※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-02-09 09:42:37
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] MLB老闆開始支持球員打洛杉磯奧運了?
時間 Thu Feb 8 08:16:24 2024
How the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics could include MLB stars - The Athletic
Baseball owners are listening to proposals on how the season could be paused to allow MLB players to play in the 2028 Olympic Games. ...
Baseball owners are listening to proposals on how the season could be paused to allow MLB players to play in the 2028 Olympic Games. ...
Some Major League Baseball owners are increasingly supportive of sending major l
eaguers to the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, and a prominent executive’s p
resentation to the owners Wednesday outlined how it could actually happen — wit
hout greatly interrupting the regular season.
“There’s been a lot a lot of growing support, a lot of it based on the great s
uccess of the World Baseball Classic last year,” said a person who attended the
presentation, which took place at MLB’s regularly scheduled owners’ meetings
this week at a hotel outside of Orlando.
On Wednesday, Casey Wasserman — CEO of the Wasserman agency and the chairperson
of a group that spearheaded the push to bring the Olympics to LA in 2028 — dis
cussed a tournament with the owners that could include six or eight countries, t
hree meeting attendees told The Athletic.
Baseball’s portion of the Olympics also would be scheduled around the time that
MLB would normally be on its All-Star break, in mid-July. The 2028 Olympic game
s are scheduled to run from July 14 to July 30, and baseball could potentially b
ecome one of the events to kick off the games.
The usual All-Star Game might be canceled for one year, supplanted by the Olympi
cs, which would serve a similar purpose — it’s a showcase of the best, but one
that theoretically would be watched by many more people. Alternatively, it migh
t be possible to hold an All-Star Game in conjunction with the Olympics, with bo
th being played in Los Angeles. Even a Home Run Derby could potentially be worke
d in.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-02-08 08:16:24
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bn1rQE- (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1707351386.A.3BE.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/08/2024 08:18:19
※ zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB 02/08 08:18
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/08/2024 08:20:10
※ zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB 02/08 08:18
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/08/2024 08:20:10
推 : 不讓了1F 02/08 08:45
推 : USA蒿兔鷺鷥2F 02/08 08:52
推 : 洛杉磯奧運畢竟是辦在美國,所以MLB的態度會比較開放吧3F 02/08 08:53
推 : 讓世界看到加州的遊民零元購4F 02/08 09:00
推 : 又要到飯了 兄弟們5F 02/08 09:28
推 : 剩下老叩叩在看棒球,怕到了6F 02/08 09:38
推 : 奧運就一個星期的賽程,如果願意把明星賽取消或移到LA,7F 02/08 09:45
→ : 就會有3-5天左右的空檔讓球員去打奧運了
→ : 就會有3-5天左右的空檔讓球員去打奧運了
推 : 頂多打兩星期吧 找各種理由不就是怕沒打出預期成績罷了9F 02/08 09:49
推 : 都在自家辦了不挺很奇怪吧,美國人也是很愛國的10F 02/08 09:49
→ : 484被誰威脅惹11F 02/08 09:56
→ abc5555990 …
推 : 美國政府也不太可能讓他們想不打奧運就不打吧13F 02/08 10:24
→ : 到時應該暫時沒0元購那些了吧 通常都會整頓怕丟臉14F 02/08 10:37
推 : 在自己本土辦比賽就是比愛國心15F 02/08 10:53
推 : 辦在國內意願提高很正常吧16F 02/08 10:53
推 : 還不是被日本虐爆17F 02/08 11:11
→ : 怎麼有人會覺得跟美國政府有關?18F 02/08 11:15
→ : 又不是中國 關政府鬼事19F 02/08 11:25
→ : 奧運冠軍跟國聯美聯勝隊再打一場20F 02/08 11:39
推 : 自己國家主辦 支持一下應該的 在自己熟悉場地又方便21F 02/08 12:22
推 : 聽說台灣有個教頭說日本強 不讓了22F 02/08 12:42
推 : 美國奧運選手又不是政府養的23F 02/08 12:45
→ : 反正也跟我們無關,看戲就好...繼續憧憬日本......24F 02/08 14:07
推 : 放心 金牌還是日本的25F 02/08 15:12
推 : 美國徵召順利對日本來說是硬仗26F 02/08 18:08
推 : 還不是被大谷虐27F 02/08 18:52
→ : 美國自己主辦奧運 支持一下應該的28F 02/09 00:39
推 : 上面寫說 2028年例行賽會減少 打158場29F 02/09 02:12
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 12
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