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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-05-16 17:48:23
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 綠帽新球場進展(免費的土地?)
時間 Tue May 16 10:28:21 2023


Oakland A’s offered free land by Bally’s for Las Vegas ballpark | Las Vegas Review-Journal
The owners of the Tropicana want to see a $1.5 billion, 30,000-seat ballpark built on their site. ...


The owners of the Tropicana hope that a binding agreement reached with the Oakla
nd Athletics pledging 9 acres on the Las Vegas Strip free of charge will help to
 push the planned $1.5 billion MLB ballpark project to completion.

博弈公司Bally’s Corp將免費提供一塊9英畝的土地給綠帽


Bally’s Corp. Chairman Soo Kim first told the Review-Journal that the estimated
 asking price for the land at the Tropicana located on the south Strip is about
$20 million an acre, or a potential $180 million for the A’s 9 acres.



This is as state legislators will decide as early as this week the fate of $395
million in public assistance for the 30,000-seat stadium. That would be produced
 mainly by a special tax district set up around the stadium site.


The 35-acre site is owned by Gaming and Leisure Properties Inc., Kim said. “We
own the buildings and right of use. So it’s us together, that we decided to giv
e these 9 acres to this effort. That’s a contribution. There’s no rent for the
m (A’s).”

With Bally’s willing to give up around $180 million in money that could be made
 on the 9 acres, they hope state lawmakers follow suit by approving the up to $3
95 million ask by the A’s.

Bally’s Corp希望議會能通過

“We would love to see some type of similar commitment from the county and state
,” Kim said. “That’s a collective community effort to attract all of these fr
anchises and all of the economic activity that comes with it .… We’re planting
 the flag and hope that everyone gets there.”

Kim noted that the situation would eventually benefit Bally’s Corp., as it has
plans to build a new hotel-casino on the remaining 26 acres on the site after th
e stadium is built.


One high-profile backer of the A’s potential relocation is Golden Knights owner
 Bill Foley. Last week he told the Review-Journal that he is excited about the p
otential of creating a sports district of sorts on the south Strip, with T-Mobil
e Arena, MGM Grand Garden and the A’s planned ballpark.

NHL維加斯黃金騎士老闆Bill Foley



All indications are that the A’s will file their Las Vegas stadium funding bill
 in the coming week with the Nevada  Legislature. W/ enough time to get a deal d
one during this legislative session.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-05-16 10:28:21
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aOkf89U (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1684204104.A.25E.html
hdotistyle: 好爽喔 免錢的地1F 05/16 10:29
Chanlin01: 反觀奧克蘭2F 05/16 10:31
WiLLSTW: 應該一堆公司希望可以在他們的賭場旁邊蓋球場的3F 05/16 10:33
fireforce: 反觀無情城市4F 05/16 10:37
Allenhsieh: 蓋在賭場+飯店旁邊賺翻了吧5F 05/16 10:43
airflow: strip又要更塞了,還那麼靠近LAS機場...6F 05/16 10:45
Sechslee: 會賺錢的城市 vs 做功德的城市7F 05/16 10:45
ru0701: 賺爛啦8F 05/16 10:48
bestteam: 兩邊態度的差距 不跑根本棒槌9F 05/16 10:48
mmmmmmmmmmmm: 到球場喝酒看球,結束去賭場再回飯店睡覺10F 05/16 10:54
kakashi71: 太爽了!不愧是知道怎麼賺錢的城市 反觀11F 05/16 10:56
oddhand: 熱帶花園旁有空地?12F 05/16 10:57
RKO771022: 這溫差 不跑才奇怪XD13F 05/16 11:07
Johseagull: 老公整天不理你 交友軟體認識的有錢哥整天送你名牌包14F 05/16 11:13
airflow: 應該是目前用作機場外圍停車場那塊地囉~15F 05/16 11:13
Hohenzollern: 運動家本來買的地段就很好了 現在有賭場給地+市政16F 05/16 11:14
Hohenzollern: 府給錢興建球場太爽啦
ramirez: 反觀某無情的城市18F 05/16 11:16
sezna: 反觀19F 05/16 11:19
ia220629: 這個城市真是情意報表20F 05/16 11:19
ia220629: *爆表
octopus4406: 好爽喔 誰要留在無情城市啊22F 05/16 11:23
vgil: 免費土地跟補助蓋球場  還不塊陶23F 05/16 11:26
airflow: 純品康納飯店要蓋新球場,但不是給純品康納球場的球隊用24F 05/16 11:28
mashmabo: 真好25F 05/16 11:29
airflow: 現在用純品康納球場的球隊也很想換新的球場26F 05/16 11:29
gustavvv: 反觀奧克蘭…27F 05/16 11:48
mightymouse: 那個地點很爽,LV的精華區旁邊都是高級酒店28F 05/16 12:13
lookers: ANAHEM的UBER司機說一定要去拉斯維加斯看看 是個全新世界29F 05/16 12:18
faracross: 太爽了吧 賭一賭賺爛看球 錢吐回去30F 05/16 12:27
manny875468: 無情城市奧克蘭掰掰31F 05/16 12:28
jentp: 好像可以為了球場再去LAS一次~~~32F 05/16 12:30
LtoM722: 博弈公司免費提供土地給職業球團這樣真的沒問題嗎?33F 05/16 12:38
Hohenzollern: 2008金融海嘯很多職業運動是靠博奕產業的贊助金才34F 05/16 12:44
Hohenzollern: 能撐過
andy810719: 快點蓋好讓我去賭博  看球36F 05/16 14:18
sunnyyoung: 發大財37F 05/16 15:48
fishhy: 可以脫離無情城市啦!38F 05/16 16:28
airflow: 觀眾席和走道一定要有拉霸機!39F 05/16 16:40

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 14 
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