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作者 GETpoint (擲雷爆卦)
標題 [40k] 40k中沒有好東西 官方否定人類帝國的大義
時間 Sat Nov 20 21:29:56 2021

Hate has absolutely no place in our hobby. https://bit.ly/30LytMf  #WarhammerCommunity

                        Hate has absolutely no place in our hobby.



                官方公告:      https://tinyurl.com/3t5c7532

The Imperium Is Driven by Hate. Warhammer Is Not.
There are no goodies in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.


Especially not the Imperium of Man.

戰鎚 40,000 宇宙中沒有好東西。



Its numberless legions of soldiers and zealots bludgeon their way across the
galaxy, delivering death to anyone and anything that doesn’t adhere to their
blinkered view of purity. Almost every man and woman toils in misery either
on the battlefield – where survival is measured in hours – or in the
countless manufactorums and hive slums that fuel the Imperial war machine.
All of this in slavish servitude to the living corpse of a God-Emperor whose
commandments are at best only half-remembered, twisted by time and the
fallibility of Humanity.



Warhammer 40,000 isn’t just grimdark. It’s the grimmest, darkest.

The Imperium of Man stands as a cautionary tale of what could happen should
the very worst of Humanity’s lust for power and extreme, unyielding
xenophobia set in. Like so many aspects of Warhammer 40,000, the Imperium of
Man is satirical.

戰鎚 40,000 不僅僅是黑暗。它是最嚴峻、最黑暗的。

心理出現,將會發生什麼。就像戰鎚 40,000 的許多方面一樣,人類帝國具有諷刺意味。

For clarity: satire is the use of humour, irony, or exaggeration, displaying

people’s vices or a system’s flaws for scorn, derision, and ridicule.
Something doesn’t have to be wacky or laugh-out-loud funny to be satire. The
derision is in the setting’s amplification of a tyrannical, genocidal
regime, turned up to 11. The Imperium is not an aspirational state, outside
of the in-universe perspectives of those who are slaves to its systems. It’s
a monstrous civilisation, and its monstrousness is plain for all to see.

That said, certain real-world hate groups – and adherents of historical
ideologies better left in the past – sometimes seek to claim intellectual
properties for their own enjoyment, and to co-opt them for their own agendas.

We’ve said it before, but a reminder about what we believe in:

“We believe in and support a community united by shared values of mutual
kindness and respect. Our fantasy settings are grim and dark, but that is not
a reflection of who we are or how we feel the real world should be. We will
never accept nor condone any form of prejudice, hatred, or abuse in our
company, or in the Warhammer hobby.”

If you come to a Games Workshop event or store and behave to the contrary,
including wearing the symbols of real-world hate groups, you will be asked to
leave. We won’t let you participate. We don’t want your money. We don’t
want you in the Warhammer community.

For those heroes out there running their own Warhammer events, we’d love for
you to join us in this stance.

Over the years, we’ve been fortunate enough to support events like
AdeptiCon, the Las Vegas Open, Blood & Glory, and many, many more with
terrain, prizes, and goody bags. We’ve also provided staff to help with
organisation and rules queries, and to judge painting competitions and run

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ms0344303: 婊子立牌坊 大家就是被帝國跟帝皇的設定吸引來買你玩1F 11/20 21:37
ms0344303: 家的 可憐
tw15: 可以不要機翻嗎==3F 11/20 21:38
willytp97121: 確實對人類帝國沒什麼特別的好感4F 11/20 21:38
seiko2023: 但吸來納粹粉 就直接把玩家BAN掉就可以啦5F 11/20 21:38
AirForce00: 實際上,我也確實認同這個帝國早已失去人性,成為一6F 11/20 21:39
AirForce00: 個充斥種族主義的戰爭機器。
AirForce00: 獸人倒是很歡樂,一整個「我們來操翻一切吧」
AirForce00: 「Waaaaaagh!」
seiko2023: 人類帝國本來就是獨裁 專制 種族主義 etc...10F 11/20 21:40
s952013: 這不是早就知道的事11F 11/20 21:40
AirForce00: 大家受到吸引,單純是身為人類的認同感。真要說起來12F 11/20 21:41
AirForce00: ,鈦帝國反而比較接近現實,但又有點像美國混合蘇聯
LipaCat5566: 要人性就是異端14F 11/20 21:41
Vladivostok: 大大的善:15F 11/20 21:42
SHCAFE: 獸人:16F 11/20 21:44
wizardfizban: 事實上鈦真的比像接近現實17F 11/20 21:48
wizardfizban: 而且生活在鈦帝國之下的人類過的比在人類帝國好..XD
AirForce00: 帝國的一切作法,都是為了更有效率的榨出資源、屠殺19F 11/20 21:50
AirForce00: 其他種族。說真的,很RTS思維
NoLimination: 大大的好21F 11/20 21:53
ssarc: 我比較喜歡綠皮的享樂主義,以及想像力是你的超能力22F 11/20 21:58
forsakesheep: 有啦,活在帝國邊陲的角落、遠離蟲子綠皮靈能跟帝23F 11/20 22:02
forsakesheep: 國統治,可能會好一點
willytp97121: 身為了解不太透徹的觀眾有時會有這個想法:如果25F 11/20 22:03
willytp97121: 一開始不要搞什麼大遠征什麼人類一統銀河的目標
willytp97121:  是不是對大多數人類反而比較幸福…
Sinkirou: 獸族那哪是想像力?我認為可以所以就可以的唯心主義吧28F 11/20 22:04
zzro: 人類擴散主義 為了人類種族的存續 其他東西本來就不重要29F 11/20 22:06
kuramoto: 自從帝皇坐上皇座後人類就各種崩壞啊,除非官方願意讓30F 11/20 22:08
kuramoto: 帝皇再起,不然40K的風格就是這種九成九的人類一生窮忙
kuramoto: 為了連自己也不知道的原因送死,最後人類帝國為了人類,
kuramoto: 但帝國眼裡又沒在管人類的狀況
ssarc: 想像力阿,拿一根掃把默念機槍機槍,就變成雷射炮 XD34F 11/20 22:08
AirForce00: 「人類至上」「靈炬所及的星球,都是人類的星球」35F 11/20 22:09
ssarc: 為了維持上百兆的人類帝國,上百億的死亡根本沒差36F 11/20 22:09
tang0715: 帝國的諷刺意味很明顯吧 會有人被那個吸引?37F 11/20 22:10
AirForce00: @tang0715 很多設定很酷啊38F 11/20 22:11
AirForce00: 獸人的科技根本Bug,完全無視物理的。有點像小朋友的
AirForce00: 模擬戰爭,「我說這破銅爛鐵是戰車,它就是戰車!」
AirForce00: 於是戰車出現了
AirForce00: 然後小朋友聽不懂人話,只想打鬧,嗯(° ∀。)
AirForce00: @willytp97121 大遠征大概是想在沒有鐵人的幫助下,
AirForce00: 重現黃金時代吧
a12073311: 事實啊,40K人類就真的跟混沌差不多啊45F 11/20 22:17
a12073311: 打人狠,打自己人也狠
a12073311: 鈦本身比較偏理想主義 歐克徹底的歡樂鬧事仔
a12073311: 我才不管○的定義呢,我就是要開趴
AirForce00: 「你說槍枝可以射出子彈,而我這片鐵板能射出子彈,49F 11/20 22:23
AirForce00: 應該也是槍枝吧?」「屁啦!你怎麼辦到的」
zzro: 不知道有沒有故事是農業星球上的 環境應該正常很多?51F 11/20 22:24
LipaCat5566: 大遠征是收復黑暗時代淪陷的人類殖民地還有回收科技52F 11/20 22:28
LipaCat5566:  獸人是古聖搞得靈能戰爭工具才那麼無腦
stupider45: 農業星球也是農奴吧54F 11/20 22:36
willytp97121: 農產目標量被一直往上抬耕田到死都交不齊 然後家族55F 11/20 23:02
willytp97121: 裡幾代才生出一個天賦特別的孩子結果還沒長大就被
willytp97121: 黑船載走去給帝皇當糧食 最後天有異象還不知道敵人
willytp97121: 長啥樣就被艦砲燒光地表 倖存的農夫開始玩北斗神拳
willytp97121: …這樣?XD
LipaCat5566: 而且大遠征是黃金之後的巔峰 只是沒多久就有背骨仔60F 11/20 23:05
LipaCat5566: 原體消失帝皇蹲馬桶 帝國能撐一萬年也是奇蹟
ssarc: 農業星球不會被燒啦,天然農產品可是珍貴物資,貴族搶著要62F 11/20 23:05
tw15: 「屁啦!你怎麼辦到的太神了吧 大家聽我說!」63F 11/20 23:14
tw15: 「太神了吧!?」「也太神了!」 「......我好像有點神」
tw15: 一名Big Mek的誕生
Ariadust: 人類帝國大概就是現在人類所有劣根性的集合體吧66F 11/20 23:17
diodio2222: 就看看羅伯特十三阿哥 能不能把人類帝國扳回來了 不67F 11/20 23:24
diodio2222: 然羅伯特治理五百世界其實是最完美的時候

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