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作者 標題 [閒聊] Gearbox CEO在推特長文支持Epic
時間 Mon Apr 15 10:27:46 2019
Gearbox Boss Analyzes Epic Games Store Benefits, Is Really Happy of Borderlands 3's Short Exclusivity
Gearbox's Randy Pitchford analyzed the long-term benefits of Epic Games Store, though he's also happy Borderlands 3 has limited exclusivity. ...
Pitchford agrees that the Epic Games Store currently has fewer features than Valve’s Steam. However, he believes Epic will rush to add as many features as possible before the launch of Borderlands 3, which will be the biggest new game on the platform when it’s released.
He admits there’s a chance Epic won’t be fast enough to do so. However, apparently, Borderlands 3 publisher 2K was happy with taking this risk. Ultimately, Pitchford said, in a long-term view the existence of the Epic Games Store will be inevitably beneficial to customers and developers.
That’s because Epic has a proven track record (with the Unreal Engine) that they are willing to reinvest significant amounts of money to improve technology over time. On the other hand, Valve often reinvested in other business ventures than Steam.
The Epic Games Store is the first significant threat to Steam and Valve will need to adapt quickly. He believes they’ll do so as there’s a lot of talent at Valve, but ultimately, having worked for a very long time with both companies, he still thinks Epic is likely to come out on top given the respective track records.
While there are ‘bumps on the road’ now, the Gearbox boss likened Borderlands 3 on the Epic Games Store to Half-Life 2 on Steam, pointing out that this will ultimately lead to breaking the monopoly on the PC digital market.
At the end of this massive Twitter thread, in a follow-up reply, Pitchford also expressed all his satisfaction at the limited exclusivity period of Borderlands 3 (the shortest so far as all other games will be exclusives for a full year).
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→ : 好了邊緣禁地3GG1F 04/15 10:29
推 : 讓更多人能夠玩到遊戲 那幹嘛要獨占2F 04/15 10:29
推 : 說得好像有道理 那大家繼續用steam3F 04/15 10:30
→ : 其實他爽就好,但最後一句幹嘛自打臉?4F 04/15 10:31
推 : 小障礙(偷用戶個資)5F 04/15 10:32
→ : 幸好我不玩邊緣禁地系列,完全可以等85%或不買6F 04/15 10:32
推 : 想讓比較多人玩遊戲卻選擇限時獨佔?7F 04/15 10:33
推 : 好 我繼續用steam8F 04/15 10:33
推 : 會數到3就是比valve強了9F 04/15 10:33
推 : 本來對發免費遊戲的epic有好感 搶獨占算正當性的商10F 04/15 10:33
→ : 業策略就算了 可是盜steam個資跟狂噴steam只讓我感
→ : 到噁心
→ : 業策略就算了 可是盜steam個資跟狂噴steam只讓我感
→ : 到噁心
→ : 講壟斷真的很好笑 steam從沒限制任何遊戲只能上他平台13F 04/15 10:34
→ : ,更何況steam也已經不是唯一的線上平台很久了
→ : ,更何況steam也已經不是唯一的線上平台很久了
推 : 站隊囉==15F 04/15 10:34
→ : [問卦] 到底收了多少錢16F 04/15 10:34
噓 : 沒足夠時間完善功能 可是有時間做撈用戶資料的功能喔17F 04/15 10:34
推 : 真的只能說 好了啦18F 04/15 10:34
→ : 原本有競爭者是好事 結果竟然盜個資19F 04/15 10:35
推 : 窩悶可以繼續玩borderland2等到3代登陸steam還打折 話20F 04/15 10:36
→ : 說有連borderland的discord可以++嗎
→ : 說有連borderland的discord可以++嗎
推 : 反正我是會買ps4版了 epic無所謂22F 04/15 10:37
推 : 小心等等又被說黑OOOO23F 04/15 10:40
推 : 偷個資還敢大聲啊24F 04/15 10:50
推 : 底下的討論區相當有趣25F 04/15 10:54
推 : 所以現在是遊戲廠CEO 大聲挺平台盜玩家個資?26F 04/15 10:56
推 : 整篇看完就是 我知道epic什麼都輸 但我相信好會變好27F 04/15 11:01
推 : 想跟HL2相提並論? LUL28F 04/15 11:07
→ patrickleeee …
推 : 你要對 EPIC 有信心 你就讓他慢慢撈30F 04/15 11:15
推 : 他不就Steam黑嗎 以前就常譙Steam不是31F 04/15 11:16
推 : 才半年獨佔 要挺就永久獨佔啊 怕什麼32F 04/15 11:26
噓 : 講那麼多半年後還不是上steam33F 04/15 11:30
→ : 哇咧 力挺欸 看來上定了...34F 04/15 11:31
推 : steam最差投資大概就是vr35F 04/15 11:32
推 : 呃 要對自家的好遊戲有信心阿 永久獨佔才能撬動牆腳啊36F 04/15 11:32
噓 : 最大的問題是他會偷用戶的數據怎麼不提????37F 04/15 11:36
推 : 連hl2都扯進來 這戰很大38F 04/15 11:37
推 : 不知道他沒事提引擎幹嘛,怕別人不知道當今最火紅的Ape39F 04/15 11:40
→ : x用的是Source引擎嗎?
→ : x用的是Source引擎嗎?
→ : 有競爭是好事啦 不過我還是不會用就是了41F 04/15 11:44
推 : steam上面隨便一款都屌打這款~42F 04/15 11:44
→ : 會偷資料的平台我就是不想用勒勒勒43F 04/15 11:44
推 : 怎麼很像當年金剛出來說要屌打圖奇一樣44F 04/15 11:50
推 : EPIC這麼棒,就讓它永久獨佔、TV也別上,一定更多人玩啊45F 04/15 11:54
噓 : 你真那麼討厭壟斷不會用GOG跟自製DRM46F 04/15 11:56
推 : 就是只想嘴steam吧 其他都不重要47F 04/15 12:05
推 : epic這麼棒 怎麼不敢永久獨佔48F 04/15 12:22
推 : Steam起來怎麼會是HL2的關係49F 04/15 12:23
→ : 說成這樣也只是獨佔6個月 說好的很有信心呢
→ : 說成這樣也只是獨佔6個月 說好的很有信心呢
→ : 我比較好奇的是 是否每個跟epic簽獨占的廠商都有附帶51F 04/15 12:32
→ : 一條合約是要他們出來捅steam一刀這樣
→ : 一條合約是要他們出來捅steam一刀這樣
推 : 覺得BL3會變成糞作 先觀望好了53F 04/15 12:33
推 : 要捧可以但最後一段真的很假掰54F 04/15 12:41
推 : 想藉由epic施壓steam降低抽成55F 04/15 12:49
→ : 這篇看起來很像是56F 04/15 13:21
→ : 「我承認Epic很爛但我能忍」
→ : 「Steam我不爽忍不住啦」
→ : 「我承認Epic很爛但我能忍」
→ : 「Steam我不爽忍不住啦」
噓 : 宮三洨59F 04/15 13:29
推 : BL系列沒DLC整合整個就是半成品60F 04/15 14:02
推 : 這個人腦子進水啦?61F 04/15 15:06
推 : 借轉steam版62F 04/15 16:29
※ Yachaos:轉錄至看板 Steam 04/15 16:29
→ : 想讓更多人玩到,所以選擇獨佔半年。重新定義獨佔和壟斷63F 04/15 16:32
→ : 我竟然還沒看完文章就可以猜到下面怎麼吵的 偉哉64F 04/16 01:02
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 60