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※ 本文為 GeniusKiKi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-09-14 21:17:09
看板 Android
作者 rudyych (熊熊)
標題 [軟體] Google Play退費期限延長為2小時
時間 Thu Sep 11 07:16:12 2014

Return paid apps & games - Google Play Help
After purchasing an app or game on Google Play, you can return it within two hours for a full refund. If the two-hour return period has passed, we recommend contacting the app developer di ...


如上連結所示, 在Google Play買APP或遊戲,


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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Android/M.1410390974.A.31E.html
hohiyan: 台灣使用者不是堅持15分鐘就夠了  XD1F 09/11 07:23
bhis: 這已經實施一段時間2F 09/11 08:34
rutw: 台灣:七天!七天!七天!七天!3F 09/11 09:05
wuliou: 北市府:七天!七天!七天!七天!七天!七天!七天!4F 09/11 10:04
selient: 2F請拿出證據5F 09/11 11:33
AFM: 電子書也是嗎6F 09/11 11:42
w0420cc: 之前就有人在傳退費有比較長了7F 09/11 12:14
Tenka: http://goo.gl/hAO3Mh 證據不會自己找嗎 只會出張嘴8F 09/11 12:14
The Play Store's Refund Window Now Seems To Be Around 2 Hours For Many Paid Apps And Games, Not 15 Minutes
If you've purchased an app or game on the Play Store recently and gone to see if you could return it, you may have noticed something a bit odd: you could s... by David Ruddock in Applications, News, Rumors ...

rudyych: 之前只是傳聞而已,你不見的碰的到。現在是正式宣告,我9F 09/11 12:34
rudyych: 上面已特別註明了。
ThisismyID: 阿不就好棒棒 請問正式實施多久了? 要嘴請先用腦11F 09/11 13:13
ThisismyID: 請找官方資料來阿 說正式幾天了阿 zzz
ThisismyID: Google has not instituted the 2-hour refund
ThisismyID: as policy yet. 要不要我教你怎麼讀懂英文?
ChiuS2: 上面吵這麼兇是這段時間有人沒碰到嗎?15F 09/11 13:18
ChiuS2: *沒碰到(兩小時的退費窗口)
ChiuS2: 我也一直以為兩小時的退費窗口已經實施一段時間了,只是
ChiuS2: 沒有規則化,所以我很好奇,這個禮拜就好,有人的退費窗
ChiuS2: 口只有十五分鐘嗎?如果有的話先感謝告知
drift024: 這也有辦法吵起來?20F 09/11 13:40
bhis: 對啊,這也能吵真無聊。我8.14買一個遊戲叫dokuro,買完就開21F 09/11 14:19
bhis: 始玩,過了一個多小時還顯示能退費
bhis: 所以我要嘛見鬼,要嘛幸運
deepinsoul: 推個 不錯啊24F 09/11 16:49

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