※ 本文為 hwang555 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-17 15:48:24
看板 AKB48
作者 標題 [2ch] AKB的英文課本上不想要出現的例句
時間 Sun Aug 12 20:57:17 2012
1 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 00:28:56.29 ID:BZ2adWGn0
Churi : I wish I were a bird. Churi「我希望我是一隻鳥」
2 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 00:31:26.70 ID:GAxu2mhj0
Minami:Efforts are certainly rewarded. Minami「努力終究會有回報」
74 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 02:42:12.11 ID:T/zfkTB60
話說 >>2 的時態是對的嗎?78 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 03:05:09.12 ID:gD87CB7S0
>>74應該說be rewarded用在無生物感覺怪怪的
3 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 00:33:45.21 ID:CeZsJwnN0
My name is Ayarin Kikuchi5 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 00:35:43.49 ID:qCOgBAwu0
Sassi : Though I had sex, Don't make fun of me!6 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 00:36:11.48 ID:pSHFF0e90
Urusay-yo:Fuckin' noisy! ウルセーヨ「吵死了」
8 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 00:37:08.77 ID:BZ2adWGn0
Ken : Atsuko, what is your hobby ?Atsuko : Really ? Thank you.
10 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 00:40:05.00 ID:WXhWX2qq0
Sayaka: I squeezed a lemon on your deep-fried chicken.11 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2012/08/11(土) 00:41:14.52 ID:YFREaxJ00
Milky is a good fisher.14 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 00:43:34.90 ID:BZ2adWGn0
拜託你們寫一下日文翻譯好嗎www20 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 00:51:08.38 ID:WXhWX2qq0
From Yamato, with love and peace. Fire! Ainyan-wave motion gun!!22 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 00:51:12.07 ID:WNYAEIV30
Mariko: Come beat me. I've been waiting for you.28 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 01:00:24.56 ID:AiU+X8Dg0
To love each other under the blue sky is better feeling than to take offone's clothes.
29 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 01:02:36.22 ID:Lpm1vqNm0
Haruka : I am sorry to Budokan.30 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 01:02:54.96 ID:mvP8Kaa10
a member: Anytime in your heart?
a member: In your heart?
lolicon: Yuria peace!!
32 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2012/08/11(土) 01:04:38.01 ID:VExmNGXv0
33 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 01:07:01.63 ID:WNYAEIV30
Mayuyu: Everybody's gaze will be ... captured by ... Mayuyu!34 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 01:08:35.24 ID:TtvmF26Y0
35 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 01:09:10.76 ID:011+w5iTO
I want to be Fresh-lemon!36 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 01:09:26.61 ID:QdXtoFCa0
It's more cancer
44 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 01:22:23.43 ID:WNYAEIV30
>>36 Ray say knee, say Cockney,
48 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 01:30:52.67 ID:WNYAEIV30
Akicha: green tea, barley tea, woo long tea but end up Akicha!56 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 01:49:10.52 ID:JM9iWnrK0
I feel shame at being Minami, same as your name!68 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 02:18:32.30 ID:TtvmF26Y0
UmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmManatsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu85 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 03:34:07.61 ID:BZ2adWGn0
Takamina is a boy rather than a girl. Takamina 與其說是女生,不如說比較像男生。
86 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 03:35:30.78 ID:NShi1YCp0
It is said that the fans must buy not less than 100 of their compact disks87 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 03:43:41.85 ID:rCAwnh0G0
Yukirin:I don't know how to break an egg. 由紀:我不知道如何打蛋
93 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 04:16:29.64 ID:RIrpS3xo0
90 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 04:05:41.20 ID:BZ2adWGn0
No matter what AKB is, we do love all of it.
96 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 04:37:13.98 ID:Rx66Fo/p0
Love is money. 票數就是愛。
100 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 04:42:09.09 ID:16QSHXsl0
They buy not CDs but handshake-tickets.101 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 04:44:48.47 ID:mvYg/1b80
A : Mayumi Uchida is a rock.B : Rock? Do you mean, rock artist?
A : No. Rock.
B : Oh ... .
102 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 04:46:56.59 ID:Rx66Fo/p0
Yuki : I'm too lazy to reply by e-mails.
111 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 05:50:35.57 ID:dNtXb83N0
Rino passed her number to him. 莉乃把電話號碼交給了他。
117 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 07:48:28.27 ID:i9GfO/8P0
I will make you all a crazy on me. 夢中にさせちゃうぞっ。
118 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 07:52:17.62 ID:i9GfO/8P0
啊,對象是複數所以不是 a crazy 啊。I will make you all crazys on me. …吧。或者是,Yukirin said that she make them all crazys on her. 這樣吧。
132 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 08:49:45.31 ID:i9GfO/8P0
While he has been getting on a bus, she was fired. 當他在搭巴士的時候,她就被解雇了。
144 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 09:40:54.96 ID:qA91GiQD0
Honane(・o・)ノ147 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 10:42:34.99 ID:VhqAvNEJ0
150 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 10:55:32.46 ID:wCAWmufD0
I came from Saitama.155 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 11:13:55.86 ID:BZ2adWGn0
A candidate of next center is Mayuyu.However, it could be Paruru.
157 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2012/08/11(土) 11:19:55.81 ID:VhqAvNEJ0
The candidate of the next center is Mayuyu now.However, it could be Paruru.
156 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 11:18:12.29 ID:VhqAvNEJ0
159 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 11:40:15.45 ID:++4YDQXg0
這比普通念書還更有趣又實用耶!!!( *‵ω′)161 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 11:43:56.49 ID:+38JVgkRO
167 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2012/08/11(土) 12:04:40.39 ID:Y9h//kVlO
沒想到我不擅長的英文原來是這麼有趣的東西・・・168 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 12:06:03.88 ID:++4YDQXg0
163 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2012/08/11(土) 11:51:00.27 ID:mn31iDt50
non, non, non, non, I'll try my best non. Kyaha!164 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 11:51:33.25 ID:nbWQGiJrO
Are you looking a sunset.170 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 12:17:03.79 ID:VhqAvNEJ0
always rewarded.
175 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 12:57:00.14 ID:qBfXHRA/0
Do you know that English text using AKB is actually sold in Japanese bigbook stores?
178 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 13:28:06.84 ID:VhqAvNEJ0
181 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 14:01:54.55 ID:qBfXHRA/0
To see is to believe,how about going to the big book store near your house?
Or ggrks!
177 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2012/08/11(土) 13:05:44.56 ID:rCAwnh0G0
沒想到這還蠻有趣 雖然有幾句梗是很奇怪的英文w183 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 14:08:05.50 ID:QdXtoFCa0
Longer time than dreaming, you are the only girl for meI wish this time to last forever and ever
Longer time than dreaming, I wish I could talk with you
I really long to be such a Chat-chat-chat-chat-chatty man
But actually I have no topic to talk with her.
186 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 14:11:20.05 ID:hHDDfRNq0
Yuko"what's this? Ni-Ro-Ni?"196 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2012/08/11(土) 14:47:22.46 ID:WXhWX2qq0
Sayaka: I'll never forgive you, Jo!! ジョーしばく!!
204 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 16:07:33.79 ID:dJPS0/710
I wanna talk with you much longer than I can in my sweet dreamI've been longing to be a talkative man
205 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 16:23:39.93 ID:dJPS0/710
Maybe, maybe, I'm maybe falling in love with youThe sky is so blue and clear that I can't find any clouds in it
Maybe, maybe, I'm maybe falling in love with you
It's ok if this feeling ended up a crush on you
I excuse by saying "MAYBE"
メイビー メイビー 好きなのかもしれない
メイビー メイビー 好きなのかもしれない
206 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 16:24:43.10 ID:VhqAvNEJ0
いつも 感謝 冷静に 丁寧に 正確に みんなの夢が叶いますように。
Do as usual.
Always appreciate our stakeholders' great helps.
Be cool! Be polite! Be accurate! We hope everyone's dreams come ture.
207 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 16:30:32.41 ID:AiU+X8Dg0
Because I like you, I'm always here. You don't have to notice lostingin a crowd.
A dream is a flower which blooms little by little in sweat.
The effort never betrays.
208 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 16:42:52.98 ID:dJPS0/710
Long-distance posterThough you are so close to me
No matter I stretch my arms out, you'll never be my girl
Long-distance love can't last so long, they say
But I am sure you and I are ok if only you knew me
209 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 16:55:34.23 ID:dJPS0/710
Who is the cutest girl in this shore?Which girl are you gonna point to with your finger?
"Nagi-ichi", let's make it clear right now!
Let me ask you, you fall in summer-love... with who?
210 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 17:19:37.83 ID:dJPS0/710
Are we dreaming of something?
Are we believing in future?
Are we remaining reckless?
Now, are we dreaming of something?
As plain as an innocent child
The chain someone set to control us is nuisance
Let's break it
213 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2012/08/11(土) 18:16:04.65 ID:AjKYn/tU0
Not only Yonezawa but also Hirajima are going out with those boys.216 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 18:43:58.09 ID:UcjJ10Tx0
Shimada,don't speak out loud!!!243 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2012/08/11(土) 21:02:48.63 ID:dJPS0/710
Yukirin, is there any bowling centers even in Kagoshima?Shut up, of course there are
247 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 21:09:48.72 ID:2J+iixjO0
nitou and moeno258 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/11(土) 21:46:49.58 ID:dJPS0/710
I heard, when you love someone, you come to wake up earlier in the morning!The reason? I don't knooow
259 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2012/08/11(土) 21:52:27.29 ID:9B7oU5wN0
I can't do it as my legs hurt262 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 00:13:20.75 ID:I0v62xUD0
Yu, yu, yukirin ...264 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 00:51:47.14 ID:abzTq4U10
Nironi : I love Mari-yagi. ニローニ「我愛瑪莉小羊。」
263 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2012/08/12(日) 00:39:31.68 ID:T2IyAIZm0
Yuko and Mayu love the each other's hip. 優子和麻友喜歡彼此的屁屁。
265 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 01:43:11.19 ID:T2IyAIZm0
Most of their CDs are thrown away without playing. 她們的CD很多都未曾播放過就被丟棄了。
273 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 02:37:20.61 ID:5hlOco4Q0
One, two, three, four, let's say together!Six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Ri! Na!
274 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 02:40:05.31 ID:abzTq4U10
ten! Ri! Na!誰啊www
276 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 03:03:41.17 ID:mgDSGh9T0
Her younger sister used to be a rhythmic gymnast and joined a Japanese popidol group called AKB48.
Nina Saeedyokota - Gymnastics - Rhythmic - Olympic Athlete | London 2012
Nina Saeedyokota at London 2012 Summer Olympics. Latest News, Results, Medal Count at the London 2012 Summer Olympics. ...
277 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 03:12:45.46 ID:5hlOco4Q0
Presenter: You are a winner.Winner: Even if you all hate me, please don't hate AKB.
285 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 03:53:08.24 ID:3Uh+lkLq0
I don't go today because I'm not invited by Atsuko (^^) Please enjoy “@mariko_dayo: @tomo_coco73 Where are you?(^O^)/Don't you come?”
tomo_coco73 (板野友美)
295 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 09:37:49.00 ID:nQUh8XgH0
There is a river flowing just in front of your eyesIt is wide and large river
Even when it is dark and deep
Even when it flows so fast
You don't have to be frightened at it
Though it could be far away
You can reach the opposite bank
Why don't you believe yourself more confidently?
297 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 11:16:26.44 ID:bhJHcqEm0
AKB means the future of Atsuko. AKB代表敦子的未來。
299 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 15:01:47.39 ID:V2hV7oLD0
BBQ Matsumura presents, "We have one Komeda again!" BBQ松村的「今夜も1コメダ!」
303 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 16:16:17.79 ID:nQUh8XgH0
1. What the fuck is this girl? Ugly...2. She's featured again, fucking recommended bitch
3. I'm getting used to seeing Bu-sassy
4. She's crying again! Fuck off Sashihara lol
5. What? Her self shot can be somewhat cute...
6. I can't find Sashihara in this show... I don't care though
7. Oh, Sashiko is on the screen! As I expect she is Bu-sassy today too lol
8. What the fuck! They don't show me Sashihara! Piece of shit!
9. Where's my sweet Sashikoooo
10. I can see nothing but Rino-chan
305 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 18:12:02.77 ID:n0pNCEVE0
Hmmmm,the middle of the summeeeer306 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 18:30:50.69 ID:R7OhYdL/0
SKE48 New 10th SingleEven kiss is lefty
307 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です:2012/08/12(日) 19:16:21.94 ID:eZZjCtK70
Autumn Pig "Fans dismiss every new single as crap" 秋肥 「每次出單曲大家都說是糞曲」
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: akiratw 來自: (08/12 20:58)
推 :要寫例句前加個翻譯啊wwwwwwwwww1F 08/12 20:59
推 :Minami:I want to tell a story ,and it's very funny.2F 08/12 21:00
推 :Miichan:I like shrimp.3F 08/12 21:02
推 :前幾天在2ch上看到這篇時差點被笑死 XDDD4F 08/12 21:04
推 :68XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD,這我看的懂www5F 08/12 21:05
推 :看到英文 頭暈了@@6F 08/12 21:05
推 :36神作7F 08/12 21:05
推 :快推 不然別人以為我英文不好8F 08/12 21:06
推 :nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnManatsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu9F 08/12 21:06
推 :好多文法都怪怪的ww10F 08/12 21:06
推 :我以為會有 RISET~11F 08/12 21:07
推 :這根本就是萌單AKB版阿XDDDDD12F 08/12 21:07
推 :101XDDDDD13F 08/12 21:08
推 :Spicy:Are you angry?14F 08/12 21:08
推 :I catch all of your eye contact...mayuyu!!!15F 08/12 21:10
推 :I love takamina. but hate jp16F 08/12 21:10
推 :68 XD17F 08/12 21:11
推 :弟媳自演乙。 把我暱稱打對啊混蛋18F 08/12 21:12
推 :I want to see Fresh Lemon19F 08/12 21:13
推 :Lemon: Flash lemon is what I want to be~~~ (超順)20F 08/12 21:13
→ :Today, the mood is...? Happy~Happy~Harurupy!21F 08/12 21:13
推 :Sayaka:Attackkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22F 08/12 21:15
→ :Flash lemon...閃光檸檬ww23F 08/12 21:15
推 :...拼錯了24F 08/12 21:16
推 :Sayaka:To~to~ro~25F 08/12 21:19
推 :Lemon: Fresh lemon is what I want to be~~~ NG再一次(糗)26F 08/12 21:19
推 :哼哼 閃光檸檬聽起來超高級的27F 08/12 21:20
推 :Yasushi: You'll be a menber of HKT48 tomorrow.28F 08/12 21:21
推 :這串更好笑 wwwwww29F 08/12 21:21
→ :Milky is a good fisher...ww30F 08/12 21:22
推 : *member31F 08/12 21:23
→ :love is money XDDDDDDDDDDDD32F 08/12 21:23
推 :Akarin is a good fisher too.33F 08/12 21:24
推 :Really? Thank you! wwwwwww34F 08/12 21:26
推 :Atsuko:Breakfast is half of life.35F 08/12 21:27
推 : another is sleep36F 08/12 21:27
推 :nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnManatsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu37F 08/12 21:28
推 :Kojiharu:Hi Ken!38F 08/12 21:28
推 :I want to eat hormone~39F 08/12 21:28
→ :She is Paruru in the future40F 08/12 21:29
→ :I'm Nagoya's snowwhite.41F 08/12 21:29
推 :kitarie:How old are you?42F 08/12 21:31
推 :Yoshida Akari:Excuse me!43F 08/12 21:31
推 :Eel: I took advantage from being flat-chested44F 08/12 21:32
→ :改成I'm glad of being flat-chested. 好像好一點
→ :改成I'm glad of being flat-chested. 好像好一點
推 :Unagi:If I think I'm ugly, would you be sad?46F 08/12 21:33
→ :Sashihara: I'm not good at dancing and singing.47F 08/12 21:33
→ :I'm not cute, either.
→ :I'm not cute, either.
推 :That kenkuse!Go buy a cup of juice for me49F 08/12 21:34
推 :Kanon: My breast cup size is C.50F 08/12 21:34
→ :nakaya:I'm an ideal without selection.51F 08/12 21:35
推 : idol52F 08/12 21:35
→ :Ripopo: I'm surrounded by ghost! What should I do?53F 08/12 21:36
→ :想偶像 打理想...54F 08/12 21:36
→ :Love is like a bird that lost its wing.55F 08/12 21:37
→ :Kojiharu: Your eyes are dead!
→ :Kojiharu: Your eyes are dead!
推 :Ripopo:Ghost house is terrible, but adults are more57F 08/12 21:40
→ :terrible.
→ :terrible.
推 :Bird little house:I see you! (Avatar?59F 08/12 21:40
推 :Ayane: Papi~papi~papi~tan~~~~60F 08/12 21:41
→ :Miichan is cute yo Miichan.61F 08/12 21:41
推 :==============以上回文將反攻至2ch=============(疑?62F 08/12 21:42
推 :Bird little house是誰??63F 08/12 21:42
→ :雞小窩64F 08/12 21:42
→ :Sakura:I don't like jordan...65F 08/12 21:42
推 :鳥小屋~66F 08/12 21:43
推 :Goma: I'm responsible for being sexy.67F 08/12 21:44
→ :36和44太有才了wwww68F 08/12 23:36
推 :36跟44笑翻了XDDDDDDDDD69F 08/12 23:48
推 :303是推沙喜演進表!!70F 08/12 23:50
推 :44是什麼啊71F 08/13 00:40
推 :冷静に、正確に72F 08/13 00:42
→ :いつも感謝 的下一句阿 XD 那段英文念起來像日文73F 08/13 00:43
推 :285不太懂~沒被敦子邀就不敢去嗎???74F 08/13 01:29
推 :看完快笑翻了XD75F 08/13 01:52
推 :Dear J76F 08/13 02:28
推 :303 XD 沙喜十步驟啊!!77F 08/13 03:54
推 :303英文版 好激動XDDD78F 08/13 05:42
推 :愛娘波動砲wwwwwwwwwwww79F 08/13 07:22
推 :150是陽菜的CATCH PHRASE耶,186那個......ニローニ80F 08/13 10:15
推 :看到It's more cancer 嘴角完全崩潰了WWWWWWWWWWWWW81F 08/13 20:19
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