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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-09-30 18:33:35
看板 Baseball
作者 waiting0801 (動感光波逼逼)
標題 Fw: [情報] 雙城季後賽17連敗
時間 Wed Sep 30 09:52:02 2020

※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1VSzym2y ]






17  Twins   2004-至今 (持續中囧)
13  Red Sox 1986-1995


Undergoing a 9th inning collapse in a 4-1 loss to the Astros today, the #MNTwins misery in the #Postseason continued. Going back 16 years, they've lost each of their last 17 such outings which has put them into the all-time lead on this list of lengthy droughts in playoff action


Defeated 4-1 by the Astros today, the #MNTwins have now lost 17 consecutive #Postseason games. That passes the Blackhawks (April 20, 1975-Apr 22 1979) for the longest playoff losing streak by a franchise in one the "Big Four" North American Pro sports leagues (NBA, NFL, NFL, MLB)

※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VSzym2y (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1601429296.A.0BC.html
darvish072: 軟1F 09/30 09:54
scjh123: 之前每年都進季後賽讓洋基暖身用的2F 09/30 09:55
jones210272: 幫qq3F 09/30 09:55
joyeszhang: 準備在加1爛4F 09/30 09:59
marx93521: 領先了大半場自己把勝利搞飛5F 09/30 09:59
avcddd: 城城隊就是軟手QQ  看來對手是不是乃乃隊不是重點6F 09/30 10:01
a39452011: 準備18連敗送作弊人晉級7F 09/30 10:03
yeah8466: 洋基貢獻不少8F 09/30 10:04
jones210272: 洋基貢獻13勝9F 09/30 10:05
Eric60203: 軟手城XD10F 09/30 10:06
m54108: 幫前田QQ11F 09/30 10:12
icou: 雙城真的一到季後賽就真的變洋基配練隊12F 09/30 10:15
magicqw: 想說城城隊不用再當我基肥料 沒想到13F 09/30 10:22
johnnyyoyo: 雙城不用太擔心 至少今年不會20連敗14F 09/30 10:25
mtyk10100: 打線真的超爛15F 09/30 10:26
horry95713: 我太今年打線已經夠爛了 還能輸 笑死16F 09/30 10:30
※ 編輯: waiting0801 ( 臺灣), 09/30/2020 10:33:03
cookiey: 怎麼這麼慘呀17F 09/30 10:40
erosha: 繼續堆高就要下去了 QQ18F 09/30 10:41
mark11422: 慘19F 09/30 10:57
togetfree: 再輸一場請改名好嗎20F 09/30 11:11
stilu: 16連敗不夠,還可以17連敗,真不簡單21F 09/30 11:20
togetfree: 活塞有機會超越喔XD22F 09/30 11:22
togetfree: 感覺下次進季後賽就是+4的時候了
nulltakashi: 我看雙城這連敗紀錄會持續到球隊打烊為止24F 09/30 11:43
mimchu: 教練球員都不一樣還能一直輸25F 09/30 11:56
Tim1018: 打擊加油好嗎 = =26F 09/30 12:01
Hsu1025: 看來不是怕洋基 根本就是爛27F 09/30 14:34

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 59 
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