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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-08-28 20:34:02
看板 C_Chat
作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)
標題 [新聞] Epic寄信給用戶寫著新賽季沒法上都怪蘋果
時間 Fri Aug 28 18:20:55 2020

Epic Games Sends Emails to Fortnite Players Blaming Apple for New Season's
Epic Games Sends Emails to Fortnite Players Blaming Apple for New Season's Unavailability - MacRumors
Epic Games this evening sent out emails to Fortnite users on iPhone, iPad, and Mac to let them know that it will not be possible to play the newly... ...


Epic Games this evening sent out emails to Fortnite users on iPhone, iPad,
and Mac to let them know that it will not be possible to play the newly
released Marvel-themed season 4 content on their devices.

In the email, Epic Games blames Apple's App Store fees for the unavailability
of new content, even though Apple has said that if the direct payment option
is removed and Fortnite obeys App Store policies, it can be updated and remain
 in the App Store while the legal battle between the two companies plays out
in court. From the Epic Games email:

Apple is blocking Fortnite updates and new installs on the App Store, and has
said they will terminate our ability to develop Fortnite for Apple devices. As
 a result, the Chapter 2 - Season 4 update (v14.00), did not release on iOS
and macOS on August 27. [...]

Apple limits competition so they can collect 30% of consumer payments made in
apps like Fortnite, raising the prices you pay. Epic lowered prices through a
direct payment option, but Apple is blocking Fortnite in order to prevent
Epic from passing on the savings from direct payments to players. Epic has
taken legal action to end Apple's anti-competitive restrictions on mobile
device marketplaces. Papers are available for our August 13, August 17, and
August 23 filings. In retaliation for this action, Apple blocked your access
to Fortnite updates and new installs on all iOS devices.

Epic Games informs customers that they can still play the existing season 3
content, but progression is not possible and iOS and Mac players cannot play
cross-platform with those on other devices. Players using Apple products
cannot access the new cosmetic options, nor can they receive gifts from the
new season unless they log into an alternate platform that has access to the
season 4 content. Battle Lab, Duos, and LTMs are disabled on iOS, and iOS
players are unable to complete new Quick Challenges and Style Challenges.

In lieu of iOS devices, Epic Games recommends customers play Fortnite on
Android, PC, PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo Switch, and it directs customers
to Apple to ask for refunds for in-app purchases.

Epic Games attempted to get a temporary restraining order that would force
Apple to allow Fortnite updates to continue to be available on iOS devices
and that would prevent Apple from terminating the Epic Games developer
account, but the judge sided with Apple and did not grant a restraining order
for Fortnite.

The judge overseeing the case told Epic Games' lawyers that all Epic needs to
do "is take it back to the status quo and no one suffers any harm," but Epic
has opted not to do so and is standing firm as Apple prepares to terminate
its developer account. Epic lawyers in fact said that Epic "can't go back
into an anticompetitive contract."

Apple said in mid-August that Epic would lose access to its developer account
on August 28, which is tomorrow, so it looks like Fortnite will be
unavailable for the foreseeable future as it appears neither side has plans
to back down.

Apple was also going to block Epic from working on the Unreal Engine used by
third-party developers, but Epic was able to successfully secure a
restraining order to prevent that from happening. So while Apple is allowed
to block Fortnite so long as Epic continues to violate App Store rules, it is
not allowed to terminate the Epic International developer account and tools
used for the Unreal Engine.

The next hearing in the Apple vs. Epic battle will take place on September
28, with Epic aiming for a preliminary injunction that will allow Fortnite
back onto the App Store.




順路一提,新聞中有寫法官有向Epic的律師說只要恢復原狀就好了 (指照蘋果規定上架),
但Epic 還是堅持呢!


巿不錯── 」

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※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 08/28/2020 18:22:48
melzard: 有種自己把蘋果平台下架啊1F 08/28 18:21
linzero: 這樣講,多少會有人信啦2F 08/28 18:22
hoe1101: 都是they的錯3F 08/28 18:23
egg781: 快點來個人把49打下來啦,每次都拿著引擎和49在那邊囂張4F 08/28 18:24
dolphintail: 怎麼不建議改玩其他遊戲5F 08/28 18:28
ko7625: 很有共國風格6F 08/28 18:29
fordpines: 小學生等級的嗆聲7F 08/28 18:31
Jameshunter: 是不是吃了SJW的口水8F 08/28 18:32
NankanAvenge: 雖然是Epic錯 但這抽成真的靠北重欸9F 08/28 18:33
mahimahi: 搞玩家玩家只會退坑好嗎10F 08/28 18:33
runedcross: 小屁孩11F 08/28 18:34
LonyIce: 坐等 果黑出來 (拉板凳12F 08/28 18:35
kuso10582: 大家都抽30%沒啥好嘴的13F 08/28 18:36
NankanAvenge: 是說不能像Swag之類那些不可能上架的app那樣官網上14F 08/28 18:37
NankanAvenge: 架安裝檔嗎
hitsuchi: ....真的很煩16F 08/28 18:38
NankanAvenge: 遊戲名牌夠大不一定要上架app store吧17F 08/28 18:39
kk4789: 抽成就是平台商常態 也沒什麼好講的18F 08/28 18:40
cdn: 把共國資訊封鎖藉以控制受眾想法那一套拿來搞啊。19F 08/28 18:40
Seventhsky: 可以 但Epic就想白嫖蘋果 還拿UE綁架其他廠商20F 08/28 18:40
emptie: 蘋果要裝不在商店的app不是不行,但非常非常麻煩21F 08/28 18:40
emptie: 安卓都行不通了不太可能在蘋果這邊吧
brianhsu: 超噁心,我說 EPIC23F 08/28 18:41
micotosai: 匪國做的遊戲,作風如土匪24F 08/28 18:41
guogu: 安卓只要下載apk直接裝的epic都玩到放棄了25F 08/28 18:42
minipig0102: 笑死26F 08/28 18:42
guogu: ios那個第三方安裝複雜度根本不可能推給大眾27F 08/28 18:43
NankanAvenge: 我是覺得沒很複雜啊 = = 如果不會 那個官網放個一28F 08/28 18:43
NankanAvenge: 頁教學文就好了吧
getx105: 小學生嗎?30F 08/28 18:44
kaj1983: 果粉7pupu31F 08/28 18:46
cdn: 如果今天EPIC訴求是扣除抽成後改為70%價格,我還比較樂觀其成32F 08/28 18:49
cdn: 可是它的做法卻是改為80%價格(10%EPIC自己要抽)我就覺得噁心
emptie: 安卓那邊只需要兩行字的說明,都行不通了34F 08/28 18:50
emptie: 你要用戶學會apple的第三方安裝方式我覺得很樂觀
emptie: 樂觀到不行
guogu: 處理金流要成本阿 不給抽只收70%賺的反而變少37F 08/28 18:52
durimoo: 一般的公司根本不會為了這30%搞這麼大動靜38F 08/28 18:52
awenracious: 真的變小支那的邏輯了 可悲39F 08/28 18:52
shlee: 想用人家的平台賺就乖乖遵守人家的規則啊40F 08/28 18:53
durimoo: 應該說現在搞到上法院還有之後的動作才是epic的目的41F 08/28 18:53
cdn: EPIC不是本來就收70%嗎,30%是給蘋果抽走的,還是我認知有誤?42F 08/28 18:54
guogu: 對啊 但是繞過蘋果收錢勢必會有額外的成本43F 08/28 18:55
shlee: 有骨氣一點就不要用別人的平台 用了又在搞小動作然後在那哭44F 08/28 18:55
andy86tw: epic原本是跟蘋果說希望抽少一點結果被打槍45F 08/28 18:56
andy86tw: 後來就直接更新49 再付款頁面會問你要從蘋果付還是連到
andy86tw: 外部網站付,外部就是他們自己家的會比較便宜
LuMya: EPIC公關是被資遣了喔 這信也太智障48F 08/28 18:58
fordpines: 30%已經算業界低標了 而且小眾到爆的獨立遊戲不抽就算49F 08/28 18:59
fordpines: 了 問題是你家epic只上架3A跟有名氣的獨立遊戲
guogu: 而且如果繞過沒多賺,搞那麼大動靜幹嘛呢?51F 08/28 19:00
berice152233: 中國小學生52F 08/28 19:00
cdn: 也就是說那30%還包含了蘋果協助處理金流的費用,現在EPIC嫌蘋53F 08/28 19:00
j9145: 其實就是epic蠢就蠢在硬上,隔壁spotify到處告蘋果還不是54F 08/28 19:00
j9145: 活得好好的
cdn: 果抽太多想自己賺,然後處理金流的部份轉移給消費者(我猜10%56F 08/28 19:01
guogu: epic那個就是在控制成本阿57F 08/28 19:01
cdn: 應該是有算多抽),然後打著為消費者好的大義,想來更噁心了。58F 08/28 19:01
guogu: epic一直以來不就是這樣嗎XD59F 08/28 19:02
kaj1983: 消費者要處理什麼金流?要去找線上支付管道嗎?60F 08/28 19:04
Dante6: 可憐,一直想綁架玩家反蘋果,怎麼不敢說自己簽的約有沒有61F 08/28 19:06
Dante6: 違反
patrickleeee: 中共的手法呢 自己違規說別人邪惡63F 08/28 19:14
massrelay: 不愧是中資平台64F 08/28 19:15
iamnotgm: 可以 這很中國65F 08/28 19:16
fonpie: 多數輕玩家果粉可以不玩49,但是不可能不拿蘋果66F 08/28 19:16
ghostxx: 一邊是信仰,一邊是娛樂,它確定要這樣操作嗎...67F 08/28 19:29
suki0917: 有種 Epic 自己搞平台啊, 寄生蟲還嫌飼主爛勒68F 08/28 19:33
cat05joy: 蘋果跟遊戲主機一樣 不能隨意安裝東西69F 08/28 19:35
cat05joy: 有方式可以用研發套件安裝 但沒認證 每周要重裝
cat05joy: 再來只剩越獄 這更麻煩不用多說
notneme159: 笑死72F 08/28 19:36
egg781: 49 VS 蘋果信仰,EPIC挑錯對手了吧73F 08/28 19:44
ken720331: 喔74F 08/28 19:52
AirPenguin: 想要蘋果的用戶又不想給人賺 哪有這麼爽的75F 08/28 19:53
fragile8G: 這種做法真的很中國,找人批鬥76F 08/28 20:04

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