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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-10-27 21:31:43
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 綠帽Vegas新球場將免收租金(2025/4動工
時間 Fri Oct 27 10:27:07 2023


The team hired Mortenson | McCarthy to serve as construction manager for the pla
nned ballpark. The firm disclosed that construction would start in April 2025, w
ith completion set for spring 2028.



Some key highlights of a future lease with the Athletics, with some details stil
l under negotiation:

A 30-year commitment for tenancy

The Athletics can buy the stadium after 30 years

Options for renewed leases

No rent

All operations are conducted by and paid for by the team

Maintenance of facility standards




A’s Las Vegas ballpark construction timeline revealed | Athletics | Sports
Construction on the Oakland Athletics’ Las Vegas ballpark is scheduled to begin in April 2025 and be completed in January 2028. ...


One aspect of the draft lease agreement that differs from the Raiders and Allegi
ant Stadium is what happens to the facility after the initial 30-year lease is u
p. The A’s have the right to extend the lease with four 15-year extensions and
one nine-year extension. The A’s will also have a purchase option on the the st
adium after the initial 30-year lease expires.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-10-27 10:27:07
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bEn_z4V (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1698373629.A.11F.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/27/2023 10:27:41
Clooney5566: 奧克蘭笑死1F 10/27 10:32
BraveCattle: 上方那直直的是機場?2F 10/27 10:37
cliff02468: 2028...這樣是打算要擺爛到哪年3F 10/27 10:37
andrew0916: 奧克蘭就是無情的城市4F 10/27 10:38
chocobell: 還要在奧克蘭龜到2028年哦5F 10/27 10:40
andrew0916: 加州有五支MLB也真的太多6F 10/27 10:42
s955346: 奧克蘭:Sell The Team!Sell The Team! 靠!球隊怎麼走了7F 10/27 10:43
johnbill: 奧克蘭你看看你 嘻嘻8F 10/27 10:45
andrew0916: 奧克蘭球迷就好好轉巨人迷吧9F 10/27 10:48
ringtweety: 奧克蘭短短十幾年內 職業球隊全跑光了10F 10/27 10:55
CrossroadMEI: 加州人口比台灣還多 台灣都有6隊了11F 10/27 11:03
CrossroadMEI: 更何況比台灣大
mcgradymp5: 看wiki說在Excalibur酒店對面,上面那條應該是機場沒錯13F 10/27 11:05
therockwx: 不用租金的話,30年後還有買球場的必要嗎14F 10/27 11:07
joshtrace: 傻了才會繼續待在奧克蘭15F 10/27 11:09
frank123ya: 奧克蘭哭哭16F 10/27 11:17
www90173: 奧克蘭就過氣老舊社區17F 10/27 11:29
e7660239: 正常人加州也都待不下去了吧跟10年前差夠多18F 10/27 11:50
russellluo: Oakland is a failed city19F 10/27 11:51
nickerChen: 沒錯,球場原址是純品康納飯店,年底要炸掉了20F 10/27 12:02
az987652: 奧克蘭經濟也很差21F 10/27 12:04
az987652: 和底特律有得拼
Minihil: 無情的奧克蘭23F 10/27 12:07
AhCheng: 快逃離無情城市24F 10/27 12:31
BraveCattle: @mcgradymp5,謝了25F 10/27 12:31
wahaha888: 入口在左外野欸,桃園球場當初這樣蓋就不會西曬了26F 10/27 13:59
cobras638: 2028...27F 10/27 21:06

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2 
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