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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-08-15 13:32:44
看板 Baseball
作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] Wander Franco被放進限制名單
時間 Tue Aug 15 07:35:37 2023

#Rays Wander Franco will be placed on MLB's restricted list, and won't play at t
his time.




Statement from #Rays: The Tampa Bay Rays and Wander Franco have mutually agreed
 that he will go on the Restricted List and take leave from the Club for  the du
ration of the current road trip.




Additional statement from #Rays in response to MLB opening formal investigation
of Franco:

"We support any steps taken by the league to better understand the situation. Ou
t of respect for all parties involved, we have no further comments at this time.




#Rays Franco will be paid during his time on restricted list



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2023-08-15 07:35:37
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ashfFn- (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1692056143.A.C7E.html
davidex: What??連犯罪都沒有交往也不行喔1F 08/15 07:45
ckb91: 要調查有沒有督啊有就犯罪了2F 08/15 07:48
MapleLeaf151: 就算沒督女方打死說有也是沒輒3F 08/15 07:56
diabolica: QQ4F 08/15 07:57
huangjyuan: 你會信沒督 太天真了吧XD5F 08/15 08:00
clkdtm32: 最好是受的了沒督啦6F 08/15 08:08
v11nce1217: GG7F 08/15 08:09
a93103921: 中職見 中文名:萬德福8F 08/15 08:10
yayahong: 富蘭哥9F 08/15 08:15
a27783322: 真的中職見10F 08/15 08:15
kenro: 最好沒督啦11F 08/15 08:16
lmf770410: 怎麼可能沒督 我才不信12F 08/15 08:16
c654321000: 不過這樣做也對 如果威脅答應了要求 以後只會沒完沒了13F 08/15 08:21
Stras37: 打死不認有督不就好了14F 08/15 08:22
kase09521: 14歲基本上是只要有督基本上就是犯罪吧15F 08/15 08:25
MookieBetts: Bauer:來日本找我,巨人軟銀搶人中16F 08/15 08:28
mightymouse: 打完生涯第一發再見全壘打後就真的再見了QQ17F 08/15 08:29
mightymouse: 美國對兒少性犯罪的保護是天條級的,凶多吉少
kevinsun0423: 看看鮑爾就知道了19F 08/15 08:31
neroASHS: 鮑爾是沒套好安全詞 差那麼多20F 08/15 08:32
HOLYXXXX: 有精液嗎?沒精液說個7821F 08/15 08:35
Daniel4maste: 丸了22F 08/15 08:36
ericinttu: 剩下就看證據跟攻防了23F 08/15 08:39
majinausaku: 美國對pedophile看很重,只要沾上邊就完了24F 08/15 08:39
WasJohnWall: 寶兒起碼是被成年仙人跳啊25F 08/15 08:39
lyk7304: 如果是仙人跳光芒也太衰小…未來大聯盟的看板人物就這樣26F 08/15 08:47
lyk7304: 沒了
ncturw: 他這樣要在限制名單多久28F 08/15 08:58
marlonlai: 成年運動員都交往了沒幹嘛可能性很低 只是差在有無證據29F 08/15 09:03
Herb5566: 放個限制名單而已那需要管犯不犯罪30F 08/15 09:32
joshtrace: 就知道會這樣,事件結束後一定封殺的31F 08/15 09:47
apenguin: Bauer又不是跟幼女,差那麼多32F 08/15 09:59
prostitute: 反觀台灣 送你緩刑33F 08/15 10:23
bestteam: 17歲當爸爸的人 交往期間沒上床機率不高,但就看證據囉34F 08/15 10:39
loneli: 處男嗎?純交往談心喔??現在是看女的有沒有證據35F 08/15 10:46
sfw0199: 17歲那完蛋了...36F 08/15 11:54

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