※ 本文為 tom50512 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-06-10 21:26:58
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作者 標題 [2019 E3] 第一天發布的大家最期待哪一款遊戲?
時間 Mon Jun 10 17:43:57 2019
1.The Outer Worlds 外圍世界
The Outer Worlds - E3 2019 Trailer - YouTube
The Outer Worlds is coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on October 25, 2019! Pre-order now at ...
The Outer Worlds is coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on October 25, 2019! Pre-order now at ...

2.Halo Infinite (Halo無限)
Halo Infinite - E3 2019 - Discover Hope - YouTube
The Master Chief returns in Halo Infinite – the next chapter of the legendary franchise launching holiday 2020 with Project Scarlett. Developed by 343 Indust...
The Master Chief returns in Halo Infinite – the next chapter of the legendary franchise launching holiday 2020 with Project Scarlett. Developed by 343 Indust...

3.Elden Rings
ELDEN RING - E3 Announcement Trailer - YouTube
A new world created by Hidetaka Miyazak and Gerorge R.R. Martin ELDEN RING, developed by FromSoftwareInc., is a fantasy action-RPG adventure set withn a worl...
A new world created by Hidetaka Miyazak and Gerorge R.R. Martin ELDEN RING, developed by FromSoftwareInc., is a fantasy action-RPG adventure set withn a worl...

4.時空幻境新作Tales of Arise
Tales of Arise - E3 Announcement Trailer - YouTube
"A tale can be woven from either fact or faction…" Forge a new path and defy your fate in the brand new Tales of Arise.
"A tale can be woven from either fact or faction…" Forge a new path and defy your fate in the brand new Tales of Arise.

5.電馭叛客 2077 (Cyberpunk 2077)
Cyberpunk 2077 — Official E3 2019 Cinematic Trailer - YouTube Mark your calendars — Cyberpunk 2077, the open-world, action-adventure story from CD PROJEKT RED, is coming to Xbox One, PS4 and PC April 16th, 2020. Pre-ord...

6.垂死之光 2
Dying Light 2 - E3 2019 Official Trailer - YouTube
This is Aiden. A survivor in an infected world. The fate of The City is in your hands. Dying Light 2 coming Spring 2020. Dying Light 2 the highly anticipated...
This is Aiden. A survivor in an infected world. The fate of The City is in your hands. Dying Light 2 coming Spring 2020. Dying Light 2 the highly anticipated...

7.FF7 Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake - Official Release Date Gameplay Trailer | E3 2019 - YouTube Check out the surprise trailer that was revealed to a live audience during FINAL FANTASY VII - A Symphonic Reunion, the first concert dedicated entirely to F...

8.邊緣禁地 3
《邊緣禁地3》官方E3預告片 - 我們就是混亂 - YouTube
化身為四位身懷絕技的全新寶庫獵人之一,回應召喚率先衝入混亂中;每位寶庫獵人皆有深入的技能樹和強大無比的能力。 預購《邊緣禁地3》: 音樂:Des Rocs演唱的「Let Me Live / Let Me Die」 如欲獲得更多《邊緣禁地3》專屬資...
化身為四位身懷絕技的全新寶庫獵人之一,回應召喚率先衝入混亂中;每位寶庫獵人皆有深入的技能樹和強大無比的能力。 預購《邊緣禁地3》: 音樂:Des Rocs演唱的「Let Me Live / Let Me Die」 如欲獲得更多《邊緣禁地3》專屬資...

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Official Gameplay Demo – EA PLAY 2019 - YouTube The Empire won’t stop until every Jedi is purged from the galaxy. As a young Padawan on the run, the odds are against you—but the Force is with you. Discover...

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推 : 20771F 06/10 17:44
推 : 20772F 06/10 17:44
※ 編輯: kenq5566 ( 臺灣), 06/10/2019 17:45:20![[圖]](https://i.imgur.com/EdBE8W8h.jpg)
推 : 基哥都來了 還用選嗎4F 06/10 17:45
推 : 這有需要比嗎5F 06/10 17:46
推 : 2077 基哥完全出乎意料6F 06/10 17:46
→ : 整個看下來是2077請基哥最驚喜 其他或多或少都被先暴雷7F 06/10 17:46
→ : 2077那個場子歡呼多大8F 06/10 17:46
推 : 有基哥其他都無所謂了9F 06/10 17:47
推 : 2077的狗依然過得舒適10F 06/10 17:47
→ : 2077走在路上亂打狗 會有一個超強殺手來找你
→ : 2077走在路上亂打狗 會有一個超強殺手來找你
推 : 2077啊...baba yaga加持12F 06/10 17:49
→ : 邊緣禁地也期待啦0.0
→ : 邊緣禁地也期待啦0.0
推 : Ori214F 06/10 17:50
推 : 我比較期待ER 我魂系列粉15F 06/10 17:51
→ : Ori16F 06/10 17:51
推 : ER一票,看預告看到高潮17F 06/10 17:51
→ : 2077 + Elden Rings18F 06/10 17:52
推 : ER,基哥,XBOX PASS吧19F 06/10 17:53
推 : ER20F 06/10 17:54
Ori and the Will of the Wisps - E3 2019 - Gameplay Trailer - YouTube Ori and the Will of the Wisps releases on February 11, 2020 and will be available with Xbox Game Pass, playable on Xbox One and Windows 10. Also, available i...

推 : Ori預告又美又有魄力,反觀Gears和Halo廢到笑22F 06/10 17:56
推 : ER +123F 06/10 17:56
推 : 垂死之光2,超期待24F 06/10 17:56
推 : 2077+ER25F 06/10 17:57
推 : 當然是flight simulator~26F 06/10 17:59
→ : 話說明天還有FS的情報嗎? 隻狼dlc呢27F 06/10 17:59
推 : Ori28F 06/10 17:59
Microsoft Flight Simulator - E3 2019 - Announce Trailer - YouTube Coming 2020, Microsoft Flight Simulator is the next generation of one of the most beloved simulation franchises. From light planes to wide-body jets, fly hig...

推 : 基哥出現後,就沒有一個作品有進我的眼30F 06/10 18:07
推 : 2077,ER,TO新作31F 06/10 18:11
推 : 有哪款是有展示實機遊玩的啊32F 06/10 18:12
→ : 死線33F 06/10 18:16
→ : Er34F 06/10 18:21
推 : 2077我看是要拿GOTY了35F 06/10 18:25
→ : 2077我看是要拿GOTY了
→ : 2077我看是要拿GOTY了
推 : 207737F 06/10 18:28
→ : 基哥檔次太高啦38F 06/10 18:29
推 : 2077,尼歐再現39F 06/10 18:33
推 : 就算沒有基哥 一樣207740F 06/10 18:34
推 : 2077跟ori41F 06/10 18:38
推 : 2077 看到基哥就 身寸 惹42F 06/10 18:58
推 : 2077和新halo43F 06/10 19:05
推 : 207744F 06/10 19:14
推 : 207745F 06/10 19:31
推 : Elden Rings 和Cyberpunk 不相上下46F 06/10 20:13
推 : ER 我好興奮啊47F 06/10 20:56
推 : Ori !!48F 06/10 21:06
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