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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-11-11 16:16:37
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [分享] 金河成:李政厚來教士的話,我能照顧他
時間 Sat Nov 11 11:04:40 2023


Hi guys, SPOTIME (A Korean equivalent of ESPN) recently aired a 50-minute specia
l on HSK following his Gold Glove award for the 2023 regular season. Unlike my p
ast translation posts, I am unable to redirect you all to a VOD, since the video
 is behind a ~10$ monthly subscription paywall.

SPOTV 在金河成拿下金手套後


The video is divided into two parts; Part 1 being Kim being interviewed by a Kor
ean MLB caster in Gocheok Sky Dome (Kim's pre-Padres stadium, home of the Kiwoom
 Heroes) and Part 2 being Kim meeting up with his highschool's baseball team. (Y
a-Tap High)



Son : On that note, we have to talk about Jung-hoo Lee. He was not only your for
mer teammate with the Heroes, but one of your best friends. He is now following
in your footsteps and coming to the MLB next year. After facing off against all
29 MLB teams yourself, what team do you think is the best fit for Lee?


Kim : Ours. The Padres, no doubt. I haven't really talked a lot with Jung-hoo ab
out his move to the MLB at all. But for me, I personally had a very tough time g
etting used to things in the U.S during my first year. Everything from the cultu
re, food, language.


Trying to learn and getting used to things I took for granted back home in Korea
 was harder than playing baseball.


If Jung-hoo becomes a Padre, I can take care of him so that baseball is the only
 thing he has to worry about.



I'm a lot closer to all the guys on the teams than before now, and my footing in
 the team has grown to a point where I can have a saying in how things are done.



Though I've only experienced the region of San Diego, and only for 3 short years
, I think I'm now at a point where I can help him get used to things a lot easie
r than I did. If I can do that for him, he won't have to go through the struggle
s I had during my first year in the U.S.







Son : I feel that you're taking every season as a new challenge for yourself. He
ading in to 2023, the Padres signed a mega-contract in Xander Bogaerts, making y
ou switch positions from SS to 2B. I feel that having to take on a different fie
lding position was a challenge as well.


Kim : It definitely was, especially given that I've always played SS since I was
 a kid. It's not only my favorite position, but one where I feel I can perform m
y absolute best. Right before signing Xander, I got a call from the management a
nd my agent asking what I thought about switching to 2B. But to be honest, I'm n
ot in a position where I can pick or choose - so I replied saying I'd try my bes
t wherever I was on the field. The important thing for me was being able to play
 everyday, and not where I was playing. The Padres in my opinion is a "Let's Win
" kind of team, so we're always adding new players to our roster. Our infield wa
s stacked to begin with, and the new player additions made the 2023 season a con
stant competition for a starting spot as an infielder. I'd be lying if I said th
at didn't stress me out a little, but I think that molded me into a better playe
r overall.be able to improve on this issue even further in 2024.






Son : I'll squeeze in a surprise question right here. Do you think you're a bett
er SS than Xander?


Kim : (While making an "O" shape with his hands) First of all, Xander is a pheno
menal player, and I don't think any other MLB player would say otherwise. He's w
ithin the Top 5 shortstops both at bat and on the field. I'm nowhere close to wh
at he's achieved in the MLB, and have a long way to go to even come close to gra
zing his outstanding career. I'm only saying yes because from a purely defensive
 standpoint, I'm younger than he is, so there's a chance that I can react to pla
ys a tad bit faster. Personally though, I've really become good friends with Xan
der, and rely on him a lot both inside and outside our games.

阿金:如果是在防守方面,那我會說是XD 因為我更年輕,對於各種Play的反應可能會比他快

Son : You had a lot of standout moments on defense this year. Were there any pla
ys or games that stands out in your memory?


Kim : Tough question. If I really had to choose, it was the game against the Ang
els when Musgrove and Hader were on the mound. (Referring to the game v. Angels
on July 5th) I made 2 plays that game, one where I barehanded a pitch that bounc
ed off Jake Cronenworth's glove, and one where I fielded a pitch when the bases
were loaded on the top of the 9th.



Kim : I'm especially proud of the 2nd one because of the context that went into
it. When that ball was put into play, I was expecting it to bounce to my left. B
ut the moment I was prepping to move to my left, the pitch bounced to the right
the moment it struck the infield grass. So even though the pitch bounced in the
opposite direction of my throw, I was able to secure the out and finish that inn
ing off.






Son : On your baserunning too - your helmet just couldn't stay on your head thro
ughout the entire season. What's with all that?


Kim : There indeed is a lot of talk about my helmet. Even my bobblehead has a de
tachable helmet. A bunch of local fans came out too, saying that I should be giv
en a helmet that doesn't fly off the moment I start moving. In the team's defens
e, they did try. The thing is that the head shape of your average East Asian is
different from the head shapes the MLB helmets cater to. I'm generalizing, but o
ur head shapes are wider from left to right, while the Western head shapes are w
ider from front to back. So I'm in a situation where if I find a helmet that fit
s on 2 sides, it's loose on the other two. I made a formal request about all of
this, because it's a safety hazard especially given the number of bases I'm tryi
ng to steal. I had my head measured and a helmet custom-made, but my helmet woul
d still refuse to stay on no matter what I did. I think it's because the helmets
 I wear in the MLB is more on the heavier side, maybe it's because I can't manag
e to keep my head still while I'm running.


Son : Right after the Padres were eliminated from playoff contention, your hotst
reak at bat died down a lot as well. From the caster desk, we assumed it was bec
ause you were burnt out physically from playing out an entire season as a leadof
f hitter and utility infielder. What do you think caused your performance to slo
w down in September?

(HSK averaged a 0.277 from March~August, while averaging a 0.176 after September


Kim : It is true that I was burnt out near the end of the season. Looking back,
I never really had a full day during the 2023 season where I could just sit down
 and take a break.


The MLB doesn't have that many off-days to begin with, and the off-days that I d
id get, I would just go out on the field and practice because I wanted to do bet



I was so unsatisfied with how I was doing in September that I pushed myself even
 further than I used to, kicking and squirming along the way. But I think that s
tressed me out both physically and mentally, which ended up reflecting upon my g



Son : One interview that you did that really stood out was how you mentioned you
 felt a responsibility, feeling that you had to succeed in the MLB for future Ko
rean players, similar to how past Korean players have paved the way for you.


Kim : Chan-ho Park first opened up the possibility of Koreans in the MLB in 1994
. After that, guys like Byung-hyun Kim and Hyun-jin Ryu showed the big leagues t
hat Korean pitchers were indeed competent to perform on a MLB-level. The first K
BO player to ever be signed to the MLB on a posting system was Jung-ho Kang, a s
enior of mine in the Kiwoon Heroes. The fact that he showed that Korean hitters
were also viable import options to MLB teams, led to Byung-ho Park's contract wi
th the Twins. All those factors played a huge part in how I was able to come to
the U.S and play in the MLB.





Kim : I felt a great deal of guilt my first year in the U.S because I was doing
so poorly. I was constantly accusing myself that I was closing off the potential
 future lineage of Korean MLB players with my lackluster showing.



One thing that I envied was that relative to Koreans, the Japanese and Latin Ame

rican players were much larger in number and presence in the MLB. It would be a
non sequitur to want more Koreans in the MLB by my side, when I could potentiall
y be the one closing off the opportunities for future Korean prospects to come o




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-11-11 11:04:40
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bJkzAFD (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1699671882.A.3CD.html
alpacaHong: 「他的表現正在斷絕韓國未來MLB球員的路」1F 11/11 11:10
cena0605: 朴炳鎬李大浩金賢洙黃載均:2F 11/11 11:11
a22580144: 斷絕後路的想法3F 11/11 11:12
charly780712: 我的家滿大的 玩累了就直接休息4F 11/11 11:12
flame1030: OK現在維持大門壓力到風之孫身上了 後面小金 盧施煥還5F 11/11 11:14
flame1030: 得仰仗他加分
userYuEyUe: 小玉:7F 11/11 11:15
htk: 是哪一種照顧8F 11/11 11:15
flame1030: 李大浩黃載均那種拿小聯盟約的根本還好 李當時34歲才去9F 11/11 11:16
flame1030: 打14轟OPS+102不錯了 比較嚴重是朴
ThomasWei919: 最後一句好像在哪看過11F 11/11 11:16
shengping: 韓國學長學弟制這麼重 要是我不會想去跟韓國前輩同隊12F 11/11 11:17
isaa: 阿金很多採訪裡都提到怕自己斷絕韓國球員MLB路,責任感很重13F 11/11 11:17
jerry00116: 前面失敗或普普通通的都好幾個了,他的好壞根本不影響14F 11/11 11:19
jerry00116: 斷不斷路,本來就福袋約而已
aoisora24: 可是阿金還會在教士嗎?16F 11/11 11:20
A00610lol: 瑟17F 11/11 11:23
A00610lol: 甲文幫出動
F12: 聽話 讓我看看19F 11/11 11:24
laking: 教士:沒錢20F 11/11 11:28
hans7192: 公園哥可是好到只要是亞洲球員都很照顧韓國也是有好學長21F 11/11 11:28
KOEI56: 金想太多了,根本不會因為他就不找韓國球員,要這樣講日22F 11/11 11:30
KOEI56: 本輸出的也不是每個成功阿,MLB還不是繼續開福袋
flame1030: 我是覺得啦 會不會斷路一定是這些真正在打的球員更清楚24F 11/11 11:31
hexokinase: Soto如果走了 教士可以考慮一下25F 11/11 11:32
flame1030: 金當時的條件如果挑戰失敗 一定會影響MLB簽韓職意願的26F 11/11 11:32
flame1030: 日本就算有幾個失敗 但他們依然有很多成功的啊
zxc906383: 金失敗會變成只有第一位的酒駕姜有成功28F 11/11 11:34
shengping: 韓國已有成功例子了 會影響的就合約金額29F 11/11 11:34
flame1030: 金的條件可說是所有韓國球員中最好 年輕 守備好 有力量30F 11/11 11:34
flame1030: 他如果失敗 一定是會扣分的
KOEI56: 扣分不代表不會繼續開福袋 最多影響簽約金而已32F 11/11 11:39
KOEI56: 更何況在他之前就有前輩成功的 不可能不開福袋
AhCheng: 金也想太多了...34F 11/11 11:40
gogoDarvish: 教士真的沒錢也沒位置了35F 11/11 11:41
youngorg: 怎麼可能不影響 姜當初打這麼好 不就讓一堆球團簽韓國人36F 11/11 11:41
youngorg: 了
jerry00116: 所以姜後面還有失敗或普普通通的,有影響到教士簽金河38F 11/11 11:45
jerry00116: 成嗎?
jerry00116: 他如果是開路第一個說影響可能還有點說服力,但他今天
jerry00116: 不是阿
flame1030: 我想法還是一樣 一定是這些實際有在棒球界交涉的更清楚42F 11/11 11:46
KOEI56: 不要再什麼實際球員更清楚 要知道職業運動是商業的 本來就43F 11/11 11:48
KOEI56: 是會一直開各國福袋 他就算失敗之後還是會開 頂多就是簽
KOEI56: 約金不好談而已 不然台灣一堆失敗的人家還不是一直簽去開
KOEI56: 福袋
zxc906383: 這邊只的是大聯盟約吧47F 11/11 11:49
hexokinase: 台灣有誰直接簽大聯盟合約48F 11/11 11:49
zxc906383: 小聯盟不可能斷吧49F 11/11 11:50
flame1030: 所以福袋約沒影響?你覺得扣分不會從大聯盟約變小聯盟50F 11/11 11:51
flame1030: 你有辦法保證 扣分以後這些福袋約依然是大聯盟約?
elfsoosuk: 去吧去吧想看兩位合體52F 11/11 11:52
s955346: 覺得金不是想太多,而是他知道韓國民眾要聽的是甚麼53F 11/11 11:54
flame1030: 更別提台灣根本沒有中職直簽大聯盟約的 要拿來比啥==?54F 11/11 11:55
kenkenken31: 推個,內容真豐富,原來還是會在意自己是韓職門面55F 11/11 12:12
kenkenken31: 也是可能他想太多,但感覺就跟自己出國玩不希望自己成
kenkenken31: 為自己國的恥辱影響他人觀感一樣的心情吧?
gary850503: 推58F 11/11 12:20
slyheart: 金的makeup真不錯59F 11/11 12:37
RMJU: 推阿金QQ希望他能持續站穩大聯盟60F 11/11 12:38
phix: 小玉.....61F 11/11 13:05
juanmao: 真的,反觀小玉QQ62F 11/11 13:41
a2350221: 推阿金 加油啊63F 11/11 13:50
zonzonzon: 阿金加油64F 11/11 15:57

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 12 
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