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看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [分享] 乳摸:山本由伸偏好西岸球隊?
時間 Thu Nov 16 10:21:45 2023
Nov. 15: Dodgers, Yanks involved in ‘sizzling’ market for Yamamoto
Yamamoto is set to be posted by the Orix Buffaloes this week, and when that happ
ens, the right-hander is expected to have a “sizzling” market, reports ESPN’s
Jeff Passan (subscription required).
With a number of big-market clubs preparing to make a bid for his services, Yama
moto could land a deal north of $200 million. Among the teams with reported inte
rest? The Los Angeles Dodgers and New York Yankees.
According to MLB Network insider Jon Paul Morosi, the Dodgers are "among the mos
t interested teams" in Yamamoto. This comes after Morosi reported Tuesday that t
he Bronx Bombers are "among the most active teams in the starting pitching marke
t" and have Yamamoto and Aaron Nola in their sights.
他昨天也說洋基是先發投手市場上動作最積極的球隊之一,目標放在山本跟Aaron Nola
Per Passan, the list of teams interested in Yamamoto also includes the Mets, Cub
s and Red Sox, and “perhaps San Francisco and Toronto as well.”
One potential factor that could give the Dodgers or Giants an advantage? Geograp
"Put this under rumor for now because we don't know, I haven't been able to conf
irm this and I don't think the agent is going to confirm it one way or the other
, but there are some people who believe Yamamoto has a bit of a preference for t
he West Coast," Heyman said in a chat with Bleacher Report on Wednesday.
On Yoshinobu Yamamoto, from @martinonyc on Mets Hot Stove:
"A serious fit for [the Mets and Yankees], a guy that I hear is totally open to
New York and a big market.
Oh boy, do the Mets like this guy. Everyone that scouted him in Japan likes him
- comparisons to Tim Lincecum, 4-5 pitch guy with velocity.
Nobody that has seen him doubts that he's way better than Kodai Senga.
Kodai Senga is good. This guy is really, really, really good, potentially.
Definitely something to watch for the Mets and Yankees. It's the first free agen
t showdown, potentially, between the Mets and Yankees in the Steve Cohen era. He
and Hal Steinbrenner have not been after the same guy yet.
The Mets really want him, and so do the Yankees."
MORE: on.sny.tv/uGiCKGl, on.sny.tv/WgrYTsZ
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2023-11-16 10:21:45
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bLNoxjM (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1700101307.A.B56.html
推 : 標題寫偏好(雖然有?..)內文寫謠言+不排斥紐約1F 11/16 10:26
推 : 躲人穩了 大谷+山本 天下無雙的輪值2F 11/16 10:26
推 : LA全要了3F 11/16 10:30
推 : 天使:4F 11/16 10:33
推 : 富邦 桃猿 兄弟 統一 台鋼 剛好這五隻也是西岸喔5F 11/16 10:34
推 : 像Lincecum當然要去巨人6F 11/16 10:35
推 : 洋基沒人要去 笑死7F 11/16 10:37
推 : 用這個說法來抬價的吧8F 11/16 10:40
推 : 西岸暖9F 11/16 10:44
噓 : 所以為啥適合洋基 根本也沒講原因出來10F 11/16 10:53
→ : 這種一線的藍鳥搶不到的11F 11/16 11:00
推 : 每次有自由球員媒體一定會幫洋基找位置12F 11/16 11:14
推 : LA日本人多啊13F 11/16 11:20
推 : 又是想去西岸和大都市的14F 11/16 11:20
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 11/16/2023 11:23:23→ : 每次都是這些優勢媒體在發言15F 11/16 11:26
→ : 湖人穩了16F 11/16 11:28
推 : 票已經很貴難買了...17F 11/16 11:28
推 : Heyman的rumor看看就好,根本不用當真18F 11/16 11:44
推 : 洋基穩了吧 北大西洋西岸19F 11/16 11:44
→ : 問就是道奇20F 11/16 11:46
推 : 躲人吧21F 11/16 12:17
推 : 西岸就是台鋼22F 11/16 12:19
推 : 躲人敢不敢支票開出來兩個全包了23F 11/16 12:24
推 : 天使收24F 11/16 12:40
推 : 天使 不是你25F 11/16 12:59
推 : 難道又是一個離家近?26F 11/16 14:25
推 : 季後賽日本柯蕭 選西岸道奇也合理27F 11/16 15:07
推 : 飛機可以少坐四個小時啊28F 11/16 15:11
推 : 亞洲人還是生活在西岸比較舒服 生活不習慣很痛苦的29F 11/16 15:24
推 : 流川楓? 會有人哭哭嗎?30F 11/16 16:00
推 : 道奇31F 11/16 16:36
推 : 考量低稅率的州?32F 11/16 17:01
→ : 躲人進一對A33F 11/16 17:41
推 : 會不會結果去你蛇34F 11/16 18:14
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 5
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