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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-16 17:59:13
看板 C_Chat
作者 ImCasual (想要基本收入)
標題 [法環] 胖瑪蓮妮亞
時間 Sat Apr 16 17:35:16 2022



Let Me Solo her guy wouldn't stand a chance. : Eldenring
11.1k votes, 126 comments. 1.2m members in the Eldenring community. This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. Elden Ring is an … ...



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Echobee: 157警報1F 04/16 17:36
gn00465971: 157警報2F 04/16 17:36
pool3690: 笑了3F 04/16 17:37
roger2623900: 腥油腐敗4F 04/16 17:38
shampoopoo: 我真的大笑哈哈哈哈5F 04/16 17:38
tsukirit: 1576F 04/16 17:38
ilohoo: 1577F 04/16 17:39
diabolica: 米凱拉的豬腳8F 04/16 17:39
RamenOwl: 笑死9F 04/16 17:39
SALEENS7LM: S腐J敗W女神10F 04/16 17:39
tonyy801101: 腥油腐敗LULLLLLLLLLLLL11F 04/16 17:39
notsmall: 笑死12F 04/16 17:40
LAODIE: 媽的 你家薯條都用猩紅腐敗油炸的齁13F 04/16 17:40
jason840226: 命定之薯14F 04/16 17:42
roribuster: 這個有好笑w15F 04/16 17:43
web946719: 看不到腳的理由16F 04/16 17:43
newage5566: 麥當勞不排除提告17F 04/16 17:44
a125g: 幹他的水鳥一定自帶撞擊==18F 04/16 17:45
songgood: 蕃茄醬包是不是裝腥紅腐敗19F 04/16 17:45
Aggro: 這P2飛得起來嗎..20F 04/16 17:46
pinkden: 笑死21F 04/16 17:46
xxx60709: 笑死,Never seen my feet22F 04/16 17:47
M7bronyUP: 我笑成白癡23F 04/16 17:47
ilohoo: 水鳥亂舞變成神皮貴族24F 04/16 17:48
jimmy90946: 這隻開水鳥會不會飛到一半墜機XD25F 04/16 17:48
winda6627: 跳不起來,某些設計有問題玩家狂喜。26F 04/16 17:48
thelittleone: 15727F 04/16 17:48
DarkyIsCat: 幹XD28F 04/16 17:48
tudo0430: 腥紅亞敗29F 04/16 17:49
alan0412: 笑死幹30F 04/16 17:49
aegisWIsL: 這水鳥不用揮刀直接用撞的就能殺人31F 04/16 17:49
Ericz7000: 水鳥開不起來XD32F 04/16 17:50
Ipadhotwater: 這是神皮貴族吧 = =?33F 04/16 17:50
outsmart33: 笑死34F 04/16 17:51
torukumato: 番茄醬女神www35F 04/16 17:51
roea68roea68: 麥當勞之刃36F 04/16 17:51
starsheep013: 水鳥亂舞變肉彈戰車37F 04/16 17:51
D44NFY: 水豚連擊 不能用大盾擋了38F 04/16 17:51
wfsh30918: 其實是舊哽了,這隻大概發售後一兩個星期內出來的39F 04/16 17:52
starfishkira: 炸雞亂舞40F 04/16 17:52
hong1310: 水鳥變肥鵝41F 04/16 17:53
JUSTMYSUN: 米凱拉的豬腳XXDDDD42F 04/16 17:53
leoheart1686: 水鳥亂舞—>水豚亂滾43F 04/16 17:53
eric20601: 最近夯的好像是有個專門被招喚出來solo女武神的裸男44F 04/16 17:54

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