※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-06 05:16:04
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] Trevor Bauer 去道奇
時間 Sat Feb 6 04:01:37 2021

@JeffPassanTrevor Bauer and the Los Angeles Dodgers are in agreement on a three-year deal that has opt-outs after Years 1 and 2, sources tell ESPN.
Trevor Bauer and the Los Angeles Dodgers are in agreement on a three-year dea
l that has opt-outs after Years 1 and 2, sources tell ESPN.
三年約 每一年結束都有逃脫條款
@FeinsandTrevor Bauer gets $102M for 3 years from Dodgers, per source. He has opt outs after each of the first two years; $40M in 2021, $45M in 2022. He'll be the highest-paid player in MLB history in '21, then again in '22. Good job by @AgentRachelLuba & Jon Fetterolf of @zssports_law.
Trevor Bauer gets $102M for 3 years from Dodgers, per source. He has opt outs
after each of the first two years; $40M in 2021, $45M in 2022. He'll be the
highest-paid player in MLB history in '21, then again in '22. Good job by
@AgentRachelLuba & Jon Fetterolf of @zssports_law.
3年 102M
2021 $40M
2022 $45M
@JonHeymanBauer decision will surprise some folks. But he’s going home and to a champion. #dodgers
Bauer decision will surprise some folks. But he’s going home and to a champion
Heyman 表示 Bauer 的決定可能會讓一些人震驚
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1612555299.A.A9C.html
※ 編輯: dw1012 ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 04:03:35
※ 編輯: dw1012 ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 04:08:27
Joel Sherman
@Joelsherman1#Mets went after Bauer hard. Offer was roughly 3 yrs, $110M with similar opt outs after Years 1 and 2 but total was about $40M in each of this years. Deal was comparable or more. But the North Hollywood kid took the hometown greatly run defending champs.
#Mets went after Bauer hard. Offer was roughly 3 yrs, $110M with similar
opt outs after Years 1 and 2 but total was about $40M in each of this years.
Deal was comparable or more. But the North Hollywood kid took the hometown
greatly run defending champs.
大都會追 Bauer 追很認真 價碼甚至開到 3年110M 也有類似的逃脫條款
但 Bauer 是加州人
※ 編輯: dw1012 ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 04:19:14
Eddy Almaguer
@EddyAlmaguerThe #Dodgers rotation will make $110,350,000 in 2021, more than 13 MLB orgs' entire payroll.
Trevor Bauer - $40 mil
David Price - $32 mil
Clayton Kershaw - $31 mil
Walker Buehler - $3.75 mil
Julio Urias - $3.6 mil
The #Dodgers rotation will make $110,350,000 in 2021, more than 13 MLB
orgs' entire payroll.
Trevor Bauer - $40 mil
David Price - $32 mil
Clayton Kershaw - $31 mil
Walker Buehler - $3.75 mil
Julio Urias - $3.6 mil
道奇目前光是先發投手輪值 總薪資就來到 110.35M
→ : 77771F 02/06 04:02
推 : 宇宙躲?2F 02/06 04:03
推 : 邪惡3F 02/06 04:03
※ 編輯: dw1012 ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 04:05:55※ 編輯: dw1012 ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 04:08:27
推 : 宇宙教 宇宙躲 都幾4F 02/06 04:07
推 : 創世躲5F 02/06 04:09
※ 編輯: dw1012 ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 04:12:28推 : 好扯6F 02/06 04:10
推 : 大都會QQ7F 02/06 04:13
推 : 這輪值太噁了8F 02/06 04:13
推 : 創世躲怎麼輸9F 02/06 04:14
→ : 他去道奇還算合理,在洛杉磯長大,大學唸UCLA,算是為10F 02/06 04:15
→ : 家鄉效力
→ : 家鄉效力
推 : 哇靠,這薪水真的很高12F 02/06 04:16
@Joelsherman1#Mets went after Bauer hard. Offer was roughly 3 yrs, $110M with similar opt outs after Years 1 and 2 but total was about $40M in each of this years. Deal was comparable or more. But the North Hollywood kid took the hometown greatly run defending champs.
#Mets went after Bauer hard. Offer was roughly 3 yrs, $110M with similar
opt outs after Years 1 and 2 but total was about $40M in each of this years.
Deal was comparable or more. But the North Hollywood kid took the hometown
greatly run defending champs.
大都會追 Bauer 追很認真 價碼甚至開到 3年110M 也有類似的逃脫條款
但 Bauer 是加州人
※ 編輯: dw1012 ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 04:19:14
推 : 宇宙躲 天元躲 創世躲 薩諾斯躲13F 02/06 04:18
→ : 看得我小鹿亂撞14F 02/06 04:18
推 : 宇宙躲怎麼輸15F 02/06 04:18
推 : 加州人最後還是選擇回家16F 02/06 04:20
推 : 哇 躲人的團隊薪資要突破天際了吧17F 02/06 04:21
@EddyAlmaguerThe #Dodgers rotation will make $110,350,000 in 2021, more than 13 MLB orgs' entire payroll.
Trevor Bauer - $40 mil
David Price - $32 mil
Clayton Kershaw - $31 mil
Walker Buehler - $3.75 mil
Julio Urias - $3.6 mil
orgs' entire payroll.
Trevor Bauer - $40 mil
David Price - $32 mil
Clayton Kershaw - $31 mil
Walker Buehler - $3.75 mil
Julio Urias - $3.6 mil
道奇目前光是先發投手輪值 總薪資就來到 110.35M
推 : 我躲高潮!!!!!!18F 02/06 04:22
推 : 777719F 02/06 04:26
推 : 是說,美普最近實戰是什麼時候?20F 02/06 04:30
推 : 教士表示:21F 02/06 04:31
※ 編輯: dw1012 ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 04:32:31→ : 道奇還在跟Turner談22F 02/06 04:34
推 : 結果達比修的薪水超便宜23F 02/06 04:36
推 : 這輪值太精美24F 02/06 04:37
推 : 要彈蛋蛋了25F 02/06 04:38
推 : %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%26F 02/06 04:40
→ : $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
→ : $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
推 : 逃脫之後還能更高嗎?28F 02/06 04:44
→ : 這三年合約的薪資分配也很特別 2021球季40M/2022球29F 02/06 04:54
→ : 季45M/2023球季17M
→ : 季45M/2023球季17M
推 : 因為大都會死屍打線陣容又痛,這幾年一堆莫名陰影,怎麼31F 02/06 04:55
→ : 比都是道奇給的附加價值和期待感高
→ : 比都是道奇給的附加價值和期待感高
推 : XDDDDD33F 02/06 05:03
推 : 怎麼輸34F 02/06 05:06
推 : 梅子多給8M其實也很多,多數一般人一輩子都賺不到...但35F 02/06 05:08
→ : 以頂薪球員來看卻只是差額...
→ : 以頂薪球員來看卻只是差額...
推 : 太噁了 怎麼輸37F 02/06 05:09
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