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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-01-16 14:11:02
看板 C_Chat
作者 leo921080931 (小飽)
標題 [閒聊] 佐佐木與文鳥 怎麼沒招待隔壁鄰居的小孩
時間 Tue Jan 16 02:01:43 2024









※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: leo921080931 2024-01-16 02:01:43
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bfNC9e2 (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1705341705.A.A02.html
shoshosho69: 就真的不想管太多怕惹一堆麻煩上身 因為如果帶未成年1F 01/16 02:04
shoshosho69: 回家就會惹一堆麻煩了 目前JC頂多在門口沒有被打的跡
shoshosho69: 象 主角也不想參進他家事務 但是還是會餵食就對了 JC
shoshosho69: 基本是根本算主角餵食長大的
ssss3566: 身為社會人請好好保護自己5F 01/16 02:08
ssss3566: 就算是自己養大的女兒也是會反咬一口
TrickerTewi: 會直接社死,讓對方母親賺一桶金吧7F 01/16 02:08
DreamsInWind: 對方病嬌程度  帶進去自己家大概還沒養文鳥就全書終8F 01/16 02:10
eva05s: 未成年,即使個人同意,未經家長允許,還是有可能被告略9F 01/16 02:10
eva05s: 誘
shoshosho69: 可以參考 社畜與少女的1800天那對怎麼被人噁心分開的11F 01/16 02:12
shoshosho69: 而且JC監護人還在又感覺是渣的情況下 帶回家太危險
ifulita: 你該擔心的是男主角而不是隔壁的那個JC13F 01/16 02:16
Myosotis: 你可以幫她14F 01/16 02:23
DarkKnight: 怕射死啊15F 01/16 02:25
henryhao: 病嬌16F 01/16 02:30
loverxa: 書名會變佐佐木被鄰家JC聞鳥17F 01/16 02:46
kaj1983: 這麼晚還坐在家門口的小孩直覺就是不要理他最好18F 01/16 02:50
kaj1983: 打招呼已經是成年人世故的表現了,其實什麼都沒多想
t19960512: 真的社會上就算你真的在沒事 隔壁都能拿你誘拐小孩來20F 01/16 02:54
t19960512: 要脅你
afunlife: 小說有寫,主角偶爾會拿一些食物類找藉口的分少女。因為22F 01/16 02:55
afunlife: 不想讓少女覺得他是在施捨。然後因為知道自己是個外人還
afunlife: 是個大叔,所以沒有去管少女的家務事。
afunlife: 那個少女內心獨白就有說自己根本是被大叔餵養長大的
kaj1983: 看吧,這讓一個少女產生了被大叔帶大的錯覺26F 01/16 03:05
kaj1983: 偶爾分個食物就有這種幻想,怕爆
Glamsight: 因為你沒看原作28F 01/16 03:15
horse2819: 男森請好好保護自己29F 01/16 03:18
dos01: 男孩子要好好保護自己30F 01/16 03:38
caryamdtom: 對話跟餵食就已經有風險了,進一步一定出事。打給社31F 01/16 04:05
caryamdtom: 會局之類的又太好特定是誰聯絡的,小孩子沒事了但可
caryamdtom: 能被鄰居騷擾一輩子
caryamdtom: 這還沒考慮到那個JC病這件事
darkangel119: 違法35F 01/16 05:08
audi1005: ?大叔要好好保護自己啊36F 01/16 05:40
enixl: 真的擔心就報警就好了37F 01/16 06:24
IronSkull: 大叔已經有幫忙找過社工了,但是鄰居媽媽太會演38F 01/16 06:35
IronSkull: 社工來了幾次都判定只是要口頭勸導
IronSkull: 而且鄰居妹妹本人,也多少有把這情況當作
IronSkull: 維持自己和大叔關係的紐帶
IronSkull: 所以即使後面有能力反抗了還是沒有離開公寓
boss0322: 身為社會人隨便請JK進家門如果被其他人發現你覺得會怎麼43F 01/16 06:56
boss0322: 樣呢
your025: 法律上社死只差一步。沒辦法45F 01/16 07:16
akway: 可以援助她阿46F 01/16 07:25
roywow: 原來是JC….JK還能考慮養個幾年收編47F 01/16 07:35
kankandara: 合法之行 始於足下 幾歲開始餵都不是問題48F 01/16 07:42
philip81501: 這才是正常的社會人吧49F 01/16 07:53
Shoaty: 沒有帶回家才讓我覺得這部是真的社會人50F 01/16 08:00
hank81177: 除了有邪念的人,正常人不會撿回家51F 01/16 08:06
apple00: 之前鬍渣高中生才真的是低卡文體 撿一個未成年以後結婚電52F 01/16 08:22
apple00: 影編劇都不敢這樣演好嗎
linfon00: 怕事54F 01/16 08:27
linfon00: 大概就跟電車上要舉起雙手的感覺一樣 避免一切任何可能
shen5678: 有打電話報警和給食物就很棒了讓這老母非常人有機會三56F 01/16 08:29
shen5678: 不五十鬧你就飽了
wind004: 讓他進自己家門對方家長可以告他誘拐餒58F 01/16 08:33
starsheep013: 未成年不管好意還是怎樣,實際上就是離遠一點59F 01/16 08:34
starsheep013: 頂多幫忙報個警,剩下看自己造化吧
zxlt3722: 國中生喔 先吃個誘拐罪61F 01/16 08:40
iwinlottery: 刮鬍那個放棄回收了62F 01/16 08:41
dreamersin: 曾有讓小孩進家裡的被告過63F 01/16 08:45
joson4921: 17樓www64F 01/16 13:23

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1樓 時間: 2024-01-16 09:19:47 (美國)
  01-16 09:19 US
#Epstein #EpsteinList #Epstein Client List
Epstein list brings a frenzy of Clinton and Trump conspiracies
Less than an hour before a trove of papers related to sex trafficking financier Jeffrey Epstein was unsealed Wednesday night, former President Donald Trump’s niece and longtime antagonist Mary Trump sent out a blast email titled “REVEALED: My Uncle & Epstein’s List” to her nearly 140,000 newsletter followers.
But, much like the release of Epstein documents this week, Mary Trump’s post revealed little.
Instead, the bestselling author rehashed the former president’s onetime friendship with Epstein and mentioned an unnamed woman who had made lurid abuse claims against Donald Trump before withdrawing her case.
At the other end of the dial, popular conservative commentator Glenn Beck told his 450,000 paid subscribers that “we know Bill Clinton’s mentioned 50 times” in the Epstein documents, while failing to note that the prominent Democrat’s name appeared repeatedly because of a legal argument over a witness’ truthfulness – and not because of any new claims of wrongdoing by Clinton.
2樓 時間: 2024-01-16 09:21:53 (美國)
  01-16 09:21 US
#Epstein #EpsteinList #Epstein Client List
In third batch of Epstein documents, a call from Harvey Weinstein, more famous men and disquieting details
The third round of documents from a lawsuit connected to Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted pedophile who died in jail before he could face trial on federal sex-trafficking charges, was publicly released Friday.
Friday’s release included over thirteen hundred pages as of mid-afternoon, and it follows hundreds of pages of documents already unsealed on Wednesday and Thursday, with more expected.
The unsealed documents are part of a 2015 civil defamation suit brought by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, an American woman who claimed Epstein sexually abused her as a minor and that Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s former girlfriend, aided in the abuse. The unsealing this week stems from a December 18 court order from the judge overseeing the lawsuit, a response to media’s legal efforts to publicly release the documents.
The documents in total, including material yet to be unsealed, are expected to include nearly 200 names, including some of Epstein’s accusers, prominent businesspeople, politicians and potentially more.
CNN is reviewing the documents.
3樓 時間: 2024-01-16 09:56:42 (台灣)
  01-16 09:56 TW
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