

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 16 
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