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※ 本文為 tom50512 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-12-14 13:45:08
看板 C_Chat
作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)
標題 [新聞] Fallout 76的寬螢幕顯示更新惹怒玩家
時間 Thu Dec 13 17:34:57 2018

Bethesda's ultrawide Fallout 76 fix is a stretched 16:9 display
Fallout 76's ultrawide fix is basically a 16:9 stretch
Players are mad at Bethesda for their ultrawide support fix which arrived in the latest December patch. The fix was meant to bring perfect scalability ...


Players are mad at Bethesda for their ultrawide support fix which arrived in
the latest December patch. The fix was meant to bring perfect scalability for
21:9 monitors but it looks like Bethesda only modified Fallout 76's INI file.
In the latest Fallout 76 patch released on 11 December 2018, Bethesda
included many much-requested fixes for the PC version of the game. The
developer added sliders for field of view and depth of field, push-to-talk
button and fix for ultrawide monitors. The first three work as intended but
21:9 support is something that's making players angry and disappointed.

One Reddit user named Abheekg made a post about the issue in which he claims
that Bethesda's fix is actually just an INI file modification. He even
uploaded a couple of screenshots and compared Bethesda's ultrawide version to
the unofficial ultrawide mod for Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 which was released

He continued by saying that Bethesda promised "a perfect fix" and even talked
about how it looked great on their PCs. He also mentioned how the developer
delayed the fix in order to take care of the issue properly and make sure
that no animations are broken. But in one of his screenshots, water animation
looks completely glitched and he's claiming it only started happening after
the new patch.

The UI on Bethesda's fix is evidently stretched, enlarged and everything just
looks out of place when compared to the unofficial ultrawide mod. Also, text
is much crispier and everything just looks better in the modded version.

Altcharpicture showing fallout 76 comparisonOfficial fix vs Mod

Abheekg called out Bethesda for taking so long to release the fix which
turned out to be a total disappointment. "Are you seriously saying that this
was a month's worth of work into getting the 21:9 support fixed?! In a day
and age when launching without it was itself so amazingly unbelievable?" said
a frustrated Redditor.

Others joined him in criticism of Bethesda saying that Fallout 76 already
failed and nothing will change that, no matter how hard Bethesda tries to
improve the game.

Well, the never-ending issue called Fallout 76 strikes once again and it
looks like Bethesda is really struggling to weather the storm since the
game's release. Players are getting more and more frustrated with each update
which just brings a fresh batch of annoying and even game-breaking bugs.

Bethesda's next patch for Fallout 76 is scheduled for 18 December 2018 and
hopefully, the developer gets this one right.

You can find Abheekg's post on the Fallout 76 subreddit.
The "21:9 fix" is basically just an .ini edit! : Fallout
r/Fallout: A state-of-the-art subreddit from Vault-Tec. ...








然後還翻出非官方製作的21:9 MOD 和官方做的比,直接噴:人家MOD作者沒遊戲原始碼都


                      ── 西蒙 《天元突破 紅蓮之眼》

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wizardfizban:轉錄至看板 Steam                                   12/13 17:35
jerrys0580: XDD1F 12/13 17:36
axzs1111: 厲害了  你的B!2F 12/13 17:36
justice00s: 這公司該不會都請打工學生來做事?3F 12/13 17:36
egg781: 我差不多也只能認賠了,悲觀的看我覺得貝賽斯達會直接放生4F 12/13 17:36
egg781: 76,也就是說現在雖然會修修BUG~增加儲存上限甚麼的
narukamis: 天才6F 12/13 17:37
e04su3no: 官方:好啦,意見這麼多你們以後都自己做7F 12/13 17:37
egg781: 但之後他們現任那偉大的CEO應該會直接放棄76這個項目8F 12/13 17:37
a3831038: 剛好可以過濾假鐵粉9F 12/13 17:37
gox1117: 這垃圾竟然還有人玩的下去11F 12/13 17:38
globe1022: B社到底在幹嘛,是以前遊戲都讓玩家自己優化,團隊就開12F 12/13 17:38
globe1022: 始擺爛嗎
kasumi999: FALLOUT粉不都把希望放在他原製作人作的新遊戲了?14F 12/13 17:38
egg781: 極有可能頂多來一次DLC大型更新就不管了15F 12/13 17:38
leamaSTC: 這個叫鐵粉嚴選中  你們懂啥16F 12/13 17:38
joy82926: 雖然我沒玩 但聽起來就很好笑17F 12/13 17:39
egg781: 近期他們有修好一些東西啦,譬如升級後能選擇轉移能力值18F 12/13 17:40
AbukumaKai: 準備放生了啦19F 12/13 17:40
fishead1116: XD 花一個月改ini20F 12/13 17:41
e04su3no: 是說我還以為B社玩家對官方不如玩家自製MOD這事很習慣了21F 12/13 17:41
egg781: 一種非常麻煩式的重置點數方式,玩家營地跟別人衝突到22F 12/13 17:41
egg781: 可以免費轉移地點或換到沒衝突的伺服器,箱子從400=>600
Vedfolnir: 這個厲害了24F 12/13 17:42
ZMTL: 我只怕上古6...25F 12/13 17:42
egg781: 蓋房子跟以前比起來比較好蓋~會自動移除底下場景物件26F 12/13 17:42
ckniening: 8727F 12/13 17:43
egg781: 然而我覺得這些修完後,76銷售和玩家數量都不佳,會被放生28F 12/13 17:43
e2167471: 拉長XD29F 12/13 17:44
horseorange: 請問這家是連工程師都消失了嗎30F 12/13 17:44
ak47123121: 上古6 QQ31F 12/13 17:45
qscgg: 靠背直接拉還需要你來喔32F 12/13 17:46
shentotto: 好爽哦   這樣就能領薪水33F 12/13 17:47
bjmmk96526: 那隻貓好令人懷念w34F 12/13 17:47
a88rtye: 現在大家都在討論outer world了,76早涼了35F 12/13 17:49
wed0630: 就是一堆mod神人,讓B社以為靠自己就能讓遊戲戰十年36F 12/13 17:52
mamahayai: 日常惹怒(1/1)37F 12/13 17:52
StarRiver: 靠 這年代還能出現這問題 只能佩服了38F 12/13 17:53
SaberMyWifi: 現在玩遊戲比較流行32:939F 12/13 17:54
SaberMyWifi: https://i.imgur.com/22ENrfo.jpg
kris4588: 用膝蓋做優化42F 12/13 17:55
jajepound: 輕輕鬆鬆惹怒玩家43F 12/13 17:56
corlos: 修.ini連小學生都會吧wwwwwwww44F 12/13 17:56
kof78225: 牛B公司45F 12/13 17:56
tom282f3: 推文的Kutar真是貼切XDDDD46F 12/13 17:57
RushMonkey: 上古六可以不用等了 品質我是不會再相信了...47F 12/13 17:59
jahfone: 我腦粉 上古六必買48F 12/13 18:03
meetyou76: 佛心公司 嫌天氣太冷來讓玩家炎上取暖 讚!49F 12/13 18:03
s51007john: 10樓XDDDD50F 12/13 18:04
a58524andy: 10f超懷念XDD51F 12/13 18:07
kasumi999: 可是我相信那些MOD大師阿52F 12/13 18:10
salamender: 官方:奇怪 這些人以前不是都自己弄嗎 怎麼被罵成這樣53F 12/13 18:11
Wangsl: 他們從以前就這樣啊,bug都是給玩家自己修,他們才不管勒54F 12/13 18:13
SCLPAL: wwww55F 12/13 18:16
speed7022: 這種情況下真的還有人期待上古6會好玩嗎?56F 12/13 18:18
wizardfizban: 期待TES6 (X) 期待TES6的MOD (O)57F 12/13 18:20
※ 編輯: wizardfizban (, 12/13/2018 18:21:10
kards9911: 負重bug被修掉 根本趕人58F 12/13 18:21
Kenqr: kutar XDDD59F 12/13 18:22
simplewish: 之前Starfield有謠言舊引擎問題開發不順利76拖後腿要60F 12/13 18:24
simplewish: 本社支援 所以上古六還有得等
kaj1983: 智障公司XDDD62F 12/13 18:25
kaj1983: 這公司還有人會開發遊戲了嗎?XDDD
RushMonkey: 負重Bug修掉 可是有一堆人叫好的...64F 12/13 18:26
RushMonkey: 因為他們都說是那些負重Bug影響了遊戲伺服器的順暢
kards9911: 所以這幾天精美的b社連線品質 又出來打臉XD66F 12/13 18:28
RushMonkey: 所以有版友說這是在篩選死粉 我覺得有其道理在的...67F 12/13 18:29
simplewish: 負重本來就該修 不然玩家間的交易跟內購都毀了68F 12/13 18:29
RushMonkey: 我也支持修正阿 但是修正完 遊戲本身負重的問題沒解決69F 12/13 18:29
RushMonkey: 體驗只會越來越糟糕
RushMonkey: 一把槍 一件裝備動不動就幾十起跳 600負重儲存到底
RushMonkey: 帶給玩家什麼樂趣了....
dragonne: 以前還真的都玩家自己做73F 12/13 18:41
steven869200: 製杖B社74F 12/13 18:46
chocopie: 39樓那張翹腳打電腦對脊椎不好喔75F 12/13 18:47
lv256: kutar XDDD76F 12/13 18:48
steven869200: 繼續死守祖傳引擎77F 12/13 18:48
egg781: 76玩起來大半的時間都在跟負重對抗,是款負重模擬器78F 12/13 18:50
treeson: 怎麼那麼能惹事79F 12/13 18:52
IVicole: kutar XDD80F 12/13 18:57
teruru: 被mod寵壞的公司...上古六無望囉.81F 12/13 19:06
rbull: 搞的玩家們的MOD才是遊戲主力更新82F 12/13 19:20
r901700216: 玩家自己修就好了 別忙了= =83F 12/13 19:27
IiiiIiIIiiM: 他們讓我好擔心上古六 我還要繼續粉嗎84F 12/13 19:34
fate111085: 以後乾脆賣遊戲原始碼讓玩家自己來算了85F 12/13 19:38
aresa: 被上古卷軸寵到如此傲慢86F 12/13 19:47
CAtJason: つ【腦粉篩選器】   ((哆啦A夢調87F 12/13 20:28
mosqutiolamp: 上古五重製就被驢子講過了,該修的不修理88F 12/13 22:06
MaxGDAM: 垃圾公司89F 12/13 23:26

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