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作者 標題 [閒聊] 最喜歡飛哥小佛的哪首插入曲?
時間 Sat Mar 2 22:32:41 2019
飛哥與小佛 經典美式卡通之一
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推 : What might have been1F 03/02 22:33
推 : 褲子裡有松鼠2F 03/02 22:33
推 : 告訴我為甚麼你要跳3F 03/02 22:33
推 : 我抓不到節奏4F 03/02 22:33
推 : 咕嘰咕幾咕5F 03/02 22:33
推 : 杜芬舒斯博士的邪惡企業~~~~6F 03/02 22:34
有聲推文→ : 我要用一噸的鴿糞7F 03/02 22:34
活活臭死悶死他~~~1:53~2:09 太QQ
推 : 飛天魚販9F 03/02 22:35
推 : In the city of love10F 03/02 22:35
推 : 那女孩褲子裡有一隻松鼠11F 03/02 22:36
推 : 特!務!pppppppppl12F 03/02 22:38
→ : 特務P~13F 03/02 22:38
推 : 起床吃飯 培根雞蛋14F 03/02 22:39
※ 編輯: OldYuanshen (, 03/02/2019 22:39:35推 : 告訴我為什麼你要跳15F 03/02 22:40
推 : Gitchi gitchi goo means that I love you16F 03/02 22:40
推 : 嘟逼嘟逼嘟吧17F 03/02 22:40
推 : 褲子裡有松鼠18F 03/02 22:40
推 : 啾機勾吧哇 他對我這麼說 wow wow wow我的心在狂跳19F 03/02 22:41
→ : 飛哥在Act your age之前真的都是大木頭XDD20F 03/02 22:42
→ : 我只記得我抓不到節奏21F 03/02 22:43
推 : 哪裡可以看台配有人可以分享嗎22F 03/02 22:44
推 : 全部。23F 03/02 22:44
推 : 是飛天魚販 他會飛24F 03/02 22:44
祈雨神曲XDD推 : 咕雞咕雞咕雞是我愛你~26F 03/02 22:46
我也最愛這首!!((握手→ : A~BEEEERRRRR
https://youtu.be/3M-NUm5_fwM (後半無聲
推 : 鯖魚多麼神聖,鯖魚多麼神聖30F 03/02 22:51
推 : 國中的回憶好懷念哦31F 03/02 22:52
推 : 逮到你32F 03/02 22:52
推 : 每首都很神 台配教科書33F 03/02 22:53
Phineas and Ferb - Thank You for Coming Along - YouTube
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, t...
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, t...

→ : 2m50s 呵呵35F 03/02 22:54
”You just wait ten years >vO”靠夭XDDDD
推 : 最愛韓德爾36F 03/02 22:57
→ : 更正 是 就愛韓德爾
→ : 更正 是 就愛韓德爾
推 : 記得最早台配是納豆跟阿Ken後面有換人38F 03/02 22:59
所以唱歌都沒有換人嗎(;゚Д゚)推 : Busted!39F 03/02 23:11
推 : 很喜歡We're evil、Home on the road、A real boy40F 03/02 23:17
Home on the road 那個鄉村音樂風有打到我!A real boy 諾姆QQ
推 : 迷你高爾夫球 火星的女王41F 03/02 23:21
推 : 找不到節奏歐~~42F 03/02 23:22
推 : 他對我這麼說 wow wow wow wow~~~43F 03/02 23:25
→ : 褲子裡有松鼠44F 03/02 23:30
推 : 是鴨嘴獸泰瑞>\\\\\<45F 03/02 23:30
※ 編輯: OldYuanshen (, 03/02/2019 23:43:04→ : Summer belongs to you46F 03/02 23:56
推 : 我找不到節奏~~47F 03/03 00:02
推 : 最愛韓德爾48F 03/03 00:15
推 : 開卡車的女孩~開卡車的女孩~49F 03/03 00:34
Phineas and Ferb - My Crusin' Sweet Ride Lyrics - YouTube
My Crusin' Sweet Ride is a Doo-wop song from the episode of the same name. It is sung by Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Jeremy, Jeremy's mom, Isabella's mom, Baljee...
My Crusin' Sweet Ride is a Doo-wop song from the episode of the same name. It is sung by Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Jeremy, Jeremy's mom, Isabella's mom, Baljee...

推 : 褲子裡面說有松鼠52F 03/03 00:43
推 : 推文有聲音53F 03/03 01:07
推 : come home perry54F 03/03 01:08
推 : 橡皮筋橡皮球55F 03/03 01:33
推 : 逮到你+156F 03/03 01:35
Phineas and Ferb - When We Didn't Get Along - YouTube
Lyrics: Without your schemes my life, it seems, is empty I spent all my time keeping you from doing wrong You were my only nemesis I'd foil your plans, but s...
Lyrics: Without your schemes my life, it seems, is empty I spent all my time keeping you from doing wrong You were my only nemesis I'd foil your plans, but s...

推 : 他們是魔鬼59F 03/03 04:49
推 : 電影版的歌也很好聽60F 03/03 05:48
推 : 小佛拉丁語那集61F 03/03 08:30
推 : 我抓不到節奏62F 03/03 11:31
推 : Busted跟抓不到節奏根本經典63F 03/03 12:07
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 573
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