※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-14 12:20:11
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] Cohen:我們應該會花超過Cohen threshold
時間 Mon Mar 14 00:01:48 2022
Steve Cohen on whether his Mets will go over the Cohen threshold: “We probably
On having the tax named after him, informally:
“It’s better than having a bridge named after you.”
Chelsea Janes
@chelsea_janesSteve Cohen on whether his Mets will go over the Cohen threshold: “We probably will.”
On having the tax named after him, informally:
“It’s better than having a bridge named after you.”
@chelsea_janesSteve Cohen on whether his Mets will go over the Cohen threshold: “We probably will.”
On having the tax named after him, informally:
“It’s better than having a bridge named after you.”
大都會老闆Steve Cohen剛剛去了梅子的春訓基地
新增的俗稱Cohen threshold的290M稅限
至於對Cohen threshold這詞
“I'm still new to baseball. And I know there's a name for it. They call it the
Cohen Tax or whatever. … The way I describe it is it’s better than a bridge be
ing named after you or something like that.”
@SNYtvSteve Cohen on having a luxury tax threshold named after him:
"The way I describe it, it's better than a bridge being named after you or something like that"
@SNYtvSteve Cohen on having a luxury tax threshold named after him:
"The way I describe it, it's better than a bridge being named after you or something like that"
Cohen:Cohen threshold我不怕啦
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YBXLkCA (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1647187310.A.30A.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 03/14/2022 00:03:13
推 : 王電火就是有錢1F 03/14 00:20
推 : 大都會的老闆是誰2F 03/14 00:20
推 : 老闆有錢真令人羨慕3F 03/14 00:37
推 : 希望也有快艇線4F 03/14 00:44
推 : 宇宙梅 不讓了5F 03/14 00:52
推 : 真‧黑暗騎士 有錢果然是超能力6F 03/14 00:58
推 : 可汗的錢真的好多7F 03/14 01:00
推 : 老闆都很有錢,就看自己花不花而已8F 03/14 01:26
推 : 王電火9F 03/14 01:29
推 : 王電火你尚好莫傷超過10F 03/14 01:34
推 : 跨勒好勢好勢 其實勒欺騙社會11F 03/14 01:42
推 : 有錢就可以任性12F 03/14 01:48
推 : 當做食老兩三歲 當做少年攏盲13F 03/14 02:07
推 : 洋基:你們以為我們錢花不完? 可汗:還真的花不完14F 03/14 02:07
推 : 恁爸有一工會給你電甲袂講話15F 03/14 02:20
推 : 拜請電火王~~~~16F 03/14 06:12
推 : 真 預算無上限17F 03/14 07:38
噓 : 反觀洋基18F 03/14 07:41
推 : 反觀19F 03/14 08:27
推 : 可汗線20F 03/14 08:29
→ : 有錢也是分等級的21F 03/14 08:49
推 : 撒幣當南山錢來花22F 03/14 10:05
推 : 王電火: NY $鬥 你NYY能$鬥贏我 NYM嗎?23F 03/14 10:58
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 38
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