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※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-03-07 04:57:12
看板 C_Chat
作者 MiharuHubby (點兔喵PASS教掌門)
標題 [閒聊] 愛麗絲的襪子是哪一種啊
時間 Tue Jun 13 11:17:04 2017








※ 引述《ChiChi7 (777)》之銘言:
: 愛麗絲夢遊仙境
: http://i.imgur.com/reWyEYf.jpg


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QBian: 黑絲襪1F 06/13 11:18
s256988452: 黑的喇2F 06/13 11:18
Diaw01: 條紋的會讓人有奇怪的衝動3F 06/13 11:19
angel6502: 就時代變了.....4F 06/13 11:20
Emerson158: 說不定幾十年後變裸足 樓下說好鋪好~5F 06/13 11:21
QBian: 不6F 06/13 11:21
pinacolada: 性感愛麗絲7F 06/13 11:22
jeeyi345: 條紋的 黑髮愛麗絲讚8F 06/13 11:23
purpleforest: 卡卡米悠卡卡咪9F 06/13 11:23
MiharuHubby: 那會不會變泡泡襪10F 06/13 11:23
s256988452: 好像蠻多條紋der12F 06/13 11:24
NagisaHazuki: 原作者第一本 愛麗絲夢遊仙境是畫素襪13F 06/13 11:25
NagisaHazuki: 第二本 愛麗絲鏡中棋緣是畫條紋
Diaw01: 最新的 黑色吊帶襪15F 06/13 11:28
Diaw01: http://i.imgur.com/WmoEMKY.jpg
NagisaHazuki: 應該說他請坦尼爾重畫的時候 有指示細節 但是有沒有17F 06/13 11:29
NagisaHazuki: 獎襪子不知道
Sinreigensou: 條紋比較有特色19F 06/13 11:30
arthurduh1: 補個 Sir John Tenniel 原畫  https://goo.gl/Pp6jVa20F 06/13 11:35
Sir John Tenniel’s Classic Illustrations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
The Public Domain Review and Medium are hosting a Mad Hatter’s mashup party in celebration of the 150th anniversary of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderlan ...

hinajian: 條紋可以塑造立體感21F 06/13 11:35
arthurduh1: 後人做的幻燈片有條紋襪版本  https://goo.gl/kDOP8Y23F 06/13 11:39
Alice in Wonderland, in 24 Vintage Magic Lantern Slides – Brain Pickings
"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." ...

Alice: Madness Returns - DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE! - YouTube
Alice: Madness Returns - DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE! Alice: Madness Returns! I get the name wrong for a few videos... *sigh* What is my channel? Gaming, Reacts, GL...

arthurduh1: Nagisa 說的鏡中棋緣         https://goo.gl/SLXjUp25F 06/13 11:46
Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking Glass
Glasgow University Library Special Collections Through the looking glass ...

kamiyo: 唯一支持藍白條紋26F 06/13 12:02
WindSucker: 膝上襪27F 06/13 12:04
attacksoil: 條紋的吧28F 06/13 12:55
Hotchkiss195: 誰叫康哥來打電話問一下29F 06/14 00:47

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