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※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-04-24 02:47:49
看板 C_Chat
作者 loserfeizie (花丸の老公)
標題 [討論] 用動畫做MV?
時間 Fri Jul 21 09:35:43 2017

回顧Linkin park以前的歌

Breaking The Habit (Official Video) - Linkin Park - YouTube
Linkin Park "Breaking The Habit" off of the album METEORA. Directed by Joe Hahn.  |  iTunes:


Breaking the habit這首歌的MV



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gm79227922: 這首是Gonzo做的 出自中澤一登之手1F 07/21 09:37
deer8dog9: 追殺比爾裡頭御蓮的回憶也是這個動畫作的2F 07/21 09:38
gn00386614: 血戰OP算嗎,二、三次元混合3F 07/21 09:39
Gotye - Bronte - official video - YouTube
Film clip for the song Bronte, from the Gotye album Making Mirrors Buy Making Mirrors here  

deer8dog9: Daft punk 和松本零士合作過動畫音樂劇5F 07/21 09:40
holymoon99: on your mark (恰克與飛鳥)6F 07/21 09:41
安室奈美恵 / 「B Who I Want 2 B feat. HATSUNE MIKU」 - YouTube 「B Who I Want 2 B feat. HATSUNE MIKU」楽曲ダウンロードはこちら  New Album「_genic」に収録されることで初の共演を果たした安室奈美恵と初音ミクのコラボ楽曲「B Who I Want 2 B feat. ...

mayolane: mememe8F 07/21 09:45
DAOKO「さみしいかみさま」medium ver. - YouTube
DAOKO「さみしいかみさま」MV 作詞 DAOKO 作曲 小島英也(ORESAMA)、DAOKO 編曲 DAOKO 「さみしいかみさま」 「ゆめみてたのあたし」の2曲を起用したアニメーションミュージックビデオ、日本アニメ(ーター)見本市 第31話 「GIRL」より、「さみしいかみさま」のみを再構成したMUSIC...

TWO MIX White Reflection [HQ] - YouTube
Was sick of not being able to find a good version of this out here so I thought I'd upload one myself

khsa3200: 之前很紅的shelter阿12F 07/21 09:54
RED ZONE 原曲 動画ver - YouTube
ニコニコより転載。 いつ聞いても良い曲です・・・

DIFFERENT SENSE Music video (2011) , DIR EN GREY. DEADΛNGLE, DIRENGREY Community. + info en español:

pinacolada: 不是有個深夜泳池的獵奇MV15F 07/21 10:16
pinacolada: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QFwo57WKwg
DyE - Fantasy - Official Video - YouTube
NEW DyE ALBUM OUT NOW :  Subscribe to Tigersushi Records :  Grab your copy of ...

Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter (Official Video) (Short Film with A-1 Pictures & Crunchyroll) - YouTube Shelter tells the story of Rin, a 17-year-old girl who lives her life inside of a futuristic simulation completely by herself in infinite, beautiful loneline...

dixieland999: https://youtu.be/djV11Xbc914 這也算動畫吧18F 07/21 10:29
a-ha - Take On Me (Official Video) - YouTube
Time and Again: The Ultimate a-ha, including the biggest hits + rare and unreleased remixes, is out now! Get your copy here:

CactusFlower: Take on me 都出來了誰還敢大聲19F 07/21 10:40
gm79227922: Take on Me那種模式算的話其實選擇還滿多的20F 07/21 10:42
kiramayo: Supercell- perfect day21F 07/21 10:44
kiramayo: https://youtu.be/b9RMMEPHONA
supercell - Perfect Day PV [Thai-Sub] - YouTube
supercell 2nd アルバム「Today Is A Beautiful Day」 新曲 "Perfect Day" みんな、楽しみね supercell 公式:

CactusFlower: 沒人推Gorillaz嗎23F 07/21 11:12
qweoq314: nano-neverland24F 07/21 11:12
helba: Trigger有做桃色幸運草的25F 07/21 11:17
Tizzy Bac - 鐵之貝克 MV - YouTube
Tizzy Bac 2009年最新第三張專輯【如果看見地獄,我就不怕魔鬼】 - 【鐵之貝克】MV (HD高畫質版) 導演: 龔爰 + 洪元建

octopus4406: esktop27F 07/21 11:25
octopus4406: Tizzy bac的鐵之貝克
godyayaya: X JAPAN 的 Rusty Nail有動畫版本30F 07/21 11:45
SCLPAL: ....糟糕我忘記Gorillaz中文叫啥了31F 07/21 11:54
SCLPAL: 阿街頭霸王
j147589: 用MV做動畫33F 07/21 12:17
j147589: https://youtu.be/5KN0_-HgWNo
D City Rock - We are Angels [Anarchy] - YouTube
Download here (Mediafire):  Download here (Megaupload):

Minesweeper: daft punk interstella 5555那張整部都是35F 07/21 12:24
FuwafuwaCAT: nano前期的都是啊36F 07/21 12:50
FuwafuwaCAT: now or never , no pain no game , nevereverland
FuwafuwaCAT: 超讚的<3   https://youtu.be/0xLsf-C-m-Q
Nano - Now or Never - YouTube
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDOES ENJOY :3 ★ DISCLAIMER ★ I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics. All rights reserved to their respective owners...

tchaikov1812: 9CqhbP840F 07/21 13:03
tchaikov1812: https://youtu.be/52Gg9CqhbP8
Stuck In the Sound - Let's Go [Official Video] - YouTube

dakulake: 布蘭妮 https://youtu.be/eQFIKP9rGhQ42F 07/21 14:30
Britney Spears - Break The Ice - YouTube
Britney Spears' official music video for 'Break The Ice'. Click to listen to Britney Spears on Spotify:  As feat...

Histia: All Along With You算嗎 ?43F 07/21 14:44
StBernand: Gorillaz的所有MV都是動畫44F 07/21 19:28
hoyunxian: 宇多田光的Beautiful World......啊那全是剪輯就是了45F 07/21 21:48

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