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※ 本文為 tom50512 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-01-01 20:26:33
看板 C_Chat
作者 ss8901234 (絕命六龜葡萄)
標題 [閒聊] 有沒有推薦熱血沸騰的BOSS戰
時間 Mon Dec 31 20:08:41 2018


像是Splatoon 2

Splatoon 2 Finale - Final Boss + Ending & Credits - YouTube
The final boss and ending for Splatoon 2 and for Sector 5: Cephalon HQ. This walkthrough shows the location of all Sunken Scrolls and Sardinium. It also cove...



[Undertale] Sans' boss fight - Genocide Run - YouTube
At the 10 minute mark, please skip ahead to the 13 minute mark. Kira Kira Killer Don't worry Sans, you were as cool as Papyrus. -----------------------------...




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※ 編輯: ss8901234 (, 12/31/2018 20:10:35
luckyalbert: 桐老爺打哥布林那段1F 12/31 20:10
firezeus: 白面者最終戰2F 12/31 20:11
qsakurayuki: https://youtu.be/N_qD3uk7FeQ  狂野歷險2最終戰3F 12/31 20:11
luckyalbert: Guilty crown集重新注射因子那段4F 12/31 20:11
wsxwsx77889: 賈修5F 12/31 20:11
chocobell: 血源詛咒 路德維希戰6F 12/31 20:14
BBguy: 東方的音樂都還不錯7F 12/31 20:14
hitsukix: 復活邪神系列 媽的 音樂強到爆8F 12/31 20:15
kopune: 史克威爾在SFC和PS1上的RPG9F 12/31 20:15
a125g: 黑魂310F 12/31 20:17
jason710068: 黑魂3薪王化身11F 12/31 20:17
fan8512: 黑魂三 跟洋蔥打尤姆12F 12/31 20:18
q16588188: 伊蘇8 丹娜打IO13F 12/31 20:18
sillymon: https://youtu.be/uPP1e7hOyik?t=180 路德維希14F 12/31 20:20
Bloodborne: Old Hunters - Ludwig the Accursed / Holy Blade [BOSS] - YouTube So... you a ladies man, Ludwig? SHAREfactory™  

Mraofrot: 大神的最終戰15F 12/31 20:23
hero568: 藍龍boss戰16F 12/31 20:24
patrickhao: 歐叔打AFO17F 12/31 20:27
DARK SOULS™  III 黑暗靈魂3 DLC Boss 芙莉德修女、艾雷德爾神父 - YouTube 令人吐血的三階段Boss。 忘了把開場動畫存檔了,只剩下中間的過場動畫。 小攻略: 第一階段:抓不到修女消失丟飛刀,飛刀不會隱形,長槍放戰技抓修女的第三下後出手。 第二階段:遠攻攻擊神父,左右注意修女的冰攻擊。修女會在二階的時候幫神父補血。 第三階段:跟第一階段差不多,但是需要注意修女放的範圍技。 SHAREfa...

yuan55226: 龍珠超 復活f篇熱血19F 12/31 20:30
vsepr55: 漆彈DLC的王戰更潮20F 12/31 20:32
Tales of Xillia 2 - If It's For You ~Song 4 U~ (Final Boss theme) - YouTube So I decided to be awesome today and upload the OST quality version of the final boss theme for Tales of Xillia 2! I haven't even played the game, and yet it...

218. 地平を喰らう蛇 - YouTube
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Original Soundtrack All Music Written, Composed & Arranged by Revo Playlist:

vvbv11280: Bdff的23F 12/31 20:40
WayneChan: baldr sky https://youtu.be/ZXqAztrTvt824F 12/31 20:41
BALDR SKY Dive2 空編 対ノインツェーン VeryHard - YouTube
菜ノ葉編のボスから一気にすっ飛ばしてラスボス戦です サテライトが全弾当たらなかったのが悔しい限りです

【Heart Goes On】ハートキャッチプリキュア最終決戦【高画質版】 - YouTube 需要は少ないでしょうが動画保守のためうpします。

Breath of Fire IV Music ~ Even Towards Death, Valiantly - YouTube Breath Of Fire IV OST Composed: Yoshino Aoki, Taro Iwashiro

Roshiel: 熱血 = 天元27F 12/31 20:57
Metal Gear Solid 4 - Final Boss - YouTube
THIS VIDEO TOOK OVER 4 HOURS TO RENDER! Anyway, Yay! I got a PS3 recently and I FINALLY got a chance to complete MGS4. I've been holding off on this game for...

rex22444: 黑魂3 修女29F 12/31 21:37
Nier Automata: Boss Fight #3 Opera Singer (1080p 60fps) - YouTube Nier Automata Boss Fight #3 Opera Singer in 1080p and 60fps on PS4 Pro. See all the Nier Automata boss battles here:

asiaking5566: 蘭斯X32F 12/31 21:58
Nighty7222: 植木的法則33F 12/31 22:25
RageDoors: 怒首領蜂大往生、ESP RADE的Boss,絆地獄的光翼34F 12/31 23:00
laughingfish: 一拳超人 反派波羅斯打魔王埼玉35F 01/01 00:03
deolinwind: 遊戲也可以哦?king exit36F 01/01 00:33
dogydogs: 銀河騎士傳37F 01/01 03:36
whitefang10: JoJo 一堆啊38F 01/01 07:36

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