※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-02-16 03:05:08
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] Matt Harvey承認吸古柯鹼
時間 Wed Feb 16 01:09:51 2022
T.J. Quinn
@TJQuinnESPNProsecutor: Was it common for players to use oxycodone and tylenol?
Harvey: "Yes."
@TJQuinnESPNProsecutor: Was it common for players to use oxycodone and tylenol?
Harvey: "Yes."
Harvey says he was a partier. Prosecutor asks, what did you party with? Harvey:
Matt Harvey在法庭上承認有吸食古柯鹼
T.J. Quinn
@TJQuinnESPNHarvey: was still using cocaine when he went to California.
@TJQuinnESPNHarvey: was still using cocaine when he went to California.
Harvey: was still using cocaine when he went to California.
Adam Rubin
@AdamRubinMediaI’ll say this and then stop: The Mets told me a looong time ago, before anything like this was public, that they tried to help him, as did his agent. So they weren’t willfully blind to what was going on because they were getting performance.
@AdamRubinMediaI’ll say this and then stop: The Mets told me a looong time ago, before anything like this was public, that they tried to help him, as did his agent. So they weren’t willfully blind to what was going on because they were getting performance.
I’ll say this and then stop: The Mets told me a looong time ago, before anythin
g like this was public, that they tried to help him, as did his agent. So they w
eren’t willfully blind to what was going on because they were getting performan
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Y2zvX2_ (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1644944993.A.0BF.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/16/2022 01:10:21
推 : !!!1F 02/16 01:15
推 : 八嘎nono2F 02/16 01:16
推 : QQ果然3F 02/16 01:17
→ : 下去4F 02/16 01:19
推 : 還提到說你在紐約時期你有沒有說謊 他回說沒人認真5F 02/16 01:20
→ : 的問過我 真的很會講幹話
→ : 的問過我 真的很會講幹話
推 : 職業生涯掰掰7F 02/16 01:20
推 : 謀巴啦!8F 02/16 01:23
推 : 投這麼爛有關?Y9F 02/16 01:25
→ : 真的是黑暗騎士了….10F 02/16 01:27
推 : 我的毒沒有解藥11F 02/16 01:27
推 : 哈們12F 02/16 01:30
推 : 吸這種比大麻糟糕13F 02/16 01:30
推 : 比哈們還誇張14F 02/16 01:32
→ : 門徒:千萬別相信那些吸毒的15F 02/16 01:39
推 : masemase16F 02/16 01:42
推 : I’m in love with the COCO17F 02/16 01:42
→ : 哈 維20F 02/16 01:46
推 : 哈 weed21F 02/16 01:47
推 : 吸古柯鹼就是沒有救了,22F 02/16 01:52
推 : 古柯鹼就差不多沒救了23F 02/16 01:58
推 : 樓上hy24F 02/16 01:58
推 : 真的誇張25F 02/16 01:58
→ : 這樣是不是就沒機會進名人堂了?26F 02/16 01:59
推 : 大聯盟藥檢都假的嗎?怎麼抓不到27F 02/16 02:06
→ : 他的成績本來就跟名人堂無緣了28F 02/16 02:11
→ : I don’t car29F 02/16 02:12
推 : 吸到古柯鹼是不是基本人生結束了?31F 02/16 02:31
→ : 職業選手還吸古柯鹼 真的是不珍惜32F 02/16 02:49
推 : 真的是黑暗騎士33F 02/16 02:52
推 : 他大都會2012-2017 大聯盟古柯鹼藥檢在2019年才開始
推 : 他大都會2012-2017 大聯盟古柯鹼藥檢在2019年才開始
推 : 笑死 如果在台灣 球團知情不舉就準備被炮死了35F 02/16 02:57
推 : 記得沒錯的話,通常說碰過就沒救的是海洛因,不是古柯鹼36F 02/16 02:58
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 76
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