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看板 TypeMoon
作者 標題 [F/GO] 目前有自帶BGM的英靈
時間 Tue May 30 02:11:39 2017
Sword of Promised Victory ~ Yakusokusareta Shouri no Tsurugi -Kenji Kawai ver.- - YouTube Fate/stay night A.OST (anime) - "2x Loop Edit" by me (lossless audio source)

Fate/Extra OST: theme of Saber - YouTube
From Fate/Extra Limited Sound Track. Official name of the track: survant_extra (saber, everything is on her hand)[sic] A new theme for a new Saber. I love th...
From Fate/Extra Limited Sound Track. Official name of the track: survant_extra (saber, everything is on her hand)[sic] A new theme for a new Saber. I love th...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nuGOIkqQUY (Tsukasa0320版友提供
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzxcRMOSUu8 (kcj3879527版友提供
Altera Main Theme - Fate/Extella - Soundtrack - YouTube
Saber Altera - Main Theme (Low Quality) Fate/EXTELLA - Release date: November 10, 2016 Género: Acción, Musou / Plataforma: PS Vita - PS4
Saber Altera - Main Theme (Low Quality) Fate/EXTELLA - Release date: November 10, 2016 Género: Acción, Musou / Plataforma: PS Vita - PS4

Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] OST II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - YouTube Fate/stay night: [Unlimited Blade Works] Original Soundtrack II - #19 Emiya UBW Extended - エミヤ [Emiya UBW Epic Theme 2015] Music by Hideyuki Fukasawa Fate/st...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lUT9bgoKf8 (choush版友提供
Fate Extra CCC Gilgamesh theme [Cosmic Air] - YouTube
The song which plays as Gilgamesh epically screws over the enemy with his noble phantasm. -disclaimer- I do not own this music, it belongs to Type-Moon as do...
The song which plays as Gilgamesh epically screws over the enemy with his noble phantasm. -disclaimer- I do not own this music, it belongs to Type-Moon as do...

Fate/ Extra CCC ost 12: The blood countess - YouTube
Requested by Pantoine12 Disc 1: 12 - The Blood Countress Lancers theme. Elizabeth Bathory. Warning: Pantyshots are included. Blame that on her for being an I...
Requested by Pantoine12 Disc 1: 12 - The Blood Countress Lancers theme. Elizabeth Bathory. Warning: Pantyshots are included. Blame that on her for being an I...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja9UfdIwZ34 jm12356版友提供
Top Emotional Osts Of All Times: If You Leave Me - YouTube
From: Fate/Zero Original Soundtrack I Artist: Yuki Kajiura Year: 2011 All music and images belong to their rightful owners. I do not own any of the music, im...
From: Fate/Zero Original Soundtrack I Artist: Yuki Kajiura Year: 2011 All music and images belong to their rightful owners. I do not own any of the music, im...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSwXBx3xNFg (toto958版友提供
28 Shoujo ha Sono Saki he - YouTube
I do not own this song. 28 Shoujo ha Sono Saki he ***Download Mp3 to 4shared*** - - - ...
I do not own this song. 28 Shoujo ha Sono Saki he ***Download Mp3 to 4shared*** - - - ...

Most Epic Osts Of All Times: You Are My King - YouTube
From: Fate/Zero Original Soundtrack II Artist: Yuki Kajiura Year: 2011 All music and images belong to their rightful owners. I do not own any of the music, i...
From: Fate/Zero Original Soundtrack II Artist: Yuki Kajiura Year: 2011 All music and images belong to their rightful owners. I do not own any of the music, i...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqrMDbKXD-4 (嗯....微妙啊..有沒有比較像的
Jingle Bells | Christmas Songs For Kids | Nursery Rhymes for Children By Rajshri Kids - YouTube 'Jingle Bells' - One of the most popular Christmas songs of all times. Santa Claus is here, ringing bells and riding on a sleigh with your Christmas presents...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08ew_Kj-uK4 (westgatepark版友提供
Garden of Sinners 1: Overlooking View OST - 13-M12+13 - YouTube Soundtrack to the first Garden of Sinners (Kara no kyokai) anime movie Overlooking View. Released in 2007. This Anime is one of the best I've seen. Same goes...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7OhglJe-Bs (ghghfftjack版友提供
FGO OST - BBちゃんの逆襲 グランド バトル BGM 〔 Fate/EXTRA CCC× FGO GW・EX 〕 - YouTube 【 Fate/Grand Order OST 】 BB's counterattack grand battle bgm CCCコラボ / fgo ccc collab / fgo bgm / fgo fate/extra cccxfgo / fgo fate/extra ccc / Fate/Grand Ord...

Fate/Grand Order OST - いまは遥か理想の城 - YouTube
Fate/Grand Order OST Fate/Grand Order Original Soundtrack
Fate/Grand Order OST Fate/Grand Order Original Soundtrack

→ : 以前聽過: 呦~ 這個屌~10/05 11:18
→ : 屌爆了~10/05 11:20
→ : 我就是屌~10/05 11:20
→ : 屌炸10/05 11:22
推 : 就是很棒的意思啊 以前妓女在用的10/05 11:23
推 : 很生殖器10/05 11:28
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PB6HWP2 (TypeMoon)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TypeMoon/M.1496081504.A.642.html
→ : 什麼 殺生院有自帶!?1F 05/30 02:12
→ : 有啊 背景音有女高聲 不過很小聲2F 05/30 02:13
→ : 賢王好像有自帶BGM 但是找2個都沒有
→ : 賢王好像有自帶BGM 但是找2個都沒有
→ : 龍娘新模組寶具有BGM喔 還挺帥的XD4F 05/30 02:14
→ : 殺式也有喔5F 05/30 02:14
在劍那邊→ : 騎的話怎麼可以忘了golden6F 05/30 02:15
求一下曲名→ : 所以我說那個阿緹拉呢(?7F 05/30 02:16
他也有!?推 : 殺生院就是專屬BGM呀,只是很小聲8F 05/30 02:18
推 : 騎還有聖誕黑傻9F 05/30 02:18
推 : 騎金閃算嗎?10F 05/30 02:19
Fate/ Extra CCC ost 12: The blood countess - YouTube
Requested by Pantoine12 Disc 1: 12 - The Blood Countress Lancers theme. Elizabeth Bathory. Warning: Pantyshots are included. Blame that on her for being an I...
Requested by Pantoine12 Disc 1: 12 - The Blood Countress Lancers theme. Elizabeth Bathory. Warning: Pantyshots are included. Blame that on her for being an I...

推 : 小黑就魔法少女伊莉雅OP1那首starlog啊12F 05/30 02:21
推 : 殺生院的胎藏曼荼羅有自帶她的主題曲啊13F 05/30 02:22
※ 編輯: u067 (, 05/30/2017 02:27:49推 : 對欸 小黑BGM的是starlog 現在才聽出來XD14F 05/30 02:24
→ : ^的
→ : 學妹BGM是登錄畫面的(這算嗎
→ : ^的
→ : 學妹BGM是登錄畫面的(這算嗎
→ : 不是登錄的喔.FGO有額外幫他REMIX一曲 我有貼17F 05/30 02:28
→ : 原來 長姿勢了18F 05/30 02:29
→ : 但是不知道金時的BGM曲名(′・ω・‵)20F 05/30 02:32
※ 編輯: u067 (, 05/30/2017 02:38:02Goldenboy Bicycle Race - YouTube
Anime music video featuring a bicycle race from "Goldenboy" set to a remix of Queen's Bicycle Race by German artist Blumchen.
Anime music video featuring a bicycle race from "Goldenboy" set to a remix of Queen's Bicycle Race by German artist Blumchen.

→ : golden ...咦?22F 05/30 02:35
→ : 好聽 拜收23F 05/30 02:38
推 : 我蠻喜歡紅尼祿的24F 05/30 02:39
→ : 我本來以為莉莉絲.賢王.梅林.BB有BGM的25F 05/30 02:40
→ : BB有自帶吧?26F 05/30 02:40
→ : 我特地拿生放的來聽...沒聽到...27F 05/30 02:42
→ : Z3429F 05/30 02:49
※ 編輯: u067 (, 05/30/2017 02:52:38Most Epic Osts Of All Times: Army Of The King - YouTube
From: Fate/Zero Original Soundtrack II Artist: Yuki Kajiura Year: 2011 All music and images belong to their rightful owners. I do not own any of the music, i...
From: Fate/Zero Original Soundtrack II Artist: Yuki Kajiura Year: 2011 All music and images belong to their rightful owners. I do not own any of the music, i...

→ : 果然是那首嗎...31F 05/30 02:57
※ 編輯: u067 (, 05/30/2017 02:58:36The Blood Countess - Fate/Extra CCC - OST - YouTube
Track 12 - Disco 1 - The Blood Countess Fate/Extra CCC Original Soundtrack
Track 12 - Disco 1 - The Blood Countess Fate/Extra CCC Original Soundtrack

Altera Main Theme - Fate/Extella - Soundtrack - YouTube
Saber Altera - Main Theme (Low Quality) Fate/EXTELLA - Release date: November 10, 2016 Género: Acción, Musou / Plataforma: PS Vita - PS4
Saber Altera - Main Theme (Low Quality) Fate/EXTELLA - Release date: November 10, 2016 Género: Acción, Musou / Plataforma: PS Vita - PS4

→ : 阿提拉應該是這首吧34F 05/30 03:03
→ : 騎金時應該是原創的,因為他在fate其他任何作品都沒出現35F 05/30 03:08
→ : ,所以沒有所謂bgm的原版與改編…所以除了fgo內放寶具的
→ : 短短一段之外其他地方應該會很難找到
※ 編輯: u067 (, 05/30/2017 03:11:53→ : ,所以沒有所謂bgm的原版與改編…所以除了fgo內放寶具的
→ : 短短一段之外其他地方應該會很難找到
推 : 超愛征服王那首的38F 05/30 03:18
FGO OST - BBちゃんの逆襲 グランド バトル BGM 〔 Fate/EXTRA CCC× FGO GW・EX 〕 - YouTube 【 Fate/Grand Order OST 】 BB's counterattack grand battle bgm CCCコラボ / fgo ccc collab / fgo bgm / fgo fate/extra cccxfgo / fgo fate/extra ccc / Fate/Grand Ord...

→ : BB的自帶BGM應該是這首40F 05/30 03:35
→ : 如果想確定可以去打場10AP聽聽看
※ 編輯: u067 (, 05/30/2017 03:40:32→ : 如果想確定可以去打場10AP聽聽看
推 : 聖誕貞的箱箱箱箱箱箱算嗎42F 05/30 07:59
→ : 不算吧 背景BGM有變嗎XD43F 05/30 08:04
Most Epic Osts Of All Times: You Are My King - YouTube
From: Fate/Zero Original Soundtrack II Artist: Yuki Kajiura Year: 2011 All music and images belong to their rightful owners. I do not own any of the music, i...
From: Fate/Zero Original Soundtrack II Artist: Yuki Kajiura Year: 2011 All music and images belong to their rightful owners. I do not own any of the music, i...

推 : 樓上那首 後面人聲進來金閃就要射寶具了QQ45F 05/30 08:21
推 : 箱箱箱~箱箱箱~ 蘿貞好可愛>///<46F 05/30 08:44
Garden of Sinners 1: Overlooking View OST - 13-M12+13 - YouTube Soundtrack to the first Garden of Sinners (Kara no kyokai) anime movie Overlooking View. Released in 2007. This Anime is one of the best I've seen. Same goes...

推 : 兩儀劍是空境矛盾螺旋第四首「Paradigm」2:44~2:5248F 05/30 09:06
→ : 左右
→ : 左右
→ : 你貼的那首是空境活動的BGM50F 05/30 09:06
→ : 時間是我用聽的 可能不準52F 05/30 09:10
→ : 應該是我貼的那首才對 我剛剛還去開寶具聽53F 05/30 09:13
→ : 那首可是式戰鬥的專用曲啊XDD
→ : 啊我看錯了 殺式是我貼的那首 劍式是你貼的
抱歉 聽起來太像了→ : 那首可是式戰鬥的專用曲啊XDD
→ : 啊我看錯了 殺式是我貼的那首 劍式是你貼的
我一直以為是同一首BGM 前面沒人聲的是殺式.後面有人聲是劍式
※ 編輯: u067 (, 05/30/2017 09:30:01
→ : 兩隻兩儀式的BGM不一樣57F 05/30 09:25
推 : 因為殺式第一次出戰鬥畫面是俯瞰風景所以用的是第一58F 05/30 09:30
→ : 首7:53之後那段 劍式那邊是她第一次跑出來打荒耶用的
→ : 然後這邊指的第一首是原本空境原聲帶的Thanatos
→ : 首7:53之後那段 劍式那邊是她第一次跑出來打荒耶用的
→ : 然後這邊指的第一首是原本空境原聲帶的Thanatos
推 : saber兩儀的BGM,我超愛的啊,果然素偶老婆>///<,61F 05/30 09:35
→ : 不知道台服啥時會出劍兩儀QQ
→ : 不知道台服啥時會出劍兩儀QQ
Kara no Kyoukai OST Ongakushu 1 - YouTube
◘ Kara no Kyoukai BGM Mixes: Ongakushu CD1 // The Garden of Sinners OST ◘ DOWNLOAD CD1+CD2 (MediaFire):
◘ Kara no Kyoukai BGM Mixes: Ongakushu CD1 // The Garden of Sinners OST ◘ DOWNLOAD CD1+CD2 (MediaFire):

→ : 都同一首65F 05/30 09:52
推 : 槍有啊 模組改過之後的龍娘66F 05/30 10:02
→ : 是嗎@@ 我再聽聽67F 05/30 10:04
※ 編輯: u067 (, 05/30/2017 10:19:05推 : 賢王寶具沒有bgm 不過劇情上立繪出來的時候有專屬bgm68F 05/30 10:48
推 : 尼祿我老婆讚啦69F 05/30 11:57
28 Shoujo ha Sono Saki he - YouTube
I do not own this song. 28 Shoujo ha Sono Saki he ***Download Mp3 to 4shared*** - - - ...
I do not own this song. 28 Shoujo ha Sono Saki he ***Download Mp3 to 4shared*** - - - ...

→ : 有在考察 日文曲名是 "少女はその先へ"71F 05/30 13:11
感謝!※ 編輯: u067 (, 05/30/2017 13:40:53
【Fate/Grand Order】専用BGM付き宝具集【CCCイベまで】 by 僕はね、名無しさんなんだ ゲーム/動画 - ニコニコ動画
【Fate/Grand Order】専用BGM付き宝具集【CCCイベまで】 [ゲーム] 前回からいくつか追加&差し替えました。BGMの音量を大きめにしてます。終局特異点・CCCイベラスト... ...
推 : 嫁王最高 語音主題BGM都好聽73F 05/30 14:44
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1304