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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-07-20 16:34:32
看板 Baseball
作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [分享] 交易大谷可能會需要去年Soto等級的包裹
時間 Thu Jul 20 09:22:22 2023


July 19: Ohtani could require Soto-esque trade package (report)

While every contender would benefit from dealing for Ohtani, it’s going to take
 a significant haul to get the Angels to part with him. One MLB executive sugges
ted to MLB Network insider Jon Paul Morosi that it could require a package simil
ar to the one the Padres gave up to get Juan Soto and Josh Bell from the Nationa
ls last summer.

一筆代價。有個大聯盟高層告訴Jon Morosi交易大谷的包裹可能需要跟去年教士隊換Soto那

In that deal, San Diego sent former MLB Pipeline Top 100 prospects MacKenzie Gor
e and CJ Abrams to Washington along with prospects James Wood, Robert Hassell II
I and Jarlin Susana, as well as veteran first baseman Luke Voit.

教士隊那包有兩個前百大新秀(MacKenzie Gore 和 CJ Abrams)以及另外三名潛力新秀(J
ames Wood、Robert Hassell III和 Jarlin Susana),加上老將Luke Voit

As great as Ohtani is, it's hard to imagine a team putting together a Soto-esque
 package for the two-way superstar. Soto had more than two years of team control
 remaining at the time of last year's trade. Ohtani, meanwhile, can become a fre
e agent in a matter of months.


If there is a team that's best positioned to put together an enticing package fo
r Ohtani, though, it might be the Orioles, as Ken Rosenthal noted in an article
for The Athletic (subscription required) on Wednesday.

不過如果要選出最有可能提出誘人交易包裹的球隊,那應該是金鶯隊,正如Ken Rosenthal
在The Athletic寫的文章所述。

As Rosenthal points out, Baltimore has as much prospect depth as any team in the
 Majors. The Orioles have eight players ranked among MLB Pipeline’s Top 100 ove
rall prospects, tied with the Dodgers for the most of any team. Even if Adley Ru
tschman, Gunnar Henderson, Grayson Rodriguez and Jackson Holliday (MLB Pipeline
’s No. 1 overall prospect) are off limits, the O’s could build an excellent pa
ckage without gutting their entire system.


At 57-37, the Baltimore Orioles came into Wednesday one game out of first place
in the stacked American League East thanks to a team built around young talent.


That said, the deal isn't a perfect fit currently, as Ohtani has only thrown 10
innings on the mound over the past two weeks due to a blister on his pitching ha
nd. If Ohtani was unable to throw regularly, then the trade return might not be
worth it for the Orioles, who have a clear need for pitching.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2023-07-20 09:22:22
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ak8nHtM (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1689816145.A.DD6.html
zxc906383: James Wood 現在百大第四了1F 07/20 09:24
zxc906383: RH3 百大92
zxc906383: 等於這包五位有四位百大
zxc906383: 超大包
userYuEyUe: 傻子才出那麼大包換半年5F 07/20 09:25
koji328: 天使留著換空氣吧6F 07/20 09:26
jeff1013: 真要出這麼大包真的除非你有把握能續下他==7F 07/20 09:26
william80730: 金鳥除了Wells Bradish其他都超爆 怎麼樣都是升級吧8F 07/20 09:27
liopei: 笑死。投球被看沒有9F 07/20 09:27
Endranoe: 要跟藤浪當隊友了?10F 07/20 09:27
hdotistyle: 傻子才出那麼大包換半年11F 07/20 09:28
jeff1013: 嚴格來說半年不到 就算加季後賽也就三個月吧12F 07/20 09:29
william80730: 而且金鳥大多是中程打者 大谷來打線整個就不一樣13F 07/20 09:29
jhb0520: 大谷跟藤浪到金鶯當隊友的可能性?14F 07/20 09:30
SlamKai: 打工半季是能多少15F 07/20 09:32
Texsogood: soto不是可以控制兩年半 能比嗎?16F 07/20 09:32
SlamKai: 最好最後變空氣 天使唯一輸家17F 07/20 09:33
mikilin23: 大谷去金鳥..藤浪去天使QQ18F 07/20 09:34
punksion: 不要為了幾個月花那麼多代價 反正金鳥這幾年都還有機會19F 07/20 09:35
Diaw0803: 要衝擊冠軍的話 可以衝一波吧20F 07/20 09:37
Minihil: 3比照SOTO吃屎比較快吧XDD21F 07/20 09:39
loloool: 現在不換要等之後換空氣?22F 07/20 09:39
Nick8877: 好了啦 換這麼大包當大家盤子哦23F 07/20 09:40
jeans1020: 同樣錢 各球團把他留在天使 買其他人也是能衝擊冠軍吧24F 07/20 09:41
ChrisDavis: 那麼大包當大家都是盤子25F 07/20 09:41
stu25936: 重點是交易完有沒有機會留下大谷吧26F 07/20 09:42
ygjhsu: 兩個百大 + 兩個其他新秀差不多27F 07/20 09:42
boy1031: 不爽就變空氣吧,當年不提早簽十年,現在晚了就不要了28F 07/20 09:42
mayzn: 是哪一家的GM腦子被球棒打到會出到哪麼大包....29F 07/20 09:44
Jeffrey0221: Soto包目前只有RH3蠻掙扎 其他都還不錯30F 07/20 09:45
shuhuakang: 多大31F 07/20 09:46
saidon: voit被換去的理由還是由於144M的不可交易名單裡有國民 不32F 07/20 09:50
saidon: 然本來是hosmer要去的
yankees733: 金鳥GM:當我傻子嗎34F 07/20 09:52
alex8725: 買大谷除非有把握可以留下不然誰要出大包35F 07/20 09:57
henry1915: 到金鶯跟藤浪當隊友 畫面太美36F 07/20 09:59
Cueto: 三個月哪個盤子會出這麼多37F 07/20 10:00
vvvv0o0vvvv: 金鶯衝嗎38F 07/20 10:06
fireforce: 拜託天使今年留著大谷 我想看明年大谷離開天使的笑話39F 07/20 10:06
Griffey168: 天使說服大谷先簽後換,大谷有拿到NTC,大概是雙方解40F 07/20 10:07
Griffey168: 決目前困境的最好模式了。
saiulbb: 兩個百大配幾個小菜就不錯了 不然就是一位MLB Ready配百42F 07/20 10:07
saiulbb: 大加小菜比較合理
tsaumond: 拜洋基之賜天使外卡續到命了,留下來的機率更高了吧44F 07/20 10:09
turkeyma: 坐等哪個神經病會出這包45F 07/20 10:10
nnn820328: 留著天使自己用吧!46F 07/20 10:15
alex8725: 留著你要確定大谷年底還想待47F 07/20 10:15
befly10015: 代表天使根本沒想交易大谷 故意用很昂貴的包裹讓別人48F 07/20 10:16
befly10015: 知難而退
icou: 時間差那麼多50F 07/20 10:20
sixsix666: 本來就不會交易51F 07/20 10:23
revise: 大谷+翔平有兩個人,至少要兩倍吧52F 07/20 10:24
chongwen: 剩下2個月左右而已,誰會拿那麼大包去換啊53F 07/20 10:32
yoysky: 金鶯又不是頭殼壞去54F 07/20 10:32
chongwen: SOTO還有2年可以用,大谷只有2個月,笑死55F 07/20 10:34
rost829: 其他球團把他留在天使=沒有人會在季後賽遇到大谷也是個56F 07/20 10:44
rost829: 解方啊
GenjiEd: 金鳥發力期還不是今年吧 至少等百大再收成一次58F 07/20 11:07
KKwilliam: 這麼多人覺得大谷實力跟soto差不多哦 大谷2個月包裹等59F 07/20 12:09
KKwilliam: 級跟soto1年半等級當然要差不多啊
david7479241: 去年還可以,今年你當其他隊gm跟你一樣盤?61F 07/20 12:44
JER2725: 清空農場來換三個月 不如年底砸錢簽FA62F 07/20 13:11
iZinger: Soto是2年半,大谷只剩半年不可能價值一樣63F 07/20 13:38
jasper2302: 金鳥主要目標還是明年64F 07/20 13:45
andy818102: 翻譯:找盤子65F 07/20 13:52
love860407: 金鳥別腦衝啊...66F 07/20 13:58
teren: 結果換來大谷勁敵 藤浪67F 07/20 14:57
badotise: 其實如果金鳥要衝也不意外 很久沒這麼有競爭力了68F 07/20 15:03
badotise: 又不是每年都能以龍頭進季後賽 不過季後要留下大谷難度
badotise: 頗高就是XD 美東太常下雨又冷大谷應該不會想待

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