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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-01-29 15:10:15
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 落磯老闆不認同教士的建隊方式
時間 Sun Jan 29 11:52:39 2023

Rockies' Monfort calls out Padres spending, roster construction

Colorado Rockies owner Dick Monfort is skeptical of the way the San Diego Padres
 have constructed their roster.

落磯老闆Dick Monfort對於同區教士的建隊方式保持懷疑態度

"What the Padres are doing, I don’t 100% agree with, though I know that our fan
s probably agree with it. We’ll see how it works out," Monfort said Saturday, a
ccording to the Denver Post's Patrick Saunders.


Monfort acknowledged the Padres' depth of talent, but believes they are not a co
mplete team and will face some financial questions in the future as they try and
 keep some of their stars in the fold.


"I look at the Padres and they have a really talented team, but they have some h
oles, too," Monfort said. "They’ve got three, maybe four starting pitchers, and
 then they’re sort of like us. They have (Joe) Musgrove, (Blake) Snell and (Yu)
 Darvish, so I don’t know."


"They have spent a lot of money and they will have to spend a lot more if they w
ant to keep (outfielder) Juan Soto. But it does put a lot of pressure on you. Ye
s, it does."


The Rockies have had a very quiet offseason thus far. The club signed right-hand
er Pierce Johnson to a one-year, $5-million contract and made a few trades to im
prove its depth.

落磯這休賽季用1yr/5M簽下前教士牛棚Pierce Johnson


Despite the lack of splashy moves thus far, Monfort believes the Rockies are cap
able of surprising teams and putting together a respectable campaign in 2023.

"I think we have a competitive team, and I think we are learning some things tha
t we need to learn to do differently," Monfort said. "I think this is really a y
ear where we can really step it up a little bit."


The Rockies haven't posted a winning season since 2018 and registered their fewe
st victories in a season (68) since 2015 last year.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-01-29 11:52:39
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZrUsAoj (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1674964362.A.CAD.html
zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB                                        01/29 11:52
a10141013: 關洛機老闆什麼事1F 01/29 11:53
saiulbb: 痾 不知道該說甚麼 有點像70分地笑90分的念書方式2F 01/29 11:54
Dimitre: 戰績鳥這樣還有臉說別人喔 單純就不想花錢經營就說3F 01/29 11:54
yeeee: 落磯不知道要爛到什麼時候4F 01/29 11:54
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/29/2023 11:55:17
Dimitre: 人家教士有錢想玩 戰績上來門票也越賣越多 洛磯老闆只是5F 01/29 11:55
Dimitre: 眼紅
knight714: 什麼70分…50分吧7F 01/29 11:55
zxc906383: 洛磯票房其實也不錯8F 01/29 11:56
polanco: 洛磯哪有70分XD9F 01/29 11:56
WasJohnWall: 人家爽花啊10F 01/29 11:57
zzs123344: 你們才扯吧 賣納豆 然後簽老大?11F 01/29 11:57
bananacookie: 什麼70分100分吧,落磯老闆就想要這樣建隊啊,這分12F 01/29 11:59
bananacookie: 數我覺得他還說太低了欸
es9114ian: 洛磯迷真的辛苦了,球隊有這種老闆還能支持下去....14F 01/29 11:59
arthurhsu123: 在那叫什麼15F 01/29 12:01
bmwnyy870915: 兩個字:仇富16F 01/29 12:01
Stras37: 洛磯真的快讓人笑死17F 01/29 12:01
CWeichieh08: 在那邊擔心人家要不要花錢 先管好自己的戰績吧XD18F 01/29 12:02
Randyready: 洛磯...ㄏㄏ19F 01/29 12:03
zzs123344: 分區墊底的 笑人家分區第二的?20F 01/29 12:04
flowerabby01: 沒想到這個等級的老闆了還會跟酸民一樣仇富21F 01/29 12:04
Stras37: 去年他們不是還自誇 別隊都沒綁約 他們自己綁了KB22F 01/29 12:04
wei16: 這隊自己最謎吧23F 01/29 12:05
sustainer123: 客家老闆教別人組隊 可憐24F 01/29 12:05
Stras37: 然後一堆人就開始幫Riley 問號25F 01/29 12:05
sustainer123: 這老闆有夠爛26F 01/29 12:05
hdotistyle: 你不花錢還不准別人花錢喔27F 01/29 12:05
a10141013: 都當到老闆了還仇富+128F 01/29 12:06
shigurew: 不肯花錢就是爛啦29F 01/29 12:10
abc12812: 花錢簽KB還不是被酸民噓 乾脆什麼都不要簽30F 01/29 12:12
ctbdog: 突然看了有點替落磯迷心酸31F 01/29 12:13
pp810207: 人家去年打進季後賽殺到國聯冠軍賽32F 01/29 12:15
polanco: 什麼都不要簽也許還真的比較好?反正季後賽沒什麼希望33F 01/29 12:17
Yjizz: XDD 抗議 他們花太兇34F 01/29 12:17
sexremix: 賣納豆買老大真的看到吐血..35F 01/29 12:19
blademan: 賣納豆簽KB的大談建隊方針??36F 01/29 12:20
hexokinase: 眼紅?37F 01/29 12:20
sh3312037: 洛磯高層大概是全聯盟倒數的,還敢講這種話呀38F 01/29 12:20
abc12812: 納豆就不想待洛磯了 賣掉有什麼不對? 尊重球員意願也錯?39F 01/29 12:21
lyk7304: 落磯球迷真可憐40F 01/29 12:22
Werth: 太急惹 再兩個月差不多要墊底了41F 01/29 12:23
abc12812: 如果當初不賣納豆 酸民還不是要嘴浪費球員生涯42F 01/29 12:23
b99202071: 關你屁事43F 01/29 12:23
abc12812: 反正想酸不缺理由啦44F 01/29 12:23
jackjoke2007: 我科羅拉多球迷啦 還好籃球跟美足夠爭氣 棒球真的一45F 01/29 12:24
jackjoke2007: 坨大便
polanco: 他不是說賣了納豆再買KB的操作嗎 幹嘛忽視後半段47F 01/29 12:25
sony0223098: 你哪來的臉說48F 01/29 12:36
mschien8295: 洛磯跟紅人老闆是學到台灣儉樸野球?49F 01/29 12:38
aifighter: 快賣給Kroenke吧,讓他湊科羅拉多大滿貫50F 01/29 12:39
lonzoslaker: 你倒是拿個冠軍再來說阿51F 01/29 12:40
GenjiEd: 笑死人不然要學你把納豆送走再簽痛痛kb 救援投手當基石52F 01/29 12:41
strikeman: 以前教士也是爛隊吧...落磯不長進就算了....53F 01/29 12:41
strikesout: 說真的 沒錢打不好是常態 打得好是例外54F 01/29 12:42
charlie01: 笑死 洛磯這幾年來是全MLB最不知道方向在搞啥的幾隊之55F 01/29 12:42
charlie01: 一
strikeman: 還有臉講別人是三小...57F 01/29 12:42
charlie01: 現在都流行爛隊嘴強隊 難怪球迷有樣學樣XD58F 01/29 12:42
strikesout: 出事就賣啊 學天使就好59F 01/29 12:42
ccf0423: 洛磯20多年前也有花很多$$簽FA,只是下場不好XD60F 01/29 12:43
GenjiEd: 基石daniel bard61F 01/29 12:43
kevinduh4: 語畢62F 01/29 12:44
GenjiEd: 更不用說前幾年花大錢簽很多救援結果63F 01/29 12:44
Kemp5050: 洛磯沒有不想花錢 只是不知道在幹嘛64F 01/29 12:46
charlie01: ccf說的那個人和合約也是棒球史的經典了65F 01/29 12:47
jarrodqq896: 我就爛66F 01/29 12:47
asdfg5287: 國西墊底嘴別人??67F 01/29 12:48
MrHeat: 不知道該說些什麼XD68F 01/29 12:49
strikesout: 說不定真的被他說中XDD不過賣了也不關老闆的事吧69F 01/29 12:49
eon4: 我覺得要批評別人之前先看看自己是什麼鳥樣比較好70F 01/29 12:55
GoIce: 謝謝你 洛磯71F 01/29 12:57
lagidog: 笑死72F 01/29 13:06
YDSK: 如果是光芒講還比較有說服力,洛磯...算了吧給人家笑而已XD73F 01/29 13:07
MKAngelheart: 去年我們什麼都沒有做 我們感到很驕傲74F 01/29 13:10
cnconnhc: 沒事兒沒事兒,台灣也有一隻爛隊很喜歡嘴強隊75F 01/29 13:18
SouLanPara: Dick76F 01/29 13:19
jkduke: 客家落磯 不知道 聖地牙哥 地下有石油嗎?77F 01/29 13:21
SouLanPara: 再提醒一下洛磯不是摳門是建隊灑錢毫無方向,跟某一78F 01/29 13:27
SouLanPara: 隊很像
Neo0611: 語畢80F 01/29 13:35
sfw0199: 洛磯高層自己才廢到笑還好意思說別人81F 01/29 13:36
o3208: 管好你自己82F 01/29 13:41
strikesout: 台灣就沒有這種老闆 人家愛怎麼花錢確實沒啥好嘴83F 01/29 13:46
a12300: 爛多少年了 有啥立場去質疑人家的模式 你這樣有好到哪?84F 01/29 13:49
SlamKai: 所以你幾勝?85F 01/29 14:18
yaieki: 住海邊喔86F 01/29 14:25
GyroZeppeli: 先進季後賽再來嘴吧 蛇蛇都比你們有競爭力87F 01/29 14:26
AhCheng: 洛磯老闆又在講幹話88F 01/29 14:29
jeter8695: 笑死 落磯有個30分就不錯了 還敢講別人89F 01/29 14:31
jeter8695: 把Arenado弄走再簽退步的KB
ilks2334: 翻譯:老子不想花錢啦91F 01/29 14:46
ghostl40809: 山上的球隊管到海邊喔 管真大92F 01/29 14:51

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