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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-19 12:12:40
看板 Baseball
作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] 大谷希望能長留天使
時間 Fri Nov 19 11:53:49 2021

Ohtani did not want to address during his MVP call whether he/his agent have had
 extension talks. However, he said "I really love the Angels, and I am looking f
orward to being a part of the team for a long time. Right now I want to focus on
 winning next season with the Angels."

Jeff Fletcher
Ohtani did not want to address during his MVP call whether he/his agent have had extension talks. However, he said "I really love the Angels, and I am looking forward to being a part of the team for a long time. Right now I want to focus on winning next season with the Angels."




2024FA 會提前綁長約嗎?

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1637294032.A.856.html
huan0: 選外之音:年薪5000萬請開始加碼1F 11/19 11:55
flowerabby01: 大谷在天使很好啊,可以盡情給他表演,換作其他隊2F 11/19 11:56
flowerabby01: 早就噴歪他了
sustainer123: 10Y3.5E-4E4F 11/19 11:56
andy8105: 待在天使才能盡情發揮二刀流 如果去別隊大概高機率被亂5F 11/19 11:57
andy8105: 搞
Minihil: 對天使來說至少再觀察一年會是比較保險的作法7F 11/19 11:57
kkjjkkjj: 留在天使沒有戰績壓力很好了8F 11/19 11:57
TAKE: 全票MVP被誰噴歪 有妄想症要去看醫生9F 11/19 11:58
WeGoStyle: 其實,他穿天使球衣,真的很帥XD10F 11/19 11:58
loltrg42972: 好奇怪 一直有2F這類論點 到底理由是啥11F 11/19 11:58
hitokiri: 希望明年能看到健康的大谷+鱒魚+軟動+雷神合體整季啊~12F 11/19 12:00
eddy12357: 誰噴歪誰還不好說呢13F 11/19 12:00
hy654: 噴歪應該是像前年這樣才會有人罵 兩邊都表現很好有啥好罵的14F 11/19 12:00
flowerabby01: 我不是說今年  我是說前兩年,有奪冠潛力隊伍會叫15F 11/19 12:00
flowerabby01: 他專心打者吧
hitokiri: 再加兩隻湊成六神合體雷神王這樣~XD17F 11/19 12:01
gnorimim: 二樓應該是在說大谷前兩年的成績如果在其他傳統強權或大18F 11/19 12:01
gnorimim: 市場球隊應該早就沒有空間等 也不會有今年的歷史二刀流
gnorimim: 紀錄
jason1515: 前三年的狀況要是沒耐心的球團說不定會希望他選一邊了21F 11/19 12:01
phoinixa: 穿別隊球衣的P圖都超詭異的,還是天使最好看,留著吧22F 11/19 12:01
zxc906383: 他前幾年的成績 在爭冠隊伍應該會被要求專註打擊23F 11/19 12:02
danny2451: 10Y 4.5E24F 11/19 12:02
Y1999: 在天使才有讓他二刀的機會25F 11/19 12:02
zxc906383: 天使可是唯一一支這六年 勝率從沒超過五成的球隊喔XD26F 11/19 12:03
tsaodin0220: 再幾年沒季後賽打就不會待了吧27F 11/19 12:03
davery: 反正以後還是可以說 但是...28F 11/19 12:03

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