※ 本文為 tom50512 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-05-20 13:59:13
看板 C_Chat
作者 標題 [討論] 會讓你們百看不厭的電玩OP
時間 Sun May 19 14:20:52 2019
Chrono Cross - Times Scar - YouTube
Not mine. Its the opening to the game Chrono Cross, by Square Enix. I just love the music. Every sound track on this game is recorded by orcrestra. You can h...
Not mine. Its the opening to the game Chrono Cross, by Square Enix. I just love the music. Every sound track on this game is recorded by orcrestra. You can h...

3.Wild ARMS 2
Wild Arms 2 opening [Full][Vocal] - YouTube
Until recently I've never seen all of this put together like this. Although trashing that game and still owning the original CD's.
Until recently I've never seen all of this put together like this. Although trashing that game and still owning the original CD's.

『WILD ARMS 2nd IGNITION』 Disc2 オープニングムービー - YouTube 「ワイルドアームズ」新章、始動—。どこにでもいるような青年、「アシュレー・ウィンチェスター」。騎士団付属の銃士隊に所属する新米隊員アシュレーは、古代遺跡における巨大怪獣覚醒騒動の際、目覚しい活躍をみせる。この功績が、彼を緊急任務遂行部隊、『ARMS』へ配属させることになる。だがこのことがこれからの運命、ひいてはフ...

推 : 雷姆教 雷姆教 雷姆幫你蕊懶叫08/22 00:40
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※ 編輯: purplvampire (, 05/19/2019 14:21:13
推 : tob1F 05/19 14:21
→ : 聖誕之吻,白色相簿22F 05/19 14:21
推 : 槍彈3F 05/19 14:21
→ : 蓓姐的魔兵驚天錄4F 05/19 14:21
→ : 洛克人X4.日版5F 05/19 14:22
推 : L4D26F 05/19 14:22
推 : KH DDD7F 05/19 14:22
→ : baldr sky 讚讚8F 05/19 14:23
推 : TOA カルマ歌詞非常貼近遊戲內容9F 05/19 14:23
→ : 命運石無印op10F 05/19 14:24
→ : 54311F 05/19 14:25
推 : GE312F 05/19 14:25
推 : TO系列的OP 由UFO接手後畫面帥氣度還更上一層樓 不過13F 05/19 14:25
→ : 製作人也換成馬場了...
→ : GE系列的OP也很棒
→ : 製作人也換成馬場了...
→ : GE系列的OP也很棒
推 : 耶耶耶耶 啊啊啊啊16F 05/19 14:26
推 : 看一次後都跳過= =17F 05/19 14:26
推 : Ef18F 05/19 14:27
→ : 龍絆根本本體是DAOKO音樂播放器19F 05/19 14:27
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Opening Intro | PS4, XB1, PC - YouTube The Opening intro is here for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4! Enjoy this beautiful animation and get hyped for the release of the game! Naruto Ship...

→ : 受讚頌者 主要是聽歌(?21F 05/19 14:27
推 : ef和空之軌跡22F 05/19 14:27
→ : FFT、CT、TO系列都不算太差23F 05/19 14:28
→ : KH系列的OP也不錯 尤其是3D 幾乎是三代前的集大成24F 05/19 14:28
推 : 夢幻模擬戰3-526F 05/19 14:32
推 : tob 軌跡27F 05/19 14:33
推 : 空戰奇兵zero 拜託這超經典耶28F 05/19 14:33
推 : 戰國BASARA系列 TMR就是熱血29F 05/19 14:34
推 : 魔獸330F 05/19 14:34
推 : 人龍031F 05/19 14:39
→ : FF734F 05/19 14:43
推 : TOB35F 05/19 14:43
推 : 世紀帝國36F 05/19 14:47
→ : 人龍0真的很棒37F 05/19 14:47
【視覺小說】《ef - the latter tale.》片頭動畫: emotional flutter (日文&中譯歌詞) - YouTube The opening movie from visual novel ef - the latter tale.. emotional flutter 視覺小說《ef - the latter tale.》片頭曲 作詞:酒井伸和 作曲、編曲:天門 歌:原田ひとみ (原田瞳)

→ : 但後半的op 階梯那太震撼41F 05/19 14:50
推 : 巫師2殺國王 短短幾分鐘展現獨特世界觀42F 05/19 14:52
推 : GE 彈丸論破44F 05/19 14:54
推 : 時空幻境46F 05/19 14:57
【PSvita】Fate/Staynight 桜ルートOP(Heaven's Feel) - YouTube
レアルタヌアの桜ルート(Heaven's Feel) のOP セイバールート 凜ルート(UBW)
レアルタヌアの桜ルート(Heaven's Feel) のOP セイバールート 凜ルート(UBW)

推 : 巫師2 絕對是 不管影片質量還是故事表現 都超強48F 05/19 15:09
Zelda: Twilight Princess - Intro - YouTube
Video recorded by Master LL ( ) Ah, my final must-have game for this year and one of the possible contenders of my own personal "Game ...
Video recorded by Master LL ( ) Ah, my final must-have game for this year and one of the possible contenders of my own personal "Game ...

推 : DQB250F 05/19 15:23
推 : 唯一支持人龍51F 05/19 15:24
【HD】Mobile Suit Gundam Climax UC OP - YouTube
Mobile Suit Gundam Climax U.C. (機動戦士ガンダム クライマックスU.C.) is an Action game for playstation 2, developed and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in ...
Mobile Suit Gundam Climax U.C. (機動戦士ガンダム クライマックスU.C.) is an Action game for playstation 2, developed and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in ...

推 : TO全部54F 05/19 15:35
推 : 人龍0 喔喔喔57F 05/19 15:37
推 : 人龍的wow wow wow,DMC3的互砍58F 05/19 15:41
推 : RIDGE RACER TYPE 459F 05/19 15:41
→ : 戰國Basara2英雄外傳,真三四猛將傳60F 05/19 15:42
Game Intros: Star Trek Armada - YouTube
This is the opening introduction of the game Star Trek: Armada, one of my all-time favourite RTS game and one of the best ever Star Trek game. This game is a...
This is the opening introduction of the game Star Trek: Armada, one of my all-time favourite RTS game and one of the best ever Star Trek game. This game is a...

推 : Star Trek: Armada! 太懷舊了吧62F 05/19 15:56
推 : 做op做到倒的那家64F 05/19 16:01
推 : MGS2 分鏡真的很棒65F 05/19 16:08
Supipara Demo Movie 2 - YouTube
This is a demo movie for Supipara from minori. For more information about the game and the English localization status, please visit
This is a demo movie for Supipara from minori. For more information about the game and the English localization status, please visit

推 : 魔塔大陸68F 05/19 16:10
推 : p569F 05/19 16:15
推 : Armored Core系列70F 05/19 16:20
推 : toa應該是史上最神的op72F 05/19 16:27
推 : P5跟軌跡系列吧73F 05/19 16:29
推 : 三國無雙4跟6的OP74F 05/19 16:40
→ : 槍彈全部
→ : 槍彈全部
推 : 沃我喔76F 05/19 16:49
推 : Persona577F 05/19 16:52
推 : A17蘇菲可愛78F 05/19 16:56
推 : 新神鵰俠侶 雖然當時技術還不成熟 但是意境很棒79F 05/19 17:17
→ qize1428 …
→ : AC2兄弟會81F 05/19 17:28
Namco x Capcom Opening High Quality - YouTube
This is the opening to the game Namco x Capcom. This game was released only in Japan at 05/26/05 for the Sony Playstation 2. The song is called Brave New Wor...
This is the opening to the game Namco x Capcom. This game was released only in Japan at 05/26/05 for the Sony Playstation 2. The song is called Brave New Wor...

推 : DJMAX84F 05/19 18:03
[HD] テイルズ オブ シンフォニア Tales Of Symphonia ver.GC - YouTube 第5作 作品名:テイルズ オブ シンフォニア (Tales Of Symphonia) 中譯:時空幻境 交響曲傳奇 類型:君と響きあうRPG 發售日:2003年8月29日 平台:GameCube テーマ:Starry Heavens 歌手名:day after tomorrow

推 : 星海爭霸三部曲86F 05/19 18:28
推 : 交響曲傳奇87F 05/19 18:29
推 : ff12宣傳影片88F 05/19 18:37
推 : 青澀之戀的暗黑太極拳啊90F 05/19 19:06
推 : Let’s go 陰陽師(91F 05/19 19:06
推 : 人龍0的真的很棒92F 05/19 19:20
推 : 生死格鬥2 霞被史萊姆play93F 05/19 19:35
推 : p594F 05/19 19:52
推 : TOG 戰BA97F 05/19 20:20
推 : 時空幻境99F 05/19 21:39
推 : 推FF8!!100F 05/19 22:17
→ : 特攻神諜(潛龍諜影)
→ : 特攻神諜(潛龍諜影)
推 : 超能力大戰(Psychic Force) 好像有點冷門...102F 05/19 22:32
推 : 手遊的話 影之刃2104F 05/20 00:26
推 : 小時候的回憶 三國群英傳4105F 05/20 00:46
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 164